
Orin Origins

Power, Glory, Fame, or even World Domination. Only one person can obtain one of these or even all, many have tried to claim this feat, waging wars, bribing government officials, or even committing acts of terrorism. The story follows the adventures of a young boy called Jinjuso and his crew of misfits in his quest to find the mysterious power left behind by the goddess Anathemia. His quest is not an easy one as many other people stand in his way and try to obtain this power to use it as a source of evil or good, the people who search for the mysterious power known only as Orin are called adventurers. Will he be successful? How will he use it? What is this so-called power? Read and find out!

DerangedDragon · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Segment 14

Amazed by the speed at which Andar and Maliyah came charging through the forest everyone could not help but clap, it was almost like people thought it was a show and that them being late was all a ruse, *whistle* "way to go guys", someone said, "what an epic entrance", another said. "Well, thank you," Andar said confused, he continued, "but it surely isn't a show were actually late." "Were so sorry guys" Maliyah said with a sad expression, "oh do not worry your majesty", said the simps, taking a knee to her. Maliyah then changed that sad smile to a very cute grin in mere seconds and said, "but we'll make it up to you, because of our incompetence we've made this test easier than usual", the simps swayed happily. "Continuing off what Maliyah said I'm now going to explain the rules, so for starters, this is Grange Forest as it leads to the Grange where your next test will take place", he continued, "normally we would give you three hours to get through this forest but because of our incompetence will change that to four hours". Before he could finish a boy interrupted and said, "so you think changing it to four hours is a big difference, you're just adding on one hour", as the boy said this Andar turned to face the boy and said, "Do you want me to fail you right now for interrupting me? Huh boi" said Andar gruffly, "no sir!" said the boy swiftly, Andar carried on, "whilst it may not be a big difference a whole nother sixty minutes can help you out in this test, so just be glad I compensated you". Frustrated Andar turned to Maliyah and said, "sorry I have to ask you to do this, but these kids piss me off I don't know why, but could you explain the rest of the rules?". Maliyah turned to him smiled and said "you got it sir!," Maliyah then explained the rules, "so you will make your way to The Grange, there are three layers in this forest the Mound which is full of Mole like creatures called Pitt they make quite large Pitts so try not to fall in them because you could get stuck for a long time or worst get grabbed by the ankles and pulled underneath for all eternity, its not ideal so please be careful". She continued, "this layer also houses Leechmongers, which are plant like vines that spew out a gas that make you feel Lethargic then once your tipsy they bite you and pull you to the tree they rap around and suck the blood out of your body completely till your shrivelled like a dry apple", as she said this everyone shuddered uncontrollably. People started whispering to each other, "Dude this is orrible creatures that grab you and suck your blood", "nah man, that aint dat bad she said that there are creatures that pull you underground dats much worse, imagine being trapped underground for eternity", said some boys. "I don't know about this anymore", "I'm too young to die" some girls said. "Yo rival this is going to be so fun we might die, man I can't wait" said Gazu excitedly, "doesn't really sound really all that lit to me though", Jinjuso replied. Maliyah chuckled and then said, "you guys really think that's bad Just wait till you experience The Globules the second layer that's the worst because it has…" Andar stopped her in her tracks saying. "Ok that's enough explaining let them experience killing the beasts themselves or they can just avoid them, but who would want to turn down the opportunity to eradicate vermin, humph only weirdos". Maliyah then carried on explaining "well then guys as you heard Sir say you must experience all of this monster slaughtering for yourselves, but just make sure you know what you're doing I don't want to see the forest stained with blood it would make me cry" The simps then said, "anything but that your majesty we will stay alive for your sake", even the girls hearts throbbed this time, as they said, "aww she really cares about us", and thus the gimps were born. Maliyah then continued, "last but not least is Condor, I'll leave that one up to your imagination". Taking back over again Andar said, "its simple all you have to do is try to keep up with us and most of all endure this forest". "Let the test of Endurance begin". And after saying that Andar and Maliyah charged back through the entrance and were gone in mere seconds. Everyone charged through the entrance to and keep up, some of them started screaming and saying, "YOO WE NEED TO CATCH UP", "HURRY", wannabe adventurers started screaming from inside already. Curzon and Timothy were shuddering, their teeth chattering together at quick speed like a pinball, "IIII can't doooo this" said Curzon horrified, "m-m-me n-n-n-either", said Timothy horrified as well. Ignoring them Gazu said, "YOU READY RIVAL", "I guess and stop shouting", said Jinjuso. They started walking in together. Seeing this Curzon said, "heeeey dooont leave usss" he hurried after them dragging Timothy whilst he was shuddering still and saying, "n-n-noooo".

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