
21. A Gaggle of Guests

Our Lady of Longbourn

Chapter Twenty-One - A Gaggle of Guests

Although the knocker was down, certain people always had access to the Darcy's, including the Matlocks, their only dear relatives. When the Earl of Matlock's sister Anne had died, and later when her husband, the elder Darcy had died, it was the Earl and Countess of Matlock who had stepped in to offer comfort and support to the Darcy children. Unlike their sister, Lady Catherine, they offered themselves without any expectations. So, naturally, they thought of the Darcy's as their own children and the Darcy's felt much the same.

The elder pair had been in Ireland during most of the events previously described, giving attention to the ancient family seat. It was not until two weeks before that they had received notice of Darcy's attack and subsequent elevation. The need to complete important projects and stormy seas had delayed their return. When they arrived that evening, it was to find their second son, Richard, back in town. In his usual teasing manner, he hinted at another and even more interesting change in his cousin's status. When they finally dragged the story of Elizabeth, her daring rescue of Darcy, her own merits, and the engagement out of Richard, they were both grateful and concerned.

As soon as it was appropriate to do so on the following morning, therefore, the Matlock's presented themselves at Darcy House. Jarvis admitted them politely and was preparing to announce them when the trio heard Georgiana's happy laughter, a sound that they had not heard since the incident at Ramsgate. They also heard someone playing a comical piece on the piano and another voice, light and humerous. The Countess placed a hand on Jarvis' shoulder, staying his intent. Instead the noble couple cautiously peered through the door into the music room.

"So then the goat goes tearing off after Mr. Burgess..." the young lady sitting at the piano continued, now playing a string of notes the allowed her audience, both intended and unseen, to visualize a goat chasing a man, "... right through Lady Lucas' garden party, with all of the boys chasing after them. Poor Mr. Burgess, who was actually quite a portly man, lept onto the table with all of the dishes, running for his life, and the goat did just the same," her tune changed and became more chaotic. The Matlocks watched their niece laughing so hard that she cried as the other young lady continued, "There was chaos and there were cries as Mrs. Long's prize berry pie and my mother's three-layer cake flew into the air landing on all and sundry, but neither Mr. Burgess, nor the goat, nor the boys noticed... well, except for Tommy Long, who stopped to steal a chunk of cake before continuing the chase..."

The pretty young woman suddenly stopped, her eyes fixed on the door where the Matlocks were standing. Georgiana glanced over and smiled gloriously, "Aunt! Uncle! Welcome home! Oh please, you must hear Elizabeth's story!"

Elizabeth made the connection and, mortified, curtsied to the pair, "Forgive me, we weren't expecting..." Though she turned red, there was still a twinkle in her eyes that was quite captivating.

"Nonsense!" Matlock blurted, "Please, finish the story. Now I must know what happened to poor Mr. Burgess."

Elizabeth looked uncertain, but Georgiana giggled, "You missed the first part of the story, Uncle, or you wouldn't say 'poor Mr. Burgess'. Oh Lizzy, please go on!?"

The effervescent young lady sighed and said, "Very well, if you are certain. To recap, Mr. Burgess had set his cap for MissTindall, the spinster... who owned a goat..."

Darcy arrived from a meeting several minutes later to find his sister, his aunt and uncle laughing uproariously while his beloved looked on with a 'cat that ate the canary' expression. "Well, I see that I have guests. Aunt, Uncle, how was your trip?"

Lord Fitzwilliam, the Earl of Matlock, smiled broadly and very carefully looked his nephew over, "Our trip was excellent, young man, though not as eventful as things on the homefront, I hear. Truly, Son, how are you?"

Darcy smiled affectionately at his uncle and answered as he moved over to stand beside his lady love, "Much better, Uncle. It seems that you have already met Miss Bennet, but perhaps you haven't been properly introduced. Aunt, Uncle, may I introduce you to Miss Elizabeth Bennet... my fiance? Elizabeth, may I present Lord John Fitzwilliam and Lady Angeline Fitzwilliam, the Earl and Countess of Matlock?"

With the ice already broken, what followed was a pleasant visit. The Matlocks still had certain questions when they left, but each was convinced that the young lady would suit Darcy quite well... and bring life back into their home.


Mr. Bennet arrived next, having made an early start of it. Jarvis had been alerted to expect the man, so he received prompt admittance. The Archers were intended to participate in the initial introductions, but nobody had expected him to arrive so early.

Elizabeth, undaunted, made the introductions. Darcy, he knew, though only slightly. He was polite, though cautious with the younger man. To Georgiana he was everything kind and friendly. Then he turned back to Elizabeth, "My dear, I have no desire to be rude, but would it be possible for us to speak privately for perhaps ten minutes?"

