
Orin Origins

Power, Glory, Fame, or even World Domination. Only one person can obtain one of these or even all, many have tried to claim this feat, waging wars, bribing government officials, or even committing acts of terrorism. The story follows the adventures of a young boy called Jinjuso and his crew of misfits in his quest to find the mysterious power left behind by the goddess Anathemia. His quest is not an easy one as many other people stand in his way and try to obtain this power to use it as a source of evil or good, the people who search for the mysterious power known only as Orin are called adventurers. Will he be successful? How will he use it? What is this so-called power? Read and find out!

DerangedDragon · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Segment 9

Meanwhile, in the forest, the short, frail boy was thrown against a tree, he hit the tree so hard he smashed it in half. "Ugh w-what do you want," the frail boy asked in pain. "Food I need your foood soo hand it overr", the fat boy said drooling at the mouth, "n-no y-y-you won't have it so please leave me alone", the small frail boy begged. "Well immm hungry and I need that foood to surviveee", said the plump boy, "l-listen it's your fault that you ate your food a-a-nd now you're going to fail because of that". "No, your wrooong I ate other people's foood, so now I'm here to eat yours and soon I'll eat everyone's, and become even stronger", said the plump boy. The plump boy then suddenly charged at the frail boy, the frail boy dodged to the side but the fat boy wasn't actually charging at the frail boy, he picked up the felled tree swung it around, and hit the frail boy sending him straight against yet again another tree. "I-It's a good thing I blocked I-ff I didn't he would have hit my head and knocked me out for good, how is he so strong to pick up a tree s-swing it and let alone hit me with it?". The small frail boy pondered on these things. "Oh, damn it here he comes", the fat boy's mouth was now drooling more than ever it was drooling like a waterfall, "giveee meee youurr fooood", he said viciously. "Ok so he obv-viously h-has more room to swing if we're in more of an open space like we are now, so I n-n-need to lure him further into the woods". The small frail boy thought up this plan whilst running deeper into the woods, the big plump boy was now growing tired as he followed deeper in still holding the tree "huff puff wheeen will yoouu give uppp, you've got quite a lot of energy for a weak branch". "Ok I think we're in deep enough", the frail boy then hid behind a tree, being a good way ahead of the fat boy, the fat boy then stood still wondering where he could've gone. "Where are you hiding small boy come out now and I won't hurt you, in fact, ill even let you off and hunt down someone else's food if youuuu jussst cooome ouuutt", "doesn't s-sound too convincing", thought the frail boy, "grrrr ok well I guesss I'll just have to fooorce you out". The plump boy was now steadily approaching the frail boy's hiding spot, so before he got too close the frail boy stepped out. "Oh so that's where you were, youu finally decide to be a maaan and face me then huh twig, ohh waittt you snarky little ggrrr I cannnt", said the plump boy, "you leave me no other ch-choice", a green glow then formed and grew around the frail boy, the frail boy then stretched out his hand and chanted the following words. "Oh, great Aurian Spirrian of life and wind, please come forth from within me and grant thee thy power". And just like that a small green puppy dog looking Spirrian with a red gem on its forehead came out and uttered the words, "shall I vanquish this foe master", "no just hurt him an l-little", ordered the small frail boy, the small frail boy then jumped atop the tree the fat boy was holding and before the fat boy could do anything he said, "now Aurian use spiral push". And with that Aurian sent a spiral of wind strong enough to force the fat boy to drop the log and plummet to the ground, the fat boy soon got up but fell to the ground repeatedly by Aurian's spiral pushes, "j-just g-g-give up and I'll stop", the frail boy said concerned, "nooo immm having that foood". With that the fat boy gave off a heavy shockwave that blew away Aurian's spiral push, "h-how d-did you do that?", "weeell just sooo you know I have an ability that allows me to release my stored up calories like shock waves, and that's why I could destroy your wind sooo give uppp small boy", "n-no I c-can't I won't I m-made a promise to someone special, s… so I won't lose here". "SHOCKWAVEE", the fat boy then kept using mighty shock waves pushing the frail boy further and further back," Aurian, use shield" shouted the frail boy but after a few more shock waves the shield broke. "S-so even my shield b-broke" an oncoming shock wave then pushed the small frail boy against the base of a cliff. The plump boy then charged and formed a punch ready to pound the boy into the wall. "I'm sorry I couldn't fulfill my p-promise", he muttered, then just before the plump boy's fist reached him, a red line flashed like thunder between the frail boy's eyes, Jinjuso stood right in front of him blocking the punch with a fire fist.