
Our Perfectly Imperfect Relationship

"You.. Marry me and I'll make it that you will live a life without worries.." Lee Ha Eun was bewildered by the words said from the unknown man in front of her and yet why does she feel like she could trust him? With nowhere else to go and her newly born baby with her, she couldn't be picky and decided to follow this man. But who would have thought she would become the wife to the CEO of the most renowned and powerful business company in the whole of South Korea, Kim Corporation's Kim Min Joon. Why has this powerful man chose her to marry? What was he trying to do? Was it just by a mere chance of luck that brought this two together or were they destined to be by each other side? Who knows but one can be sure that everything has it's reasons.. "Why is my heart beating like this for him? Have I possibly fallen in love with him?"

Kyunggie12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

In Trouble

Minjoon was in the middle of a meeting when he received a call. He didn't know how to react or what to say with the new information being told to him. He simply just hung up, dismissed the unfinished meeting and storm out of his office.

Everyone in the office knew someone was about to die. Minjoon isn't usually a cold and strict person. He was playful and easy to get along that their time at the office was enjoyable, despite the huge workload and demanding datelines.

Minjoon was different than other bosses. He would sometimes treat them breakfast and give sudden holidays, making him being loved by everyone in the office. But, when he gets angry or in a bad mood, he can freeze anyone from just passing by.

His cold menacing aura was something to be feared of. Just one small mistake and you're be mentally tortured for life. He wouldn't talk to you, not even a single word, but just give you a look you wish you wouldn't see.

And because of one guy's mistake, everyone in the office has to suffer along. It's one of his mottoes, 'All for One and One for All'. He stands deeply into that that if ever anyone pisses him off on a wrong day, they can say goodbye to their sleep.

He would increase the number of workload for them, make them redo proposals after proposals and even quickened the datelines submission of their projects. During those time, the office would be a mess and everybody will be rushing around to complete their assigned work.

The only person that can help them was his elder sister, Kim Min Jee. She would stride into his office with a mysterious folder in hand and a few minutes later, Minjoon would be back to normal. Nobody knows the content of the folder but as long as they were saved from their suffering, they didn't mind not knowing about it.

Minjoon drove to Seoul Private Hospital in a flash and when he got there, he was automatically shown to Haeun's room. He was glad to know that she was put in the VIP private room and that Haeun's condition was nothing too serious.

She just had a cut, not too deep, but deep enough that she needed stitching. It will probably leave a scar but since it was at the side of her forehead, it could be covered by her hair. Hearing what the doctor said, Minjoon didn't feel quite happy.

He immediately called out both Minhyuk and Leo out of the room when the doctor left. "Just what the hell happened?! I ask you guys to take care of her and this is what I get?! She's just going shopping for fuck sake! How the hell did she end up like this?!"

His voice can be heard throughout the entire corridor. Thankfully the walls were soundproof if not his voice would surely have woken Haeun up. Hearing Minjoon scolding them, both Minhyuk and Leo felt a little relief. It meant that they were not seriously deep in trouble.

"Lady Haeun was bumped by Miss Jessica of the Jung family, Sir. She thought Lady Haeun was a beggar and demand an apology from her. But Lady Haeun ignored her. So she kicks her shoulder and her forehead hit the edge of a table beside her, Sir. We're truly sorry, Sir! We tried to help her up when she fell but she didn't want us to. It's our fault! We have failed you greatly, Sir!"

Both Minhyuk and Leo when down on one knee and bowed their head low. They didn't want to anger Minjoon more than they already did. And knowing how he was when he's mad, it was better not to look at him.

Minjoon taps his feet as he begins to rub his chin. Someone had mess with the wrong person and they deserve to get something in return. He wasn't a guy that can just forgive and forget. Once you mess with something that was his, who knows what they will become?

"Stand up. It's annoying seeing you guys so obedient. I'll forgive you guys this once and never again. If you fail me again, don't even think you guys can ever live your life freely like this. Now, I want you guys to do something for me."

Minhyuk and Leo look at each other as they felt a shiver ran down their spine. This wouldn't end well, would it?


Haeun opens her eyes and all she saw was a blurry ceiling. She blinks a few times in an attempt to adjust her eyes of the bright surrounding. After a while, her vision cleared up and she felt a stinging pain by the side of her forehead. She wanted to feel what it was but when she moves her left arm, she heard a groan.

She quickly sat up and look at who it was, making her head to spin a little. She almost falls back to the bed but was caught by a strong hand on her back. His eyes look worryingly at her as he gently laid her back down on the bed.

"What were you thinking, abruptly sitting up like that? You could have worsened your condition if I wasn't there to catch you, you know? How are you feeling? Better? The doctor said the cut wasn't deep but they still had to stitch it up. It will most probably leave a scar though."

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you well.. I never thought something like this would happen to you from just going shopping.. I was careless.. I should have followed you along but no, I didn't.. All this wouldn't happen if I had followed along.."

Minjoon had a pained expression as he said those words. He was holding on to Haeun's left hand, gripping harder by the minute. He felt like a failure, a failure as a man who can't even protect the one person he loves.

He doesn't want to lose Haeun again. It pained him to remember the incident a few months back when Haeun was gone from his sight. He doesn't want that to happen again, no matter it being her leaving him willingly nor accidentally. She will become his and forever be with him, with no exception.

"You don't have to blame yourself for it. It wasn't your fault at all.. It was my careless and my forgetfulness that is to be blamed. If it wasn't for me fretting over where to get money to buy my things, it all wouldn't happen. I've forgotten that you gave me your card to spend and I didn't even wear the clothes you bought for me. So don't blame yourself because I'm to blame too.."

At that moment, with the words that Haeun said, Minjoon felt his heart beating faster. The smile that Haeun had on her face was so mesmerizing that he could watch it all day long. It was his only dream, to watch the person he loved smile lovingly at him. He was contented enough with a small smile from Haeun that he vows to protect her smile with everything that he has.

While the atmosphere in the hospital was calming and full of sweetness, the world outside was in chaos. Especially inside Jung Corporations, everyone was running around trying to finish their projects and proposals. It was a huge mess when they heard their company going to shut down.

Inside the president's office, a man sits in his expensive leather office chair as sweats start to trickle down his forehead. He was panicking in the inside, not knowing how to save his company from the disaster that had befallen onto them.

How could this happen? Why were all his investors suddenly drawing out their investments with them? Why were companies canceling their contract with them on collaborating? What had he done wrong? He couldn't find the answer.

As he begins to fret about what he was going to do with his life, his office phone rang. He thought it might finally be a piece of good news for him but he regretted picking up the phone. His face turns white as sheets as he hears the voice talking to him from the other side of the line. After the call ended, he falls off the chair from disbelief. It was over. There is nothing that can save him and his company now.