
Orin Origins

Power, Glory, Fame, or even World Domination. Only one person can obtain one of these or even all, many have tried to claim this feat, waging wars, bribing government officials, or even committing acts of terrorism. The story follows the adventures of a young boy called Jinjuso and his crew of misfits in his quest to find the mysterious power left behind by the goddess Anathemia. His quest is not an easy one as many other people stand in his way and try to obtain this power to use it as a source of evil or good, the people who search for the mysterious power known only as Orin are called adventurers. Will he be successful? How will he use it? What is this so-called power? Read and find out!

DerangedDragon · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Segment 15

Jinjuso and co shortly arrived in the Grange Forest not long after the others. When they arrived in the forest, they could see that a lot of the others that rushed in were already deep within the forest. Scampered, peddled, something left doglike footprints, they were all over the dirty forest floor, there were red patch-like bloodstains scattered on the floor and trees. It was a chaotic sight indeed. Timothy looked around, his face no longer bright with colour, his hair standing on end. He said, "w-w-WHAT IS THIIISS", Curzon looked at him and replied, "I WAAANT MY MOOOMYY". With a wryly smile Gazu turned to everyone and said, "huh you children what do you have to fair LET'S GET MOVIN…", Jinjuso turned to Gazu with a smug smile and said, "don't tell me you're getting cold feet 'rival'", he continued, "jokes aside I agree this is only the first layer, but this is oddly unsettling, if I wasn't so determined I'd opt out of this right now". Jinjuso gave an uninspiring pep talk, and with a bit of encouragement everyone decided moving through this forest was the best course of action. They moved through slowly but steadily each of them watching their step carefully and observing the surrounding trees with tact. They were getting tired but kept pushing on as they found nowhere to rest. As they were moving along, they could hear a little crunch then a full-on thud behind them all of them looked back to see poor old Curzon stuck on the floor. Gazu looked at Curzon with an amusing expression and said, "jeez you're so fat you broke the floor, imagine all the stress the floor must've been under", he broke out laughing. Whilst he was laughing Jinjuso and Timothy were already hard at work pulling out the giant boiled egg, "ok ready Timothy, on the count of three", Timothy nodded, "one-two-three" and with that, they started pulling on Curzon but with all their might they still couldn't pull out the portly fellow. Jinjuso looked back and said, "man what a bully, I thought my rival would be useful, but it turns out he's just a bully and that's all his good for", Gazu looked at Jinjuso sweating unconsciously, and said, "YOU CAN COUNT ON ME RIVAL", "well then help me out," said Jinjuso astutely. As soon as Gazu took hold of Curzon's arm Jinjuso let go and said, "all yours, can you do it rival?" "GRRR OF COURSE", Gazu said angrily. With a bit more of a struggle, they eventually pulled Curzon out. "Ohhhh thaaanks guys I thought I was going to get pulled underground by those moles", said Curzon whilst sobbing, Gazu turned to Timothy and said, "YOU WERE'NT EVEN HELPING MOST OF THE TIME, IT WAS MY STRENGTH AND MY STRENGTH ALONE YOU SCRAWNY WEAKLIN". "What a surprise, didn't know my rival was so weak", said Jinjuso spitefully, "b-bully", said Timothy, "HUH WHY HAVE YOU JOINED IN", said Gazu surprised. After some well-needed jeering, they carried on. Until they yet again heard a sound from behind, this time it was a viny whiplash noise, "ahhhh", Timothy screamed, the other three looked around to see Timothy upside down, pinned against a tree with the blood-sucking vines biting into him and sucking his blood. Gazu looked at Timothy and said, "Ha would you look at that you're so weak and skinny, that scrawny vines have you pinned against a tree, Gazu burst out laughing. Whilst he was laughing Jinjuso and Curzon were already hard out work burning and pounding the vines, but they proved difficult because they kept hyper regenerating, Jinjuso looked back and said, "man what a bully, you're just going to be a bad person and laugh at Timothy get his blood sucked dry, huh rival?". "FINE THEN IM COMING JEEZ", Gazu said this angrily and stomped off, Jinjuso looked at Curzon, Curzon nodded, "all yours Gazu", Jinjuso said cunningly, they both stopped what they were doing, stepped back, and observed. "HEY, FINE", Gazu shouted this then aimed his hands at the vines and said "STONIFY", and with that, the vines were now encased in rock and stopped sucking Timothy's blood, he then broke them apart with one punch and down came Timothy headfirst on the ground. "Ow w-why d-d-didn't you catch me you b-bully", said Timothy upset, "HUH THAT WAS EASY WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE DONE THIS RIVAL!!", shouted Gazu at Jinjuso, "didn't you say to rely on you if I was ever in trouble rival?", replied Jinjuso, "buuullly", said Curzon mockingly, "WAIT, YOU ASWELL", shouted Gazu surprised. With yet some more jeering they carried on pressing forward.