
16. George Wickham

Our Lady of Longbourn

Chapter Sixteen – George Wickham

After ensuring that her new dress was presentable, Elizabeth had Toliver transport her to Netherfield. When she stepped into house, she was immediately confronted by Caroline Bingley, "Where have you been, Miss Eliza? We expected you back hours ago. Is this the way that you take care of your ailing sister?"

Mr. Matthews was right again, Elizabeth thought. Even this harridan wouldn't address me in this manner unless she thought that I was with Mr. Darcy. She put on a haughty expression, "Miss Bingley, I wasn't aware that I needed to report my whereabouts to you. My sister slept well, so I decided to take care of other concerns this morning. I have been having Mr. Toliver drive me around Longbourn to visit with my tenants… does this meet with your approval, Miss Bingley?"

Caroline looked doubtful, but she was nonetheless pleased that Miss Eliza's absence had nothing to do with Mr. Darcy's disappearance. "Well… I apologize. We are all just so worried about Mr. Darcy. He hasn't been seen all morning."

Elizabeth affected confusion, "Mr. Darcy? Perhaps he decided to ride back to London? He writes to his sister every day. Perhaps he missed her and chose to go and see her?"

Miss Bingley mused on this for a moment and Elizabeth turned to go up the stairs, "Miss Eliza! What have you done with your hair?"

Elizabeth paused at the foot of the stairs and put a hand back to feel her hair, and then she smiled, "Ahh, yes. One of the tenant's daughters wanted to style my hair. They are Greek, so she did it up in Grecian fashion. Isn't it nice?"

"You have foreignors for tenants? That is…" when she couldn't find the right words, Elizabeth replied, "Quite," and headed up the stairs to see Kitty.

"Elizabeth!" Kitty cried when her sister entered. Betty nodded and excused herself. Kitty said, "Mr. Bingley sent me the strangest note." She handed it to Elizabeth.

It read: Miss Catherine, Miss Bennet is [blot]ained and cannot [blot]. Will explain lat[blot], Bingley

Elizabeth almost giggled. She had sat in on a conversation where Mr. Bingley's writing style had been discussed. At the time she felt that Mr. Darcy might be being a little harsh, but it was just as bad as he had implied. She was about to explain the situation, but then heard something outside of the door. Over the past week she had caught Miss Bingley several times listening at doors.

She signaled silence with her finger and nodded her head toward the door. Kitty's eyes widened and she nodded. Then Elizabeth leaned close and whispered: "I'll tell you more later. Mr. Darcy has been hurt. For certain reasons it has to remain a secret. Ezekiel is taking care of him. Please trust me when I say that you cannot say anything to anybody… it may be a matter of life and death."

Now Kitty looked alarmed. The explanation might have sounded melodramatic, but she knew that her older sister was a pragmatist and entirely trustworthy. "I'll wait. Lizzy, I think that I am healthy enough to return home today. If you see the doctor again, can you ask?"

"I will," She kissed Kitty's forehead and then left the room to carry on with her duties. Rather than go to her secret study, she borrowed paper, quill, and ink from Mrs. Nichols. Her carefully worded her letter, sealed it, thanked Mrs. Nichols, and then went outside to find Toliver. In minutes they were driving down the road towards Meryton.

Another rider departed moments later in the same direction.

In when they reached Meryton they saw Mrs. Bennet and Lydia. Elizabeth wanted to continue on by, but her mother waved her down. "Toliver, please continue on and poste the express. Please tell them it must go in Lord Archer's hand only." Her coachman/bodyguard/assistant drove on and Elizabeth joined her mother and Lydia. They were speaking with two handsome young men, one an officer. "Lizzy!" Mrs. Bennet said in her usual strident voice. Lydia ignored her, obviously not wishing to share these men with her. Mrs. Bennet had no such compunction. "This is my second daughter Lizzy. Lizzy, this is Lieutenant Denny and Mr. Wickham."

Elizabeth's smile froze on hearing the second name. Somehow she managed to school her expression, but her heart was racing and her palms damp as she tried to speak normally, "Very pleased to meet you both. How do you find our little town."