Darcy looked at Elizabeth, saw her willingness, and nodded, "By all means sir, please use my library." He led the pair to the room and departed. Thomas, a true lover of the printed word, seemed lost for a minute in the magnificent room before turning his attention back to his daughter. "Lizzy... Elizabeth... before we proceed, I must beg your forgiveness."

Nonplussed, Elizabeth asked, "Forgiveness, Father? For what?"

"I know the story of the attack on Mr. Darcy and your rescue. I know that you got help... but not from me. I was hurt at first, but then I realized that you didn't feel that you could trust me..." he choked a little, "... that you didn't feel confident in me any longer."

"Oh, Father..."

"No, please don't apologize or justify. The fact is, and I see it now, that I have failed you over and over. I have given you no reason to trust or rely on me. That being said, I have begun taking steps to remedy my negligence... but if you feel that it would be more appropriate to ask your uncle to negotiate on your behalf..."

"No! Father... it is true that I have been angry at you for a long time for your... complacency... but I want you here for this... and I want my father to give me away when the time comes."

Thomas Bennet, humbled, nodded and placed a kiss on the top of his favorite daughter's head. "Well then, my dear, let us proceed."

Permission was promptly given and the trio, Thomas, Darcy, and Elizabeth, sat down to discuss the settlement immediately thereafter. While Thomas was impressed with the incredible amount that Darcy intended for his bride, Darcy was even more impressed with what Elizabeth brought to the table... especially after Thomas informed both of them that the entail only included approximately one-half of the current Longbourn estate. Between Elizabeth's investments, businesses, and personal holdings she actually brought a sum to the table almost as large as Darcy prior to his elevation.

He shook his head in awe, "And you started all of this as a young girl? Elizabeth, you are a wonder."

Elizabeth blushed, explaining, "Much of it was due to my uncle's help... and Lady Adele's generosity."

Darcy, who knew that Elizabeth disliked excessive praise, chose to drop the subject, "Well then, Elizabeth, Mr. Bennet, on the subject of a wedding date..."


The Archers appeared at the appointed time only to find Mr. Bennet already ensconced in the Darcy library, the business of settlements and wedding dates complete. It had been decided that decorum required the reading of the bans, both in London, to appease the Ton, and in Meryton, to placate Elizabeth's loyal friends. The current date being November tenth, the actual wedding date would therefore be the sixth of December in Saint Paul's.

Lord Archer took care of the venue, the Archbishop being his uncle. The Matlocks, who returned shortly after, would have the honor of hosting the wedding breakfast. The affianced couple would spend at least on week back in Meryton, allowing Mrs. Bennet time to glean her own glory from the match, but Mr. Bennet promised to keep tight control on her and Lydia's behaviors at any London events.

The next arrivals, quite unexpectedly, were the Bingleys. Charles was always a welcome guest, but his sisters and brother-in-law arrived as well. The only one of the quartet not acquainted with the actual facts was Caroline Bingley, but both Elizabeth and Darcy were too grateful to the Hursts to deny the group access on her behalf. Besides, it was already agreed that the marriage announcement would appear in the morning paper. The news of Darcy's elevation was still intended as a secret. Unfortunately, Bingley, in a moment of forgetfulness, had made mention of the elevation and Caroline had wheedled the entire story out of him.

"Miss Eliza!" Caroline shrilled when she saw the woman she perceived as her rival, ignoring the others in the room, "Whatever can you mean, intruding on the Darcy's in such a manner?"

"Darcy, who is this creature?" The Countess demanded. She knew who Caroline was from a distance, but had avoided the woman up until this point. "Young woman, have you no manners?"

"Excuse me?" Caroline snapped, whipping around to confront the person who had the affrontery... "Oh! Oh dear! Lady Matlock! I'm terribly sorry to intrude, but do you realize that this... this country nobody who is trying to present herself..."

"Caroline!" Bingley and Louisa both yelled, "Stop this now!"

Darcy, who had just walked into the room, looked furious. Georgiana, who had been sitting next to Elizabeth, looked ready to pounce. Jane looked bewildered. Mr. Hurst, Lord Matlock, Mr. Bennet, and especially Elizabeth looked on with the fascination one feels when watching a mouse get too close to a cat.

Caroline, already too deep to extract herself, commenced to dig further, "Lady Matlock, you must be made aware of the truth! This, this bluestocking tries to run her family's estate instead of letting a man do the job! Worse still, she has the audacity to instruct her tenants to style her as 'Lady Eliza,' if you can believe it! And worse still..."

