
Orin Origins

Power, Glory, Fame, or even World Domination. Only one person can obtain one of these or even all, many have tried to claim this feat, waging wars, bribing government officials, or even committing acts of terrorism. The story follows the adventures of a young boy called Jinjuso and his crew of misfits in his quest to find the mysterious power left behind by the goddess Anathemia. His quest is not an easy one as many other people stand in his way and try to obtain this power to use it as a source of evil or good, the people who search for the mysterious power known only as Orin are called adventurers. Will he be successful? How will he use it? What is this so-called power? Read and find out!

DerangedDragon · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Segment 10

Whilst the portly boy and frail boy were fighting Jinjuso and Gazu rushed down to the forest heeding the girls' words. As they approached, they saw the chaos ensue, Jinjuso saw the small frail boy and called out to Gazu saying, "THERE THAT'S HIM", then Gazu shouted back saying, "LETS HELP HIM THEN", "wait before we do anything let's flank him", Jinjuso suggested. Jinjuso could see the portly boy charging towards the frail boy with his hand ready for a final blow, "ok ill stop his punch then you hit him from behind, got that Gazu", "yeah you bet rival he'll be lying on the ground before you know it", said Gazu confidently, "LETS GO NOW," shouted Jinjuso and with that, he dashed right in front of the portly boy caught his hand with his flame fist and from behind jumped Gazu forming his hand in rock, and pounding the fat boy on the head sending him face-first on the ground with a thud. Whilst all of this was happening the frail boy just stood there frozen in shock and out came the words, "y-you saved m-me", from his mouth. Jinjuso was now pining the fat boy against the ground, "hey dude you're now going to answer a few questions and tell us why you attacked my frail friend over here", said Jinjuso sternly. Writhing in pain the portly boy said, "ughhh why muussstt yooou INTERRUUPT MY MEAALLL?, ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINNESS", "answer me or I'll make it more painful for you", Jinjuso insisted, "I…It has nothing to do with youuu", said the portly boy fussed. All Jinjuso said was "Gazu" and then Gazu then started pressing his foot on the portly boy's leg, "AGHHH", the fat boy shouted. The frail boy looked on horrified at how they were treating the fat boy and he couldn't take it anymore so he said, "s-stop p-please, that's enough, he won't tell y-you so I will", obeying the boys wish Jinjuso loosened his grip on the portly boy a little. The portly boy looked up at the frail boy from the corner of his eye and said, "why?", the frail boy didn't answer, "ok so I was taking an n-nap w-when someone started saying wake up, wake up, the person kept saying it louder until they shouted at me to w-wake u-up. Out of s-shock I woke up, it was t-the fat boy, I asked him what he wanted, and t-then he a-asked me if I could share my food with him". "SO THIS GUY JUST CAME AND ASKED TO SHARE FOOD, THAT COULD NEVER BE MY RIVAL", Gazu shouted, "be quiet Gazu, ok carry on frail dude", said Jinjuso, "So he sat down next to me and said that we w-would b-both benefit, as none of us w-would go hungry. I asked him w-where h-his f-food was, and he said it doesn't matter, r-right then I saw a bunch of r-red flags". "Ok so now we know this scuffle eventually started because of him", clarified Jinjuso, "so, I respectfully declined saying this is a test and we're not supposed to help each other anyway, I also exclaimed that he could just be hiding his full stock off f-food s-somewhere. Then to end the conversation I said I really need t-to go somewhere, but…". "But what?", asked Jinjuso, "but he then countered my s-statement saying he'll just have to hunt me down till I share some food with him, s-so I r-ran, and t-that's h-how this started". "Dis right fatso", asked Gazu, "yeah", said the portly boy, "okay well that settles it now we'll just have to hear why the fat boy did it", said Jinjuso as he completely loosened his grip on the fat boy and got off him. The portly boy turned to the frail boy bent down and said, "I'm soooo sooory will you forgive meee, I understand if you don't", the frail boy smiled and said, "apology a-accepted", "So can you tell us why you did what you did now?", Jinjuso asked curiously. "My names Curzon, aannd I didn't dooo it out of completeee spite, well youuu see this test is a big roadblock for meee and I had to do everything in my power to pass", "so why?" asked Jinjuso. "It's because I have a unique ability where I have to constantly eat to get stronger and gain more energy for my Shockwave ability. if I don't eat constantly, my body will slowly become weaker as I become skinny at a raaapiid rateee, sooo you can see how this test is bad foor me right". "Oh, ok I see what you were doing now, you were going around taking other people's food to sustain yourself, and hiding your food so you could pass the test, is that right?, Oh, and my names Jinjuso". "Yes, youuur exacttlyy right Jinjusooo, you see Jinjuso I just really don't wanna faiiilll", the fat boy wept, his eyes were overflowing with a lake of tears, "ok we'll help you pass" Jinjuso said comfortingly. "Really", said Curzon his tears came to a sudden halt, and he said, "Why?", "well because I sure wouldn't want to be in that situation and it would be nice if someone helped me, so that's why I'm helping", Curzon started crying again and thanking Jinjuso sincerely. "OH STOP BEING A CRYBABY FATSSO" said Gazu annoyed, "YOUR NOT FIT TO BE MY RIVAL IF YOU KEEP CRYING", "wait I thought I was your rival?", Jinjuso said confused, "you know you can't have more than one rival", he continued, "OH YEAAH I FORGOT YOU WERE MY RIVAL", said Gazu with an embarrassed countenance. "Meathead, oh and stop shouting", demanded Jinjuso, then out came a small giggle, then laughter, it was coming from the frail boy, "pfffft hahahahahaha y-you g-guys are hilarious sorry I just couldn't help it", "sh-shut up", said Gazu even more embarrassed, "let him have his fun", replied Jinjuso. The frail boy then went over and said, "T-T-T-Timothy, Timothy's my name s-sorry I didn't tell you before, I was being overly cautious", he said this with a rather apologetic look on his countenance. "No worries", said Jinjuso. Timothy then walked over and helped Curzon to his feet, Curzon wore what seemed to be a white chef coat along with plaid trousers, he also wore a rather unkept Toque Blanche, and his slick ginger curtains lay below, of course he was fat like a marshmallow as well. "Ok let's go JGCT crew", as Jinjuso muttered these words everyone cringed.