The tall, handsome Mr. Wickham replied, "Much better now that I've met a family with such beauty."

Lydia fluttered her eyelashes and Elizabeth fought the urge to be sick. Mrs. Bennet smiled demurely, "Thank you, kind sir. I have five daughters, but two are already married. One is now the Countess of Kirby and the other is recently married to Doctor Long right here in Meryton. I have one more daughter, but she is sick and has been resting at Netherfield Park for the past week while Lizzy takes care of her."

Elizabeth saw Wickham's sudden interest with the mention of Netherfield Park and she had to fight the urge to flee as he looked at her. He was handsome and amiable, but his ingratiating manner reminded her of Mr. Meriwether or Baron Stafford. Is the baron that they were afraid of Baron Stafford?

"And do you know Netherfield Park well, Miss Bennet?" Wickham asked, his eyes probing, "I've heard that it is a most noble estate and that its current occupants are quite distinguished."

Lydia, resenting the loss of attention, answered, "La! They are all rich as kings and snobbish to boot. Especially that Miss Bingley and Mr. Darcy!"

Wickham turned his attention back to Lydia, "Mr. Darcy? Is he the Fitzwilliam Darcy from Derbyshire?"

"Gah, I don't know nor care. He's too uptight for me to worry about. He even snubbed Lizzy at the last assembly, so she doesn't care a lick for the man either."

Elizabeth was embarrassed by Lydia's poor diction and her obvious lack of decorum, but she was grateful for Lydia's implication that she didn't like the man. It might discourage Wickham from pressing her about Mr. Darcy's whereabouts. She cautiously turned to the man and felt her skin crawl as she saw the expression on his face. He was devouring her with his eyes and it wasn't for innocent reasons.

Thankfully Toliver returned at that moment with the trap. "If you'll excuse me, gentleman. I am running errands."

She curtsied and made to climb into the trap when her mother's voice made her pause, "Lizzy, there is a tea at your Aunt Phillips' house tonight. Now that Kitty is improving, I expect you to be there." Since they were in the middle of a busy street, Elizabeth was unable to argue or demure. She simply answered, "Yes, Mama."

As she situated herself, she heard Lydia insisting that Lieutenant Denny and Mr. Wickham attend as well.


Doctor Ezekiel Jones finally sat back on his heels and exhaled deeply. "Done. Mr. Darcy, you can relax now. The bullet is out, the wound is stitched, and the shoulder is set. I know that you didn't want to take laudanum, but in this instance I have to insist. Your best chance for healing is in sleep. Mr. Matthews, Mr. Bingley, and Mr. Louboutis have promised that you will be kept safe here until we know who did this. Only Ruben even knew about this cavern. It is clean, dry, and well-hidden. So now, sir, please sleep."

"Elizabeth?" Darcy gritted out. Finding the bullet had involved a lot of probing and intense pain and he was on his last reserves.

"She is fine," Mr. Matthews answered for the group. "She is going about her normal routine to throw off any suspicion." Darcy nodded and closed his eyes. In moments the laudanum took effect and he was asleep.

Little Briggita was waiting outside waiting in curiosity. Once assured that all was well, the little sprite ran off to help with the flock.

"Gentleman," Bingley said, "I need to return to Netherfield. I should send an express to Darcy's sister and his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam."

Matthews grimaced, "The killers are probably still nearby. We need to keep travel to this location to a bare minimum. Right now they can't know where he is. If they find out, everyone's danger increases. Miss Bennet said that the men were worried about the displeasure of a Baron. That means that at least three men are involved. We don't know the reasons, so we can't guess any more at this point."

He pondered this for a moment, "If you notify Mr. Darcy's sister, then she will want to come here. If that happens, then your sisters will wonder why she came and Mr. Darcy disappeared."

"Sister should come here," Mr. Louboutis contributed. "We keep safe and comfortable."

Mr. Bingley took a deep breath and expelled it, "I will send an express to Colonel Fitzwilliam. He is currently with his unit just outside of London. I will detail your concerns and allow him to decide about Miss Darcy. He was writing to her every day, so it might be a problem if the letters suddenly cease."

