
Orin Origins

Power, Glory, Fame, or even World Domination. Only one person can obtain one of these or even all, many have tried to claim this feat, waging wars, bribing government officials, or even committing acts of terrorism. The story follows the adventures of a young boy called Jinjuso and his crew of misfits in his quest to find the mysterious power left behind by the goddess Anathemia. His quest is not an easy one as many other people stand in his way and try to obtain this power to use it as a source of evil or good, the people who search for the mysterious power known only as Orin are called adventurers. Will he be successful? How will he use it? What is this so-called power? Read and find out!

DerangedDragon · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Segment 17

Jinjuso, Kaizeen, and co were halfway through the trail now, it was now getting darker; it was as if ghastly void less air was now clutching against their bodies and soul. They could now feel their featherweight feet being pulled in by the muddy, cruddy, swampy forest floor. "Urgghh whaaat is thiis", muttered Curzon as he vomited vehemently, "stinks of pig doodoo", Jinjuso said disgusted. Gazu looked around like a lost cub trying to find their mother, "ITS SO DARK I CAN'T SEE SHAT", he said as he stumbled around in the juicy mud. "Ack", said Timothy in pain, "g-guys it really burns w-why do my feet burn so much", he continued. "Now that you mention it mine really burn too", said Kaizeen, they all looked down to see the ground bubbling in a lime green fluid, "guys were literally standing in acid right now no wonder it burns like shit", said Jinjuso in pain, "let's just move through this swampy floor quickly before it gets worse", he continued. "AHHHH", a bloodcurdling scream could be heard in the distance almost like a crow, "I-I w-want my m-mommy", said Timothy as he was scurrying around in fear. "I think it's safe to say that were now in the second layer, the Globules", said Kaizeen, "it's also safe to say this is already worse than the first layer", Interrupted Jinjuso. "Well let's get a move on then", said Kaizeen adamantly, they trekked their way through the muddy, viscous, horrid floor quickly, even though every step felt like flames from hell they still pushed on.

It had soon been quite a few minutes since they started walking through the Globules and it had soon become clear why Maliyah said this layer was the worst in her opinion. They were now passing through to see an entrée of dead bodies around them, covered in festering oozing burns and teeth marks. "t-t-that c-could be us at any point", said Timothy his teeth chattering in fear, "well you're not wrong about that", said Jinjuso. "Let's just try to stay positive", said Kaizeen smiling sarcastically, "GUYYYS WHY ARE THEEERE SOOO MANY TEEETHMARKS ON SOME OF THEEESE CORPSES", shouted Curzon terrified. Kaizeen moved closer to inspect one of them, "could be the work of some bear monster judging by the size and shape of these bite marks" he said, "wow you almost sound like a detective Kaizeen", said Jinjuso appraisingly, "c'mon man shut up", said Kaizeen laughing. "BEST BE WATCHFUL FOR THOSE MONSTERS RIVAL", shouted Gazu mockingly, "ohh and who was talking to you set eight kid", said Jinjuso annoyed. The lot of them then carried on walking until frantic, hurried, gentle footsteps sounded behind them, they grew louder and louder as they drew closer and closer. They stopped. It was as if they were within breathing distance now. "Get ready for anything guys", said Jinjuso, readying himself. Gentle mouse-like crying and sobbing came from behind them, the crying was enchanting. Sooner than ever the hurried footsteps and crying were now in vision, rushing towards them was a beautiful girl her long, smooth, lilac-colored hair styled in a knotted half-up swayed from side to side her heavy fringe just resting over her subtle eyes as her streams of tears blew off her face, her purple poncho styled cape sat styled above her jacket textile-like violet dress as it bounced in the wind just like that of her chest, she wore a white long sleeves stretching the length of her arms, her white tights plastered in mud, she came running towards the boys in a feminine manner, "Holy hell she's cute", said Kaizeen taken aback. They all dropped their guard simultaneously, and with that, she bumped headfirst into Jinjuso, she was about to fall into the acid, she screamed, "kyahh", and then almost like it was fate, she locked eyes with Jinjuso and as he pulled his hand out to catch her, she caught it. Jinjuso's heart raced as her warm delicate hand gripped his. "Yikes well that was one of the most cliché things I have seen in a long while", thought Kaizeen, "wait I know her, it's that girl that helped Gazu and I find Timothy", thought Jinjuso. Jinjuso helped her up, then Gazu fixed her eyes on her and shouted, "WAIT YOUR THAT NICE GIRL WE SAW IN THE FIRST TEST", Jinjuso looked back at Gazu and said, "you only just noticed". The girl composed herself wiped away her tears looked up and said, "well it's nice to see you two lovely boys again, my names Lilian, but please call me Lili, I would really appreciate it. Lilian looked around and saw Timothy and Curzon standing together, out of confusion she asked, "can I inquire as of too why the small boy is now with the portly boy?". "Oh we'll explain later, but more importantly, what's wrong?", Jinjuso said, "you were running and crying", he continued. "Oh, umm", Lilian murmured, "It's alright you don't have to tell us", reassured Jinjuso, "no it's ok I'll tell you", she said. "Well before she tells us let's take a brief break", Kaizeen suggested as he pointed over to a rock sitting above the acidic ground. They made their way over to the rock and sat on top of it. Everyone looked at her expectantly, she bowed her head slightly and explained the fact that she was traveling through the Globules with her partner when they were stopped and attacked by bears native to the Globules called Glonbears. "How do you know that they're called that?", asked Kaizeen, "I read it in a book", she answered, "so you like to read?", asked Jinjuso, "yes very much it is a hobby of mine", she replied. Lilian then explained that her partner said she would hold them off so she could get away, Lilian said she tried to stop her partner from fighting them and asked her to come with her. Her partner pushed her away, "she said live on", as Lilian said this a tear fell from her eye, Curzon was crying in the background, "hooow touching", he said. "I'm really sorry to hear that, you must be feeling terrible," said Jinjuso, "but you're all alone now, want to travel with us?", he asked, "yes if you don't mind, I'll do my best to aid you", she said smiling, "ok let's go" Jinjuso said. He was about to hop of the rock when Lilian grabbed him and stopped him, "Lili?", he said, "before we go please let me encase your feet in a magic crystal barrier, it will prevent the acid from doing any more damage to them", Kaizeen looked down at her feet and said, "oh I was wandering how your feet weren't affected by the acid, so it was the magic protecting them", "yes", she confirmed. and then she muttered the words, "crystallis barrielas", as she pulled a wand from her dress, a purple luminescent glow formed around the boys' feet then a pop almost like a gunshot sounded, "and there, your feet are now protected, we may now depart Jinji", she said out of nowhere. "Wait Jinji, is that me?", Jinjuso asked blushing, she nodded.

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