
22. Inundation, Outcry, and Summons

Chapter Twenty-Two - Inundation, Outcry, and Summons

It will never be known who, exactly, spread the news. All that anyone did know was that two very juicy bits of news were known throughout London by the time most people broke their fast. The first was that Fitzwilliam Darcy was now "His Grace, the Duke of Carlisle." That alone would have produced a storm, especially among single ladies and their mothers, but the second both deflated and inflamed the issue: His Grace, the Duke of Carlisle, had chosen a bride. There was weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth... and then the claws came out.

Before most people even knew her identity on that morning, Elizabeth Bennet was vilified, demonized, and despised. As the tiny tidbits of information were discovered and discussed, she became the anti-Christ... or worse yet: an upstart country nobody who had just stolen the most eligible bachelor on the planet (their exaggeration, not mine).

Lady Matlock, who had her finger on the pulse of the Ton, had intended to take Elizabeth to the modiste on the morning of the announcement. After the outcry, she deemed it safer for the modiste to come to Matlock House. The modiste, naturally, become the most informed source about the interloper. Thankfully, the modiste was Madame de Bousette. Lady Matlock was shocked when Angelique came in, saw Elizabeth, and immediately seized her to kiss her on both cheeks. "My Lady, I knew it when I read the name on the note! 'Ow marvelous!"

The Countess was about to erupt, but Elizabeth forestalled her with a smile, "Lady Matlock, please allow me to present Angelique de Bousette, my friend and partner. The Bousettes were Landowners for generations until that terrible business in France."

Angelique smiled at the bewildered countess, "Oh, so much more than a friend, Comtesse. She is my family's savior, her and her creative sister."

Elizabeth had to explain about her powered loom and her investments in the modiste business. Lady Matlock wan't entirely comfortable with the idea that her niece-in-law was so closely associated with trade, but she knew that both her husband and Darcy were heavily invested and more involved in the business side of their investments than the Ton would sanction. She watched as the modiste... currently the best in London, fitted Elizabeth. What she noted the most was that this unusual young woman who would soon be a duchess treated everyone the same. It was no wonder she was liked by so many and almost deified by some.

Darcy had already explained about the appellation "Our Lady" and how it came to be. Elizabeth, though embarrassed, had also explained about her royal summons. Lady Matlock suspected that those who wished to challenge and vilify this woman would regret it.

Equally interesting was the true identity of "Katerina." Lady Matlock was currently wearing a Katerina dress. She had at least six more dresses from the same designer in her closet... all designed by a seventeen year old girl. What a fascinating family.

de Bousette's shop was inundated with ladies seeking information over the next few days. Of course Angelique was vague, but had nothing but glowing reports. That lost her some customers, but with Elizabeth requiring the complete wardrobe of a duchess, she wasn't too concerned.


True to Mr. Bennet's prediction, Mrs. Bennet's less-than-mellifluous voice was heard throughout Meryton that morning.

The first announcement was very poorly received. Mr. Bennet deliberately allowed his cousin first privilege and the pompous little priest did himself proud with his proud proclamation of his engagement to Charlotte Lucas. Mrs. Bennet decried the match, first in front of Mr. Collins and then continuing after he stormed out of Longbourn.

"The nerve of that man! To steal my home from me and then to have the effrontery to bring that scheming Charlotte in to displace me from my rightful position! I have known for years that we couldn't trust that family, but would anyone listen!? And it is all that ungrateful Lizzie's fault! If she had returned when I instructed, that oaf would have never chosen that plain, doudy, scheming spinster over my daughter! It is a good thing that you didn't bring that ungrateful girl home, because now she will never be allowed to step foot in this home again! Mark my words!"

Mr. Bennet smiled, "That is unfortunate. But then, how will you throw her an engagement dinner?"


"Well of course, Mrs. Bennet. How can my Lizzy be engaged to Mr. Collins when she is already engaged to the Duke?"

"Engaged to the... you said... why are you making such a jest?" Catherine and Lydia were sitting up straight now, watching their father for the truth.