All agreed. Doctor Jones, Mr. Bingley, and Mr. Matthews departed. Mr. Louboutis went to speak with his lovely wife. She could help take care of the man while he went about his daily tasks.


Fortuitously, the express rider reached Lord Steven Archer while his mother and Jane were out taking care of necessary business. They were out of first mourning now, so they could visit, but they were prolonging the restriction because neither felt like dealing with society. Some interactions were necessary, though, and currently they were visiting an old friend of his mother's, also a countess.

After reading the urgent missive twice, he scrawled a quick reply for the rider and handed him several coins. Then he called for his smaller carriage and sent a messenger ahead. Fifteen minutes saw him stepping down in front of Buckingham House, where the major domo was expecting him. They walked quickly to a private chamber, where the Queen waited for him alone.

"What is the urgent matter, Lord Archer?" She demanded.

"Your Majesty, may I hand you the express that was sent to me? It has all of the information that I know." The Queen nodded and took the missive.

A quick read made her raise her eyebrows, "Royal sanction? Certainly not! Not even my son would go so far. You must go to Mr. Darcy immediately, Lord Archer. I will dispatch a troop of royal guards to accompany you."

If the Earl wished to protest, he resisted doing so. Perhaps it would be better to have Mr. Darcy under Royal protection since nobody knew exactly who was involved.

"Yes, Your Majesty. And thank you."


Doctor Jones attended Kitty two hours later with Elizabeth in the room. This time Elizabeth stationed a footman outside of the door to prevent eavesdropping, so Elizabeth had been able to inform her trusted sister about the situation.

When Kitty requested to return home, Ezekiel made a point to his new sisters, "Kitty, with you here, Elizabeth has access to Netherfield. That may be important with everything that is happening. It would draw too much attention if she came here on her own to confer with Mr. Bingley, but if she is staying here…"

Kitty signed in resignation. "I understand. But that means that I need my drawing materials. I only have one more week before I have to send in three designs, or they won't be published in time."

After Elizabeth promised to send the art supplies, she excused herself. She had to prepare for her aunt's card party. With the help of Sarah, she was able to don an appropriate dress for the occasion. When the question of her hair came up, Sarah was so complimentary of the Greek braid that Elizabeth decided to leave it like that.


Boson Toliver was less than enthusiastic about Elizabeth's attendance at this event, but his Mistress overruled him. Her mother had insisted, and it would only cause more problems if she did not attend. So Toliver stationed himself in a corner where he could keep an eye on the proceedings.

Thoughts of Mr. Darcy removed any anticipation of enjoyment for the evening. Elizabeth hadn't been able to visit with Charlotte for a week, so normally she would be pleased to spend an evening together. Charlotte hadn't arrived yet, so for the moment she took a seat alone on a small sofa.

Then she remembered the two men in the street and Lydia's invitation. Mr. Wickham will be here tonight, she mused, I will need to tread very carefully around that man. I wonder what happened to the other one…Lowry, I believe his name is? And is 'the Baron' our Baron Stafford? He is a frightening man all on his own.

Just then the officers arrived. Elizabeth was shocked to see that Mr. Wickham now wore the red coat of the Army Militia. He must have just joined.

The attention of every female was drawn to him, and his attention was directed to Elizabeth. Earning several disappointed looks, he passed through the crowd and took the empty space beside her without asking. "How delightful to see you again, Miss Bennet. It was kind of your aunt to include us in her invitation."

"Welcome, Mr. Wickham… or should I say Lieutenant?" Elizabeth decided to be gracious, no matter how much tension that it cost her. I can't allow myself to think about the fact that I'm sitting next to a killer.

Mr. Wickham was very aware of his charm and handsome features. He had used them very effectively to get what he wanted. Right now he was torn between wanting this desirable young woman and wanting information. He needed to locate Darcy, or at least Darcy's body, before the Baron returned. He suspected that the man had deliberately remained in town to throw off suspicion. He doesn't want to be implicated if this goes wrong… but he's more than willing to sacrifice me. Well, I've already dispensed with Lowry and I have no compunction against doing the same to the Baron.

