
Our Perfectly Imperfect Relationship

"You.. Marry me and I'll make it that you will live a life without worries.." Lee Ha Eun was bewildered by the words said from the unknown man in front of her and yet why does she feel like she could trust him? With nowhere else to go and her newly born baby with her, she couldn't be picky and decided to follow this man. But who would have thought she would become the wife to the CEO of the most renowned and powerful business company in the whole of South Korea, Kim Corporation's Kim Min Joon. Why has this powerful man chose her to marry? What was he trying to do? Was it just by a mere chance of luck that brought this two together or were they destined to be by each other side? Who knows but one can be sure that everything has it's reasons.. "Why is my heart beating like this for him? Have I possibly fallen in love with him?"

Kyunggie12 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

First Meeting

Haeun was packing her stuff as the doctor allowed her to be discharged. Minjoon was quietly sitting on the sofa, seemingly texting someone on his phone. She was actually curious who it was since he was seriously texting away, not once looking up from it.

She was concern that it was about his work. Since she was admitted to the hospital earlier, he told her that he had been there the whole day. She didn't want to disrupt his work just because of her getting injured. Haeun felt that since her condition wasn't serious, he doesn't exactly have to be with her the entire time.

"Minjoon.. How is Hyomin? Since I'm here the whole day, I didn't get to feed her. Is she alright? I'm worried if she'll be okay.. And about meeting your parents, I'm sorry.. Because of my incident, we can't meet them today.. I also have yet to buy the things I needed.. I'm sorry for troubling you so much.."

Minjoon looks up from his phone and lets out a soft sigh. He then walks up to Haeun and gently took both her hands onto his. He gently gazes towards her and smile, kissing her hands afterward.

"You don't have to worry about her. She's fine and has been sleeping peacefully since earlier. The babysitter had given her formula milk when she was hungry and it seems she was okay with it. And about my family, you don't have to apologize. I was going to tell you later but it seems that I'll just have to tell you now."

"My family was texting me earlier when they heard something bad happen to you. They were worried and wanted to come to visit you instead but I didn't want to freak you out right when you just woke up. So they insisted to wait for you at my house."

The news came as a shock to Haeun since she didn't expect Minjoon's family to wait for her at his house. She wasn't wearing anything decent at the moment and for her to meet them like that, she didn't felt like it was appropriate to do. If she were to leave a bad impression on the first meeting, it wouldn't be good for her and Minjoon.

While Haeun was busy trying to find a solution to escape from meeting his family, Minjoon, on the other hand, was observing each and every reaction she made. From the looks of it, she was worrying about unimportant stuff again. He shook his head in defeat at the way Haeun's mind works. But he didn't mind, it was one of her traits that Minjoon loves anyway.

"Hey, hey.. Can you not worry too much? You've just hurt your head and I don't want anything worst to happen to you.. Don't worry alright? My family has already met Hyomin and they love her, so they will love you too. They have also helped to get all the things you needed, like Hyomin's necessities and yours too. They're a very understanding people, so you don't have to worry too much okay? Can't you do that for me?"

Minjoon looks into Haeun's eyes with such gentleness and care that it somehow made her heart flutter. She felt warm in the inside from the way he's looking and treating her. It has been a long time since she felt anything like that. Her husband wasn't a caring and gentle person, so to suddenly be given so much attention, she felt touched.

"Okay.. If.. If you say so.. I'll trust you then... Thank you.. For all of the help that you've given me.. I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you.." Somehow, it was hard for Haeun to say those words. Minjoon gaze that was constantly on her made her face flushed red till the tip of her ears. And she felt embarrassed cause she doesn't know how to cool her face down.

"You just have to remember me... That's all I'm asking.. Come, let's go back home. My family is dying to see you.." Minjoon made an eye smile before taking Haeun's stuff on one hand and her hand on the other, slowly exiting the hospital and into his car.


The car ride from the hospital to his house wasn't long and before they knew it, they have reached Minjoon's house. Minjoon looks to his side and smile, carefully taking out his phone from his pocket to take a picture of the beautiful scene that was in front of him. He didn't know when he will ever get a chance like this again. So to be saved, he wanted to take a picture to keep it as a memory.

"Haeun.. Hey.. Wake up you sleepy head.. We're back home already.. If you don't wake up, don't blame me if I start attacking you.." Minjoon patted her shoulder as he whispers in her ear. Immediately after hearing his voice, Haeun opens her eyes wide and sat up straight on her seat. She pretended to adjust her hair before getting out of the car and thank Mr. Song for opening the car door for her.

But when she was about to start walking to the porch, realization just hit her. She was about to meet Minjoon's family in less than a few steps away and she doesn't know what to do. How is she suppose to react in front of them? Is she suppose to act like a person brought up with etiquettes or just be herself? All these questions had started to make her feel nervous and full of anxiety.

She doesn't want to mess things up on her first meeting with them. The first impression of someone last a lifetime and if she screwed this meeting, she would be doomed for life. It's not like she's meeting some normal family, she's meeting a rich family. So obviously she would feel more nervous than when she met her in-laws. The pressure of wanting to impress them somehow weighs on her shoulder.

As she was freaking out, she suddenly felt a pair of hands on her shoulder. Her heart almost stop beating from the shock by when she realizes that it was Minjoon, Haeun felt herself calming down. She doesn't know why but whenever she feels uneasy or nervous, she somehow manages to calm down with Minjoon just being there by her side. Though he can be annoying and childish at times, the aura that he radiates around her makes her feels calm and protected.

Minjoon was happy when he saw Haeun has calm down and decided to give her a gentle massage oh her shoulder to loosen her stiff muscle. After confirming that Haeun was no longer nervous, Minjoon took her hand and entwine it with his before walking to his front porch. From just outside the door, they could hear loud noises inside, which made them wonder what they were doing.

But before Minjoon could unlock the front door, it was already open by a young girl in a pink Mozqhino dress. She looks blankly at the both of them before suddenly screaming her lungs out, shocking Haeun to death. Though before she screamed Minjoon had covered her ears with his hands, her scream was so loud that Haeun still manages to hear it.

How could Minjoon's ear not bleed from it? And how is he still so calm? He even manages to cover Haeun's ears in time, as if like he already knows that she was going to scream. Was he already use to this? Many questions run through her mind in those few seconds that her ear was being covered. The scream did end after a minute or so, with the girl looking enthusiastically towards Haeun.

"Kim Min Jung.. Can you stop being so loud for once? You're an adult for god sake, not a monkey. Now can you move aside? You're blocking the entrance and we want to go in." Minjoon kept a stoic face but from his voice, he clearly sounded annoyed. He had already expected this to happen but he didn't expect his sister to shout that loud. His ears actually momentarily when deaf for a minute.

Minjung squeal in delight as she made way for them to enter, giddily jumping as she follows them from the back. She really can't believe that she's finally got to meet her sister in law. She wanted to be composed and calm when she saw her earlier but she just seems to not be able to control her excitement and happiness. She has longed to want to meet her and finally that she's here, there was no way she can stay still.

Hi Guys!

You guys might have notice that I've change the spelling of Moschino to Mozqhino in this chapter. And I'm going to do so for others chapters as well.

So don't be surprise when you read and see me wrongly spell a certain brand name.

Hope you like the story so far & look forward to tomorrow's update!

Yeonsoo09creators' thoughts