
15. Who to Trust?

Our Lady of Longbourn

Chapter Fifteen – Who to Trust?

The shepherd was struck speechless when he first saw 'the Lady' coming toward him out of the bushes. He had seen enough of war to recognize the blood that covered parts of her riding habit. He immediately assumed that she was hurt, and tried to question her to find the injury. In his shock he slipped back into his native tongue, increasing the confusion.

His twelve year old son Phillip was the one who finally shook him out of his panic, "Papa, English! She doesn't know Greek. I don't think the blood is hers."

Ruben shook himself and turned back to Elizabeth, "My Lady, forgive me. Are you hurt?"

"No! That is what I've…" Elizabeth realized that her voice sounded like her mother's and immediately calmed herself. "Mr. Darcy has been shot… deliberately… by the two men who walked up the mountain searching for him. I think they ran away when they heard you, but I can't be certain."

Ruben wanted to check, but his leg wouldn't allow him to move swiftly or stealthily. Reluctantly, he turned to his son and reverted to Greek, "Phillip. You go check. Go carefully. Use the other deer trail we found. Don't let them see you!"

Neither Ruben nor Elizabeth liked this, but Phillip and his sister moved about the mountain like goats and they already knew it better than Elizabeth. The shepherd turned to Elizabeth, "You show me man?"

Elizabeth nodded and led Ruben to the bushes where Mr. Darcy was concealed. After checking the man, the shepherd grimaced. "Must get doctor soon. Best we move him to cave where men cannot find him."

"How? He is bigger than both of us."

"Wait here. I return soon."

True to his word, he was back in less than ten minutes with his older son Alexander, two long poles, and woolen blankets. Elizabeth watched in fascination as the man stretched one blanket on the ground, laid the poles parallel on top, and folded the ends over the poles and with overlapping ends. Then he folded the second blanket and layered in onto the first. When he was done it made a large rectangle with the poles sticking out of top and bottom.

There was a rustling and everyone tensed, but it was only Phillip, "The men are gone. I saw them almost a mile away, moving in the trees."

It took all four of them to move Darcy out from under the bushes and onto the travois. As soon as they were done, Ruben pulled Alexander aside. "Go quickly to town and find Doctor Jones. Nobody else can know. The Lady doesn't know who the men were, but there may be others. Be careful and discreet."

Elizabeth couldn't interpret what Ruben was saying to his son, but it was easy to assume. She added, "Tell the doctor that I am involved and that nobody must suspect a thing. Be very careful. These men are murderers."

Alexander disappeared and Elizabeth watched as Ruben stepped between the two poles, faced away from the middle, stooped, and lifted. This elevated his end, lifting Mr. Darcy's figure in the middle and leaving the other end to drag on the ground. Very clever!

The shepherd spoke, "My Lady, you please walk beside, support man. Phillip…" he lapsed back into Greek and gave his son instructions. As Ruben pulled the travois, Elizabeth walked beside Darcy and Phillip brushed away the trail left by the two dragging poles.

There were difficult spots where the terrain or decline caused problems, but in another twenty minutes Mr. Darcy was safely hidden in the cave. Ruben sent his remaining son home to alert Mrs. Louboutis to gather bandages and water. Elizabeth ignored her sensibilities as the very capable shepherd cut away the clothing around the big man's injured shoulder and calve.

The leg was less worrisome. It was a minor wound, a groove of damaged and bleeding flesh. The shoulder was much worse. "It break bone," Ruben indicated the collar bone, "and no two hole." His hand movements indicated a bullet going in and coming out the other side. "Doctor must find and take out. For now you hold cloth in place. Push firm to stop blood."

Elizabeth could only nod wearily. As much as this vexing man disconcerted and confused her, she felt very drawn to him. She would have wanted anyone in this situation to live, but the thought of Mr. Darcy dying was making her heart ache and her eyes well with tears. You have to live, you insufferable man!

It seemed like days, but it only took an hour for the doctor to arrive. Before that, Elizabeth had requested Phillip to run and locate Toliver at Longbourn without alerting anyone else except a maid, who would have to discreetly collect a clean dress from her room.

Both men arrived at the same time, led by the two brothers. Toliver arrived in the trap and Doctor Jones had his gig. Elizabeth asked Toliver to move both vehicles to another discreet location while the doctor made his examination. Then she sent Toliver off with careful instructions for Mr. Matthews. She knew that Mr. Darcy's horse may have been found by now, bloody, riderless, and frightened. Even if not, both she and Mr. Darcy should have eaten breakfast at Netherfield by now. "Be very discreet. Those men will be back and they will watch everyone's movements to find clues leading to Mr. Darcy."

The doctor had been worried when Alexander informed him that the patient was being moved to a cave, but when he saw it now he relaxed. The Louboutis family had cleaned the large cavern carefully and it looked quite hospitable now. He focused on the patient and quickly concurred with Ruben's analysis. "The leg will heal. I'll clean and stitch the wound. It will scar, but should heal quickly.