He preened to show off his uniform and physique to best effect, "Yes, I have joined the militia regiment. What do you think, shall I do?"

"You look very well in the uniform, Mr. Wickham, but then I suspect that you know that," Elizabeth complimented without flattery.

"Why thank you. I quite like it. Tell me, how is your sister… what was her name? Miss Kitty?"

"Yes, and she is improving. We don't know when she'll be able to return home, but she awaits that day eagerly."

"Not happy to be under the same roof with the aristocracy? I'm not surprised. Especially when I heard that one of the residents was a Mr. Darcy. Do you know the man well?"

"Not well. He didn't make a good first impression in Meryton and hasn't done much to improve since then. Most think him a proud, disagreeable man." She didn't lie, she just didn't say that she felt that he was proud and disagreeable.

"And has he been in the neighborhood long? I'm frankly surprised that he isn't here tonight."

Carefully, Elizabeth. "Not long… about a month… and I'm not surprised that he isn't here tonight at all." She scanned the room as if looking for him. The only ones from Netherfield that she saw were Mr. and Mrs. Hurst, who sat at a card table.

"How so?" Wickham asked searchingly.

"He doesn't seem to like attending local gatherings, and when he does, he doesn't exactly make himself popular. Even at Netherfield he makes himself scarce. I seldom see him and haven't seen him there today at all." Though I did see him elsewhere, but you definitely don't need to know that.

"You might be surprised to hear that I know him very well. In fact, we grew up together and were friends as children."

Wickham then went on to relate his relationship with the family, his break with Darcy, and the details of the living that had been rightfully his. His tale rolled off of his tongue with practiced ease and with the total confidence that Elizabeth would believe him. You are an effective liar, Mr. Wickham. You've obviously had a lot of practice. Still, your tale is not enough to justify killing Mr. Darcy… so what is your true reason?

"That is terrible! But sir, how can he withhold that which is legally yours? Surely you have sought the help of a solicitor about this? If you wish, I can introduce you to my Uncle Phillips, whose home you are in. He will be more than happy to help you."

Wickham suddenly lost his aplomb and tried to backtrack. Within a minute he excused himself to join the other officers. Elizabeth tried valiantly to hide a smug smile of satisfaction.

Charlotte arrived shortly thereafter and the two were having a pleasant conversation when Mrs. Bennet noticed her oldest single daughter. The entire point of insisting on Elizabeth's attendance was to introduce her to the officers. A few minutes prior she had been talking to that handsome Mr. Wickham, but she must have already frightened the man off. Of all her daughters, this one was the most vexing. "Lizzy, what are you doing talking with Charlotte when you should be visiting with the officers? And what is that hairstyle? It looks positively foreign!"

Elizabeth fought the urge to roll her eyes, "Mother, I have already received several compliments on it. It is done up in Grecian style. Little Briggita did it for me and I like it."

"That girl! I don't like those foreigners taking up land on our estate, even if it is only Oakham Mount! And I don't want you associating with them! They probably have some disease. Just today I saw one of them running for the doctor. Ezekiel shouldn't have to treat people like them."

Mrs. Bennet stalked away before Elizabeth could protest, even if it would have done any good. Elizabeth returned her attention to Charlotte, unaware that several eyes were turned speculatively in her direction.

After a little over an hour, Elizabeth felt the exhaustion of the day and excused herself with her aunt. It's time to return to Netherfield and check on Kitty.

She grabbed her cloak and bonnet, donned these, and scanned the room for Toliver. When she didn't see him, she naturally assumed that he was with the trap. Nodding her goodbye to Charlotte from across the room, she walked out into the cold night air.

I hope that Mr. Darcy is warm enough, was her last thought before strong hands grabbed her and dragged her to the side of the building. Then a hand gripped her throat and Wickham's glaring face leaned close. "You either know where Mr. Darcy is or you know this family who live by Oakham Mount… and you are going to take me to where they have him hidden, Miss Lizzy."