"No jest, dear. My Lizzy is... Well, here..." he extended the London Times to her, "Read it yourself." He smugly sat back as all three females read the announcement. Fanny muttered... "look, it says Mister Darcy, not Duke..." It was Lydia who saw the other blurb, "Mama, look down here: This paper has confirmed that Fitzwilliam Darcy, of the Pemberly Darcys, was identified and has already been elevated as the next Duke of Carlisle. As noted in a previous announcement on this page, His Grace has chosen Miss Elizabeth Bennet to be his bride..."

Fanny screamed in ecstasy. Then she fainted, landing face-first on the table before falling to the floor. It was another twenty minutes before she revived. It was another ten before Elizabeth's trap could be hitched... and then Mrs. Bennet spent the remainder of the day driving the poor horse around the county as she proclaimed her own exalted status as the mother of a future duchess.


Though the knocker remained down, the inundating flood of visitors continued to come to the Darcy House front door. Several actually attempted to sneak in through another door. Jarvis, who had worked for the family for decades and held them with great respect, was ready to quit. It was Lord Steven Archer who pointed out that Dover House, which now belonged to Darcy and which was only two houses down from Archer House, was unoccupied at the moment. Within hours a bevy of servants were there to prepare the place. In the dark of the night Darcy House was closed down and the entire household relocated to that old and distinguished domicile.

Elizabeth continued to visit daily, but with their engagement now public it was necessary to ensure that they were always well chaperoned, lest any taint of compromise be seen. It was another week before Darcy was cleared to go out in public. Despite the concerns of some, he determined to take his lovely betrothed to the theater, their first public outing, which would be followed the next day in church by the first reading of the banns.

The play for that night was Much Ado About Nothing, the irony of which pleased both the Duke and his future Duchess, but they never got to attend. Instead they received a royal summons.

Once again the venue was Buckingham House instead of Saint James Palace, only this time it was the new Duke of Carlisle who escorted his lady into the presence of the Queen... and two other very unexpected guests. Elizabeth's eyes went wide and it was everything she could do not to shout "Charlotte!" as she recognized her best friend... and her affianced cousin, Mr. Collins.

Queen Charlotte smiled in welcome as Elizabeth and the Duke entered, "Your Grace, Lady Elizabeth," She greeted them. Collins actually began to puff up and protest, but Charlotte quickly forestalled him with a hand on his. The bewildered little man seemed overwhelmed by the whole ordeal.

The Duke executed a graceful bow despite his injuries and Elizabeth's curtsy was perfect, but neither seemed to be able to find the right words to say. Queen Charlotte actually chuckled. "You believe that I have made an error in address, but neither of you is quite prepared to correct me, am I right?"

Elizabeth spoke, "Yes, Your Majesty... as I explained before... the title of Lady was only something that my friends assigned me... in jest."

"Now Elizabeth, it is never acceptable to prevaricate to your monarchs. In fact, the people of Hertfordshire endowed you with that title out of the utmost respect and adoration... and as an acknowledgment of what you had done. So you see, I am not in error. In fact, I finally have it within my power to correct a grievous error." The Queen looked over at Charlotte, who seemed surprisingly calm, "Some months ago, my husband elevated Mr. Lucas to Sir William Lucas... and that honor will stand."

Elizabeth felt relieved at that. She couldn't imagine having the Lucas family degraded. But the Queen wasn't finished. "I also learned, through a mutual acquaintance, I understand, that your home, Longbourn is entailed away from the female line and that Mr. Collins is to be the heir when your father passes?"

Collins began to speak, saying, "Yes, Your Majesty. I have the great honor..." He stopped when Charlotte squeezed his hand and the Queen regarded him coldly. She turned back to Elizabeth, "I deplore the practice of displacing females in favor of distant relatives, so I have set to remedy this travesty."

This time both Elizabeth and Collins looked alarmed, while Charlotte looked resigned and the Duke looked justified. Queen Charlotte continued, disregarding everyone's reactions, "Mr. Collins, it is my understanding that you have a great affection for the area around Kent. Is this correct?"

"Well, yes, Your Majesty. My noble..."

"Kent is a beautiful country, Mr. Collins, and it would be a great place for you to raise a family with Miss Lucas... and to begin your own family line without the taint of usurping entails. So I have an offer for you. Namely this: as of this moment, the entail on Longbourn is forever broken. In return, in fairness to your own expectations, I have had my staff locate a comparable piece of property in Kent which will hereafter be the home of you and all future Collins. Do you accept my royal gift, Mr. Collins?"

