
Orin Origins

Power, Glory, Fame, or even World Domination. Only one person can obtain one of these or even all, many have tried to claim this feat, waging wars, bribing government officials, or even committing acts of terrorism. The story follows the adventures of a young boy called Jinjuso and his crew of misfits in his quest to find the mysterious power left behind by the goddess Anathemia. His quest is not an easy one as many other people stand in his way and try to obtain this power to use it as a source of evil or good, the people who search for the mysterious power known only as Orin are called adventurers. Will he be successful? How will he use it? What is this so-called power? Read and find out!

DerangedDragon · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Segment 7

A day has passed, Jinjuso has two loaves of bread and fish remaining, Jinjuso could see that some people had already eaten their loaf of bread "well that's relieving, at least I know I'm doing better than most people", he thought. "Man, it sure is nice and calming around here apart from the constant scuffles going on around me", Jinjuso could feel the free, refreshing breeze slide across his body, he could feel the swaying grass touch his ankles but before he could drift off to sleep. He could sense a presence coming so mightily fast at him, he jumped back up and, in that swift second a fist pounded down at him, but he dodged just in time. The boy's hand, covered in rocks and dirt, "phew if I moved a second later that would've hit me, so wats your fricken pro.." before Jinjuso could say another word the boy was swinging at him with his rock covered hands. "So not here to talk huh HAVE IT YOUR WAY", at this point Jinjuso was just dodging his punches, "If I get hit by one of his hands it'll leave a serious bruise and I can't afford for that to happen, so I guess I'll see how consistently he can throw those punches at me". "A punch to the right a punch to the left then a punch to the right then right again… huh so he can sustain the rock formation in his right hand longer than in his left, ok try this meathead". Jinjuso charged fire energy in his right hand and punched the boy on the side of his face so hard it sent him flying into a nearby rock. "Well, now that that's taken care of it's time for me to go look for…" before Jinjuso could carry on moving he heard an aggressive roar and low and behold the boy was still standing. "DID YOU REALLY THINK YOU COULD TAKE ME DOWN WITH A PITIFUL PUNCH LIKE THAT", he shouted. "This guy is going to be annoying", thought Jinjuso. The boy jumped and pounded at Jinjuso with a rock punch, Jinjuso then dodged again it was like a game of tag but except it was 'can the tagger tag you fast enough edition', as he was always one step slower than Jinjuso. "Well, this is getting pretty tiring meathead, why don't you hurry and give up I'm getting pretty bored", said Jinjuso annoyed. "NO ONE CAN DEFEAT ME ILL HAVE YOU KNOW SO I'LL NEVER", "dude we've been at this for twenty minutes just give up", "YOU BETTER NOT THINK THAT'S ALL I CAN DO", "EARTH WAVE" the boy shouted the earth then came rushing towards Jinjuso in a row of spikes trying to impale him but he kept back-stepping quickly so they wouldn't touch him. "Maybe if I dodge to the side, they won't touch me", he dodged to the right, but Jinjuso could feel a sharp pain and blood trickling down from his leg, the spike caught him off guard, what he didn't realize is that the spikes follow you wherever you move. "Damn now my legs bleeding, so it tracks you, huh, well in that case I'll try something different". Jinjuso then formed fireballs in the palms of his hand, charged them up, then blasted them on the ground, he flew up into the sky, "WH.. WHAT HOW DID YOU GET UP THERE THAT'S CHEATING". The boy then began sweating profusely as it would take some time for him to take his hands out the ground, "and that my friend is your weakness", commented Jinjuso confidently. Jinjuso then charged up a fireball and then another one and threw it at the boy from up above, "WAIITTT", KABOOM the boy then lay there, smoke coming from his body, Jinjuso then fell back down with a thud. "So why, why did you come and attack me outta nowhere?", questioned Jinjuso. "I don't have to tell you", said the boy trying to avoid the question. "Ok so you actually can talk without shouting that's a welcome surprise", said Jinjuso. "Well, when I'm in the heat of battle I can't help but shout, it's so exhilarating," said the boy, "umm okay that's weird so why did you attack me?", said Jinjuso. "Because I was bored," said the boy, "huuh, get outta here your annoying", said Jinjuso. "What did you expect me to do, do nothing?", said the boy, "I expect you to not pick fights with random people just to enjoy yourself, aghhh you're so annoying". "Well, I just thought no one could beat me that's all". "So, what's your name," asked Jinjuso, "UNBEATABLE GAZU", "I just beat you Gazu shut up!", "BEATABLE GAZU THEN", "haha now that's more like it", "SH..SHUTUP", "stop shouting", "sorry". Gazu's Jet black spiky hair stood still in the brushing wind but his brown orangey flick in the front swayed in the wind, he wore a sleeveless brown open biker like vest exposing his not so defined six-pack but quite muscled biceps and triceps he also wore two straps with a pale yellow colour lining the bottom and back around the biceps on his left arm and chipped gauntlets on his hands, a necklace covered in an arrangement of teeth, long baggy brown and pale yellow lined pants and giant hiking boots. "My names Jinjuso, well anyway Gazu I'm looking for a friend, see you around", Jinjuso waved and got up, "wait I'll help", said Gazu, "why your just going to get in the way", "DONT LOOK DOWN ON ME, YOUR RIVAL", "did you just declare yourself my rival", "sigh, guess four eyes are better than two, well come on then", but follow me. Jinjuso set off looking, with Gazu following behind.

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