"The shoulder is a real problem. His collar bone must have turned the path of the bullet and slowed it enough that it didn't exit. I will have to find the bullet and get it out…" he then gave instructions for everything that he would need. He wanted his uncle's assistance, but concurred that the less movement toward this location, the better.


Caroline was becoming shrill at the continued absence of Mr. Darcy and Miss Bennet. Nobody knew where Miss Bennet was, but they knew all about her morning rambles. The stable master confirmed that Mr. Darcy had ridden off on his stallion, but he should have returned by now.

At first Charles was unconcerned, but his friend was almost rigidly prompt in his appointments, and he was supposed to be surveying a drainage issue with Bingley this morning. There was a moment of anticipation when a horse and carriage was heard, but then Caroline looked out of the window and scoffed, "It's only that giant Miss Eliza insists on following her around as if she's important. Where are they?!"

Five minutes later the steward discreetly entered the room and requested to speak with Charles. At first Charles was tempted to defer the meeting, his concern for Darcy his priority. Then he saw the expression around Mr. Matthew's eyes and he motioned for the man to follow him to his study.

Within minutes, Charles was out of his study, looking slightly agitated, "I need to go handle an estate issue."

"But what about Mr. Darcy?!" Caroline shrilled.

"I'm sure that he will be fine," he sounded unconvinced, but he made no further answer. As soon as he closed the door to the sitting room behind him, he signaled for the housekeeper and handed her a note to give to Miss Kitty Bennet. After that, he was off to the stables where his horse was already saddled and waiting. He and Mr. Matthews rode away at a gallop.

Mr. and Mrs. Hurst exchanged looks of concern as they tried to ignore Miss Bingley's grating voice as she complained against the world.

While the doctor and the shepherd worked on Mr. Darcy inside the cave, Elizabeth washed herself down and changed into a fresh dress in the Louboutis' home. Little Briggita helped her with her hair, braiding it in Greek fashion. Elizabeth welcomed this innocent care because her mind was currently overwhelmed with concerns.

Those men spoke of 'Royal Sanction.' What does that mean? I realized that Mr. Darcy is in the first circle of society, but it is hard to believe that the Royals even know his name, much less would wish to murder him!

And if They are involved, then who can I trust? I'm sure that Mr. Bingley is trustworthy, but who is Mr. Hurst? He seems to watch people a lot while he pretends to be drunk or sleeping. Sir William Lucas is the magistrate, but he would roll over and play dead if the order came from St. James Palace. If I request help from Father, it won't be long before Mother hears… which means that everyone will know by the end of the day. Who do I trust?

And who is the 'Baron'? The only Baron I know in this area is Baron Stafford. I cannot imagine him being supported by the Crown… unless he drinks with the Prince Regent? They are both wastrels who can't be trusted.

Two men who she absolutely trusted arrived shortly after her she was changed. Boson Toliver and Mr. Matthews escorted Mr. Bingley to the grove of trees that concealed the cave and found Elizabeth pacing there. Mr. Bingley spoke first, "What happened, Miss Bennet?"

"Two men shot at and wounded Mr. Darcy. I was up on the mountain and I saw him get hit. At first I thought it must be a hunting accident, but by the time I reached him I heard them talking. They were searching for him to finish the job." She related the entire conversation, but left out the part about Royal sanction.

"Wickham… I've heard that name before. He and Darcy have a history, but I don't know the details. All that I do know is that the man has done great harm to the family. I want to see Darcy, excuse me."

Mr. Matthews and the Toliver remained. Mr. Matthews met Elizabeth's eyes and asked, "What didn't you tell him, Miss Lizzy?"

Elizabeth related the information that she had left out. Both men looked as perplexed and startled as she felt. It was Toliver who spoke first, "Miss Bennet, the Comm'dore is back now. I know'd you don't want to disturb him with his family, but he could help."

"I thought of that, but he is an officer in the Royal Navy… would he defy the King?"

Mr. Matthews spoke up, "First, I don't think that the King and Queen operate like that. Second, Lord Archer is a man of honor. Third… and this is important… if the Royals wanted Mr. Darcy dead, they would simply put him in front of a firing squad. The King does not need to sneak around in shadows."

"What about the Prince?" Elizabeth asked pointedly, "I haven't heard much good about him."

"I don't know… but I do believe that we can trust Lord Archer… especially in a case involving his wife's sister."

Toliver nodded, "I agree. I served under the Cap'n for years before my leg give out."

Elizabeth sighed, "I will bow to your judgment and because I trust him as well. I'll write an express and send it with you."

"No," Mr. Matthews objected, "You need to be seen. Right now two people disappeared, you and Mr. Darcy. If you both continue to be missing, tongues will start wagging. You need to be seen going about your daily business, taking care of your sister, and generally doing normal things."

When Elizabeth started to protest, Mr. Matthews merely stared pointedly at her. Her shoulders slumped and she nodded, but had to turn away to conceal the tears in her eyes. Mr. Matthews understood, "Miss Lizzy, I promise you that the doctor will do all he can and that we all will help. We'll take care of his body. You must preserve his honor and reputation."