Poor Mr. Collins was overwhelmed and his mouth worked like a fish, but Charlotte met the Queen's eyes with both gratefulness and humility, "Thank you, Your Majesty. We do accept. And we thank you with all our heart."

The Queen looked at the minister, then at his intended bride, "Then it is done, Miss Lucas. And may your children have your intelligence and grace. You are both dismissed, and my chancellor will meet you to sign the documents in the antechamber." The two bowed and Charlotte practically led her future husband out of the room, but not before meeting Elizabeth's eyes, nodding towards the Duke, and smiling in congratulations.

After the odd couple departed, the Queen turned her attention to her more distinguished guests. "As I was saying, Lady Elizabeth... or should I say, Lady Longbourn, I have had the entail to Longbourn broken. Further, my husband, my son, and I have discussed your contributions to the crown in detail. First, you materially contributed to the restoration of the fleet to a fighting force during a time of great peril to Great Britain. Second, you saved the life of a great peer of the realm at the risk of your own life. And third, you foiled the plot and thereby aided in the capture of a traitor to the crown..."

Both Elizabeth and Darcy looked shocked and confused about this, so the Queen smiled, "What you did not and could not know was that Baron Stafford was not only involved in the corrupt supply system providing low quality food and arms to our soldiers and sailors, but he was also involved in selling information to the French. Our investigation of his properties made after his flight have revealed his own treason and led us to several other highly placed traitors. If he had succeeded in his quest for the dukedom, he would have been highly placed to do great damage to our realm.

"So you see, Lady Elizabeth, it is indisputable that your personal contribution to the security of our realm had been immeasurable. So while We cannot knight you, as a woman," her voice changed into her official personna, "We can and have made Longbourn and your adjoining property into the Barony of Longbourn, and combined it the Barony of Stafford which was forfeited to the crown by the traitor. The whole being sufficiently large, We have deemed it appropriate as the seat for the present and future Earls and Countesses of Longbourn. There being, at this moment, no such Earl..." She smiled mischievously at the Duke, "... We have recognized you, Elizabeth Bennet, as Lady Bennet, the Countess of Longbourn. We do this to end all contention concerning the worthiness of our vassal to marry her Duke.

"As of December Sixth, after you sign the register, the two of you will thereafter be known as Lord and Lady Darcy, Duke and Duchess of Carlisle, Earl and Countess of Longbourn. May your family prosper and your line always be of equal honor to this crown and kingdom."

Queen Charlotte seemed to relax then and she actually grinned at her two very stunned guests, "The proclamation will appear in tomorrow's papers, as well as a correction to your engagement announcement. Would you both like to read the revised article?"

Darcy and Elizabeth stepped forward tentatively and Elizabeth took the proffered page with shaking hands. Together they read:

Due to an alteration in status, this paper has been requested to print an alteration to the engagement announcement for His Grace, the Duke of Carlisle to Miss Elizabeth Bennet. Miss Bennet, having been elevated through the patent of nobility decreed on November Thirteen, the Year of Our Lord Eighteen and Eleven to the rank of Countess of Longbourn.

Hear ye all who read this: Their Royal Majesties, King George III and Queen Consort Charlotte hereby announce the betrothal of Lord Fitzwilliam Darcy, Duke of Carlisle, to Lady Elizabeth Bennet, Countess of Longbourn, to be wed at Saint Pauls Cathedral on the Sixth Day of December, in the Year of Our Lord Eighteen and Eleven.


A royal envoy arrived in Longbourn at the same time as Darcy and Elizabeth met with the Queen. With great dignity and aplomb he handed the sealed scroll to Mr. Thomas Bennet while Mrs. Bennet and her two remaining daughters looked out of the window. The envoy bowed to Mr. Bennet, remounted his stallion, and sped down the road back toward London.

Even the always-amused Thomas Bennet was shaken by this delivery, but he took himself to his bookroom, carefully cracked the seal, and read the same words that the Queen was speaking at that very moment. When he was finished, he laid the scroll down and with shaking hands managed to pour himself two fingers of brandy. Then he read it all again and shook his head in wonder.

For once Thomas set aside his cruel humor and went out to inform his lady and daughters. He made sure that Fanny was safely seated before proceeding. It was over an hour before his daughters could revive her this time.