
our story isn't finished yet

a young girl falls in love with a boy at school years of them growing together takes a toll on them augurments, heart break, love, shame, but their story isn't finished yet.

Jumayca · Teen
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chapter 2

After valentines day things changed between us...

I woke up that morning and went on Instagram he posted single on his story while I was sleeping. I was thinking about texting him about it but something in my gut told me to ask him in person.

I waited for him like a mad dog to show up for school. When he did I walked over to talk to him. Dylan whats going o-

Get away from him his friend pushed me away. Didn't you see his story he doesn't want you anymore. It was embrassing we were only dating for four months but it still hurt. I was so confused on why he was doing this.

I couldn't talk to anybody. I wouldn't talk yo anybody until u talked to him first. In 5th period he seemed normal laughing and chatting with his friends while I'm sitting over here soaking up my tears for him.

After 5th period it was lunch time. He sat at the bar typing on his phone I walked up to him. Whats going on Dylan why are you being weird to me and why did you post that on your story. You was okay yesterday shit we was okay yesterday.

He looked at me. I just don't wanna be with you anymore just accept that he said while going back to typing on his phone. Are you serious right now is this some type of joke or something I said trying to get his attention. I touched his hand and when he snatched back from me I lost it.

Okay Dylan I'll leave you alone.

I took the necklace off he bought for me and threw it at him. I left the cafeteria and tears. I was hurting and he didn't even care.

My sister was on the other hand furious on how he could do that to me with no explanation. He walked out of the cafeteria to talk to me.

Junie listen. No I don't wanna listen your dumping me rember and your so selfish you can't even see that your hurting me right now. I said with tears in my eyes it was so pathetic of me to cry over a boy but up until now he was the one I wanted and he ruined that.

My sister came and slapped him right in the face.

I looked at her and then him he was walking to her furious.

I tried to grab him but he pushed me so hard I fell on a bunch a boxes by the lockers.

And to make atters worse there was so many kids near the lockers that day it was so embrassing. I hated him but deep down inside I still wanted him.

Junie and Dylan's text messages later that day

In my phone he use to be my everything but now he was just daylan.

I don't don't even know why I saved his number. I guess a part of me just didn't want to let him go.


D- Junie can we talk please?

Okay talk-J

D- first I wanted to say that I'm sorry and that this way all a prank I swear I would never try to hurt you like that.

A prank are you sure-J

D-I'm sure I love you Junie let's fix things please.

Okay I love you too goodnight-J

D- goodnight :)



He was a liar if I didn't feel more pathetic then I did yesterday it was way worse the next. He couldn't even have the balls to tell me for real this time the he was done. He waited to do it on a phone call.

He told me he was don't pretending that I made him happy and that he was getting bored of me. To make matters worse it wasn't two weeks later until he found another girlfriend.

How do boys move on so fast It's uncanny. I couldn't belive it I didn't want to believe it it hurted to much. So much that I had to call my mom everyday around lunch time because I couldn't be around him when he was running around the school chasing other girls.

Covid happend and school was over for us packets that we had to pick up for school everywhere one by one in order to finish the rest of the semester. Group chats became a big him during the beginning on the cover ERA and boy was I in a lot of him and so was he.

I still couldn't get over him I know I should've but I couldn't. If it was anybody else I wouldn't mind but him he was different and I hated tha, I hated that we had the same friends, I hated that he still asked about my little siblings,I hated that after all pf what was going on he still decided to move on.

I tried to move on but I just couldn't. All the boys wanted was nudes and if I didn't send them the him he was going to kill himself. It was weird and I couldn't talk to someone that would say something like that.


T- Dylan why did you break up with Junie always?

S- yeah why did you break up with her I

Never knew why?

D- I don't know I guess it's something for me and Junie to discuss privately.


D- I never have you a real reason on why I broke up with you and I know I fucked up I'm sorry. It was just so much shit going on with me and I didn't was you to be part of that. To see that part of me. I moved on and I know you did shit I seen you in his profile picture he probably makes you happy something I can never do. I'm sorry that I hurt you I seen the look in your eyes when all the shit was going down you looked so hurt. It hurted me to know that I hurted you. I'm moving on so I can forget about you it's for the best maybe we can still he friends...