
Our Perfectly Imperfect Relationship

"You.. Marry me and I'll make it that you will live a life without worries.." Lee Ha Eun was bewildered by the words said from the unknown man in front of her and yet why does she feel like she could trust him? With nowhere else to go and her newly born baby with her, she couldn't be picky and decided to follow this man. But who would have thought she would become the wife to the CEO of the most renowned and powerful business company in the whole of South Korea, Kim Corporation's Kim Min Joon. Why has this powerful man chose her to marry? What was he trying to do? Was it just by a mere chance of luck that brought this two together or were they destined to be by each other side? Who knows but one can be sure that everything has it's reasons.. "Why is my heart beating like this for him? Have I possibly fallen in love with him?"

Kyunggie12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Someone Untouchable

The sky starts to brighten up as the sun begins to rise. A ray of sunlight escapes through a gap from the curtains, making Haeun stirred in bed. She has never slept so well for a long that she didn't want to wake up. But a sudden thought came to her mind, immediately making her be awake.

She quickly sat up on the bed and look to her side. The other side of the bed was empty with no traces of Minjoon in sight. Haeun heave a sigh of relief when she confirmed that Minjoon had already gone to work.

It wasn't like she wanted to avoid him but it was more like she didn't know how to face him after sleeping in the same bed as him. She felt that seeing him later would be less awkward than seeing him right after she woke up. So with him already gone, Haeun felt better.

After a night of decent sleep on a comfortable and soft mattress, she felt refresh like never before. And Haeun has to give thanks to Minjoon for that. He only waked her up to feed Hyomin, which was once throughout the entire night.

As for changing her diapers and caring for her when she cried, Haeun notices that Minjoon never woke her up for that. He did it all by himself, taking his time since he wasn't sure how. She was actually awakened by Hyomin's cry but every time, before she could get up, he already attends to her.

It was honestly nice of him to do that for her even when Hyomin is not his baby. If it were someone else, she was sure they wouldn't bother to help her take care of her baby like that. It somehow touches her heart and the thought of it made her smile.


Haeun was now currently at K Shopping Mall, one of the biggest shopping mall in the country. It has a variety of shops from clothing to electronics and many more. She could literally shop for everything that she needed there without worry but that wasn't her biggest concern at the moment.

Her biggest concern was the price since K Shopping Mall is known for its many luxuries brand and goods which were of top quality standards. Just one simple baby clothes can cost from a few hundred dollars. How is she suppose to afford anything?

Just as she was about to go out of the mall and ask the driver to sent her to another mall, she received a message from Minjoon on her new phone. She didn't buy the phone, it was Minjoon who bought it for her. He left them by the bedside table for her to use so that it's easier for them to contact each other.

"Hey! How's everything so far? Manage to get everything you need? You don't have to worry about anything okay? Just buy them if you need it. I purposely ask Mr. Song to bring you to K Shopping Mall to shop because all the things there are exceptionally good and can be trusted. If you need anything, just call me alright?"

Haeun read the message and became speechless. How is Minjoon able to send a text like this to her? Why is he acting like they have known each other since forever? And what's worst, Haeun actually read the message with a bratty school girl voice in mind.

It was only missing the typical kiss that bratty rich girls do with each other as a sign of goodbye or hello. Not that she was against them or anything but she doesn't actually have a good impression of them. Well, who would if they were the cause of you losing your job.

Because of the message, Haeun starts contemplating her choices. The mall did have everything she needed to get and since she was meeting with Minjoon's family that evening, she couldn't possibly wear some cheap dress right? That would be like making a fool out of herself and also embarrassing Minjoon too.

But where is she going to get the money from? Everything there was expensive and she only has like a few hundred which Minjoon left for her. How is she suppose to buy all the things she needed with so little money? At most, she could only afford to buy a dress that she was going to wear that evening.

As she continues to contemplate on what she was going to do, a lady who had just entered the building bump into her, causing her to fall on her butt. The stuff that was in her coat pocket had fallen out of it and was scattered around the marble white floor.

"Tch! Can't you look where you're going? Serves you right for that. Now, apologize you beggar!" The lady was shouting at her, purposely creating a scene and wanting attention. Maybe because she was dressed simply, the lady had called her a beggar.

Haeun felt like she was being discriminated. Just because she was dressed simply, it doesn't mean she was a beggar. Anyone was free to wear whatever they wanted when they go out. Who was she to judge her base on what she wore?

The bodyguards, Minhyuk & Leo, that was accompanying her wanted to step in and help her but she waved them away. She had asked them to keep a distance from her because she doesn't want to attract attention with them following her around when she shops.

"Hey! You! Are you deaf?! Apologize to me right now or you'll be kicked out from this shopping mall forever! Do you even know who I am?! Listen to me when I'm talking you piece of shit!" Haeun was about to stand up when the lady kicks her on her shoulder.

The kick made Haeun's forehead to hit the edge of a glass coffee table beside her. The side of her forehead started to bleed as her vision starts to get blurry. Many onlookers gasp when they saw what had happened but none help her out.

Haeun didn't like the look they were giving her and she just wanted to get away from them. So, she held in the pain and started picking up her stuff that was all around. But as she was almost done, she saw a golden card by the side of the coffee table and took it.

How could she have forgotten? The reasons she was there was because Minjoon had given her this card to spend. She was so eager yesterday to try using this card but she had actually forgotten about it.

Maybe it was karma. She was sure something like this would happen if she tried to use the credit card. As she sighs to herself for being forgetful, she didn't realize that everyone around her was frozen in their place.

They didn't expect Haeun to have such a card with her. Especially the lady that had kicked her earlier. Even though her father was the owner of K Shopping Mall, he still wasn't eligible to get the exclusive VVIP Gold credit card that Haeun was holding.

That could only mean one thing. Haeun wasn't a beggar, she was more than that. She was someone extraordinary and high above everyone else, someone who is untouchable. Everyone thoughts were thinking of just one thing. 'How screwed was that lady?'

Seeing that Haeun couldn't possibly get any more attention then she did, Minhyuk and Leo rush to her side. "Lady Haeun! Are you okay? We need to get you to the hospital now! We will do the shopping some other day alright? Quick! To the car!"

Haeun was slowly losing consciousness resulting for her to be in a daze. Minhyuk quickly carried her swiftly in his arms while Leo took her stuff and rush straight to the car. Mr. Song who saw Haeun's condition from the view mirror immediately drove off to the nearest hospital.

Minhyuk and Leo call Minjoon as soon as they reached the hospital to inform him about the situation. The call was quickly hung up as they start to worry. Not getting a reply was a sign that Minjoon wasn't impressed with what he heard. They can only pray nothing worst will happen to them.

Hi guys! Since this is the last stage of my contest, I can post my chapters freely from now on. So I've decided to make a regular update of 1 chapter a day, 7 times a week. I can't exactly give an exact timing but most probably will update each day around noon. Thank you for all your support and look out for the next update tomorrow!

Yeonsoo09creators' thoughts