
Orin Origins

Power, Glory, Fame, or even World Domination. Only one person can obtain one of these or even all, many have tried to claim this feat, waging wars, bribing government officials, or even committing acts of terrorism. The story follows the adventures of a young boy called Jinjuso and his crew of misfits in his quest to find the mysterious power left behind by the goddess Anathemia. His quest is not an easy one as many other people stand in his way and try to obtain this power to use it as a source of evil or good, the people who search for the mysterious power known only as Orin are called adventurers. Will he be successful? How will he use it? What is this so-called power? Read and find out!

DerangedDragon · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Segment 8

"So Gazu have you eaten any of your food yet?", asked Jinjuso, "A MAN DOESN'T EAT UNTIL THEIR ON THE VERGE OF DEATH", Gazu shouted proudly. "For reals can you just stop shouting", said Jinjuso, "ok sure have it your way", "well I still haven't had my piece of bread so I think I'll be just fine", rummm…. ruuu, "hey can you hear that?" asked Jinjuso mockingly "I...I hear nothing" RUMMM, Jinjuso looked at him disappointed. "ARE YOU DOUBTING ME RIVAL", shouted Gazu "once again I'm not your rival, and I just called you out". "Y'know if you're really that hungry you should just eat one of your bread loafs", said Jinjuso, "but I can't lose to you again I already lost once, and if I did, I would just take one of your bread loaves to even out my total again". "Yeah, you could, so you can just starve because I'm not eating my bread loaf soon, and besides if you did you wouldn't get your hands on mine", said Jinjuso. "So do you have any ideas on where your friend might be?", asked Gazu, "No I don't have the slightest idea, but I could tell you what he looks like," said Jinjuso. "Ok tell me", said Gazu, "so he has pale weed-like blonde hair and a fringe to be specific, he wears a white ripped rag like T-shirt, brown pants and brown loafers and a strawhat, "uhhh I can't remember all of that so, weed like hair and ripped rag like T-shirt". "and he's short", said Gazu, "ok let's look around and ask people and meet back at this spot", suggested Gazu. So Jinjuso and Gazu started going around asking people. "Umm have you seen a small pale boy with weed like blonde hair?", asked Jinjuso, "no sorry I don't speak to weaklings, speaking of weaklings give me that bread", the aggressive boy jumped after Jinjuso, Jinjuso quickly flattened him to the ground. Gazu went up to a group of girls and said "HEYY YOU BETTER TELL ME WHERE A PALE WEED BLONDE HAIRED KID IS RIGHT NOW, BEFORE I DECK YA". "KYAAAA", the girls screamed and ran, "HEY WAIT", they carried on asking around but had no luck. They both eventually gave up and went back to the rendezvous, "so any luck on your end Gazu?" asked Jinjuso. "No whenever I asked or approached someone they ran away, what's wrong with them they're a bunch of idiots", stated Gazu, "I'm sure it was because you were shouting meathead", "so what about you", "nothing really most people said they've never met someone that looked like that before, or seen anyone like that, I got attacked once though". "Shall we call it a day?" asked Gazu", "yeah let's get some sleep, you sleep next to that rock over there I'll keep watch to make sure no one tries to steal our food", "LET ME DO IT RIVAL", "well since you wanna do it so badly rival you keep watch because I can't be arsed". "I was only… oh well his asleep now, oh well I'm used to this, so it's fine".

Two days have passed, and Gazu and Jinjuso went and ask round once again. "Ok this time we go together" suggested Jinjuso, Jinjuso spotted a girl knelt down tending to some plants on the ground, "hmm I could ask her she seems incredibly carefree". Jinjuso walked over and said, "excuse me but can I ask you something?", the girl got up from her knees and turned around. She was beautiful she had flowing long light purple hair, bright pink eyes, and a beautiful long violet dress. Her skin was as fair as the clouds and with a soft-spoken voice she said, "sure, what do you need?". Blushing Jinjuso said, "have you seen a small frail boy with pale weed-like blonde hair who wears a chequered jumper", the beautiful girl replied saying, "umm, oh yes when I was picking flowers, I saw a boy who looked exactly like that, run past me and straight into the wooded area, and a plump boy followed suit". "Thank you, thank you so much we've literally asked around for a full day before finding you, you're a lifesaver". The girl gave an enchanting smile and asked, "Is there anything else?", "no that's fine thank you, bye see you around". But before Jinjuso could move off a crashing sound came from that very forest and a tree fell. "That could be your friend, hurry now" the girl urged them. "Ok let's go Gazu", they both sped down to the forest.