
Our relationship is complicated

“—What is love?” Humans often misunderstand attraction and admiration for love. Jinghe Lu, a handsome but narcissistic, egoistic and over confident high school student questions himself this— for the very first time in his life. His Crush, whom he thought loved him turns out to have feelings for his best friend Yan Xia! Another pretty boy who comes second to Jinghe Lu in sports, academics, looks and everything! “—If she isn't in love with me, then I will make her fall for me!” Determined, Jinghe Lu comes up with various plans and traps to make Qiang Lu fall for him. But wait! He has another trouble at hands to deal with! ???: “You're Jinghe Lu, the guy who used to be ugly and dropped out of school because you were bullied... Am I right?” A mysterious girl blackmails Jin with photos of his dark past and orders him to be her secret boyfriend! What is Jinghe's secret? Will Jinghe Lu ever escape from her grasp? Will Qiang Lu fall in love with him? What is his best friend Yan Xia hiding? Find out for yourself! Original cover art owner: Mmnumm (on twitter)

BluePenguin007 · Urban
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8 Chs

Anxiety, interest and relief!

The auditorium was filled with chattering and squeaking of shoes. Everyone was gathered for the beginning of inaugural.

There were countless students— each having their own feelings. Some were glad to be able to start fresh, some were excited to make new friends, some were here to achieve their goals while some didn't care.

The chatting was soon interrupted when the host tapped on mic requesting for silence and also announcing the start of entrance ceremony.

—Silence broke, but it was soon replaced by boring speeches from teachers, principal and some other faculty members.

As expected —not even an hour and the crowd's attention begins to waver. Some begin to chat with the person beside them while some are dozing off while standing. (How is that even possible?)

Now arises the question—

"How do I catch their attention?"

— it's not as easy as it sounds. Surely I could use my appearance to my advantage... But it alone won't be enough to catch everyone's attention—

I need to do something that would first make them anxious, curious and then relieved. Something that they didn't ever expect— or rather they never expect to be possible.

"And I know exactly what must be done!"

Just then, the host announces—

"Next we have a speech from the student who ranked first in our entrance exams... Uh...Mr Lu Jinghe, please come up on stage."

—The decisive moment finally arrives!


I was standing at the end of the crowd. Why? Because I wanted people to think "Who's that? Never seen him before."

I step out of the crowd, and walk straight forward— towards the stage, ready to be under the limelight.

I can hear words like "Wow" and "Gosh he's so good looking!" and even "I should ask for his number later!"

Now, it's all nice and cool to be praised by strangers but then again— I was a shut in for 2 years.

I never had any proper interaction with people other than my family for all this time. So am I not nervous?

The answer is... a big YES! I'm nervous, super nervous. But I must not show it or rather, when I'm nervous I look cool.

If I get a cold feet now then forget about aiming for top, I could even lose my current standing.

I walk up to stage and take a deep breath then let it out. After standing in front of the mic I insert my hand under my blazer inner pocket to 'take out' the speech paper that I prepared before hand and read it out aloud...but—

Jinghe Lu: "....Ah."

Crowd:" 'Ah'?"

I swiftly take out my hand and insert it in other pockets of my clothes— possible 'searching' for the speech paper.

The audience begin to grow restless. The teachers alike, while standing in the corner whisper to each other, ear to ear.

"Did he lose his speech paper?"

"What is he going to do now?"

"Crap! This is Hilarious!"

"He's definitely going to lose face today! It's a pity that he had to be handsome."

I can hear different words about me. And it is as I desire. The crowd....

—Has grown ANXIOUS. I've piqued their CURIOSITY, they wish to know what happens to me, a handsome guy who lost his speech paper and is possibly about to embarrass himself in front of the entire school body.


—I thought. People who find pleasure in others demise, that's a twisted method to entertain yourself.

But fortunately for them... I have something more interesting up my sleeves.

"—Ahem, Ahem!"

I adjust the mic in front of me to my suitability and tap on it.

I take a deep breathe and let it out...and then—

"Greetings, respected elders, teachers, faculty members and my fellow students. I'm jin—"

I then begin the speech, which I memorized word to word and with suitable hand gestures that I'm supposed to make while speaking.

This was all a part of my plan. I pretended to have forgotten my speech sheet in front of the audience, and the audience that was bored from constant bland speeches and lectures shifted their full attention towards me in interest.

Some were ANXIOUS that a handsome guy like me would have to be embarrassed because he forgot his speech sheet while others would be CURIOUS to know what turns out of me.

And then they're RELIEVED upon finding out that I have memorised the entire speech and that I didn't leave an opening to humiliate myself in front of the crowd.

I made them anxious, then curious and now relieved. That's how I pick their ATTENTION.

And this is my first step towards walking the ladder to the top!


Somewhere among the crowd while Jinghe was giving his speech—

???: "Hmm...why do I feel like I have seen something similar to this in a drama before? —Did he perhaps pretend to lose his speech paper and divert the crowd's wavering attention towards himself? Jinghe Lu... a model student named Jinghe Lu?

—But why does he looks so familiar...? —This is intriguing."

—Said someone in girl's silhouette, possibly one of the students. Who could it be?

—To Be Continued—