"What is the meaning of this!?" A new, shrill, authoritarian voice demanded, "What are all of these people doing in my daughter's home?"

All eyes turned to see an elderly, overdressed matron and a sickly girl standing in the door of the room, a bewildered Jarvis standing behind them.

"Catherine!" The Earl of Matlock barked in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

"I have my sources, brother! And my sources tell me that Darcy is now His Grace, the Duke of Carlisle, and that some upstart chit is attempting to insert herself into my daughter Anne's rightful place as his wife and the mistress of his estates. Well," the woman looked at Caroline Bingley, immediately assuming that the crass creature in puce was the culprit, "You can forget such presumptions once and for all! Since they were in their cradles Darcy and Anne were intended for each other. It was the express desire of both my sister Anne and myself..."

"Desist, Sister!" Matlock bellowed, "You know perfectly well that Anne never once expressed such a desire. I was there at her deathbed and her only instructions to me was to ensure that the spouses they chose were of good character. And George Darcy certainly wouldn't have agreed to such a match... and you well know why!"

Nobody else knew what the earl was implying, but Catherine DeBourg certainly did. She turned ashen, then red with anger, but she remained silent. The Earl nodded in satisfaction and then turned on Caroline Bingley, "And you, miss. Let me make myself clear: I am acquainted with Miss Bennet and I know her particulars. I also know your particulars. Rest assured, in the valuation between you, you do not come out on top. In fact, you have no business being in the same room as Elizabeth. I strongly suggest that you leave now."

Caroline, looking pale, gulped and turned to leave, but another voice called out to her. Lady Matlock added, "And Miss Bingley, should you feel inclined to create a scandal or publicly attack Elizabeth, then rest assured that the full power of the Ton will fall on you like an avalanche." Shaken, the fuming Caroline tried to gracefully extract herself from the room.

Lady Catherine de Bourg seemed prepared to say more, but one look from her brother silenced her. In a huff, she demanded, "Come, Anne!" The sickly girl turned in a huff to follow her mother.

Charles looked dazed as he glanced back and forth between the door where his sister had departed and the people in the room, "Miss Elizabeth... Darcy... ummm..."

Elizabeth smiled and shook her head, "Think nothing of it, Mr. Bingley. Tell me, how come you to be here; and how fares my sister?"

Charles beamed boyishly, "Miss Catherine fares well, as her father..." he nodded towards Mr. Bennet, "... is aware. I had business in town and Caroline inserted herself into my trip. As you know, the Hursts were in residence in our townhouse. Darcy... Your Grace... I am terribly sorry about telling Caroline. Quite frankly, I can't tell you how it came to be. One minute I was talking and the next..."

The Earl chuckled, "I see that you would be a poor fit for a job keeping state secrets, Mr. Bingley."

"That I would be, my Lord. Though Caroline might be excellent as an interrogator."

Darcy, finally overcoming his rage at Caroline and his aunt, said, "It is highly unlikely that those two women will keep our secrets. I propose to take care of our wedding announcement tonight, before they begin spreading slander."

"Wedding?" Charles burst out, then glanced between Darcy and Elizabeth, his face split with a grin. "Congratulations Darcy, Miss Bennet!"

Hurst glanced at his wife and then at Darcy, "Have you informed the Queen, Your Grace?"

The others, except for Lord Archer, looked over at the nondescript man in puzzlement, but both Darcy and Elizabeth met his gaze consideringly. Darcy answered, "Would a note suffice, Sir Hubert?"

Hurst thought for a moment and nodded, "If you write it, I will see that it reaches her hands." He looked around the room, "Pardon me for interjecting, but I must request your confidence in this matter: My wife Louisa and I handle certain... delicate matters for Their Majesties." The others now looked at the plain couple in a new light. Darcy excused himself to pen a quick note in his office. When he returned and handed over the sealed missive, Hurst nodded, "Very well... you should expect an invitation as soon as your physician deems it safe. Her Majesty had already become quite enamored with Miss Bennet. All eyes turned on Elizabeth, who blushed again. It seemed she was doing a lot of that on this day.

Shortly thereafter people began to filter out of Darcy House until only the Darcys, Elizabeth, and Mr. Bennet remained. The elder Bennet stood, "Well then, if there is the chance of a royal summons, then I certainly cannot take Elizabeth back to Longbourn with me. Lizzy, I will allow you a few minutes to say your goodbyes and then we should adjourn... you to Archer House and me to the Gardiners. With your permission, Your Grace, Lizzie, I will inform your mother tomorrow." He chuckled and shook his head, "You might just be able to hear her reaction from here."