
Orin Origins

Power, Glory, Fame, or even World Domination. Only one person can obtain one of these or even all, many have tried to claim this feat, waging wars, bribing government officials, or even committing acts of terrorism. The story follows the adventures of a young boy called Jinjuso and his crew of misfits in his quest to find the mysterious power left behind by the goddess Anathemia. His quest is not an easy one as many other people stand in his way and try to obtain this power to use it as a source of evil or good, the people who search for the mysterious power known only as Orin are called adventurers. Will he be successful? How will he use it? What is this so-called power? Read and find out!

DerangedDragon · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Segment 16

It had been an hour since Jinjuso and co had been walking through the first layer of the grange forest exhausted they fumbled and stuttered through the branches. 'CRUNCH', suddenly they heard a loud snap coming from behind them, Timothy tumbled to the floor huffing and puffing ferociously. "Ok guys I don't know about you but I'm getting pretty tired so let's take a break", said Jinjuso sluggishly, "Yeaaah II am so tiireed almost aaas tireed as Timothy", said Curzon about to drop. "I'm surprised you held up for so long fatty, if you guys can't carry on, I guess I'll just leave you guys behind to struggle", said Gazu as if anyone cared. "Be my guest", said Jinjuso with a frown on his face, he carried on, "It's not like a wanted to travel with a bully anyway, you know what, a cunt like you doesn't deserve to call me rival". With a loud grunt Gazu sat down and said, "Alright we're taking a break", Jinjuso looked back at Gazu and thought to himself, "What's up with this guy". "Ok let's sit in that corner over there it seems safe enough", said Jinjuso, as he said this Curzon out of kindness went and lifted Timothy, then started carrying him. Timothy looked up at Curzon and said, "Why are you carrying me, didn't you already pay me back by giving me that loaf of bread?", Curzon looked down, smiled, and said, "It's not about paying you back anymoreeee it's about helping a friiieend in neeed", Timothy looked back up smiled and said, "Thank you", before ultimately passing out. They arrived at the safe corner where they lay their backs against some tall vineless trees, Curzon placed Timothy down and sat down on a tree next to Jinjuso, Gazu sat down next to a far away from the over two, he looked as if he was deeply in thought, almost like a solemn little bug. Curzon turned to Jinjuso and said, "Whyyy do you wanna be ann adventurer Jinjuso?", "Well I want to explore the world and the only way to do that is to become an adventurer, it's too dangerous to explore the world without being one, so I have to be one to do so, what about you?", Curzon turned his head looked at the ground sighed and said, "For redemption, I'm becoming an adventurer for redemption". "Huh what did you do?", Jinjuso asked out of curiosity, "DOESSS THAAT MATTER", Curzon blurted out angrily, Jinjuso looked at him in shock and said, "Woah I didn't know you could shout like that", "Immm sorry I don't know whaat camme over me, but I don't want to talk about it", said Curzon. "No worries let's have a short nap, we need to get our strength back so is fifteen minutes ok with you", there was slumber few minutes of quietness until Curzon said, "Yeaah that's fine", as he said this Jinjuso was already fast asleep snoring like a revving motorbike. "Nobody will believe me no one will understand me, it's no use telling anyone", Curzon thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

"H-H-Hey g-guys wake up, we need to go it's getting pretty late", Jinjuso slowly opened his eyes at a snail's pace to see Timothy looking down on them and shouting. Jinjuso yawned and said, "Ok, ok stop shouting I'm coming", he got up walked over to Curzon, and shook him by the shoulders Curzon opened his eyes and said, "Alrigght, then off we go guys." They started walking off until Timothy stopped and said, "Wait what a-about G-Gazu", "That guy can come if he wants to", said Jinjuso. As if out of instinct, Gazu opened his eyes and started running after them like a Ferrari on crack, he said, "YOURR NOT GOIING ANYWHEERE WITHOUT ME RIVAAL", Jinjuso sighed and said, "Keep up if you don't want to be left behind 'rival' ", with that they were off. They were deep within the first layer now, Jinjuso could see the back of someone he knew all so well, they were kneeling down, they wore a long black tattered cape, black trousers held together by a black belt with silver chains running off of it, a black t-shirt with a silver neck chain bearing a cross, he also wore black boots, It was Kaizeen. Jinjuso rushed over and said, "Yo Kaizeen what's up why are you kneeling down?", behind Jinjuso followed the others. "WHO THE HELL IS THIS", shouted Gazu, Kaizeen got up, turned to him smiled, and said, "and who the hell are you birdbrain", Jinjuso sighed and said, "everyone this is Kaizeen my brother and my actual rival, not that bully", "HEY RIVAL I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR RIVAL, NOT THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING CAPE WEARING GUY!". Kaizeen turned to Jinjuso and said, "The hells up with him", Jinjuso turned to him and said, "I don't know, man just came up to me tried to beat me up and now he's calling me rival", "HA looks like a set eight kid to me", they burst out laughing, "HEY STOP", shouted Gazu. "So how did you find the first test bro?", asked Kaizeen, "It was, way easier than expected considering the fact that we've done this before", Said Jinjuso, "Good cause if you struggled, I wouldn't stop teasing you about it for days on end". "So, what were you doing just now Kaizeen?", asked Jinjuso, "Oh I was following this trail that someone was kind enough to leave behind, I think we're quite close to the second layer now", "WAIT YOU'VE BEEN FOLLOWING A TRAIL THE WHOLE TIME!", shouted Jinjuso surprised, "You weren't? I guess meatheads never change", Kaizeen said mockingly. "Wanna join us bro?", asked Jinjuso, "Ehh, sure why not". And so Jinjuso, Kaizeen, and co were now heading off to the second layer.

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