


Yusuffauzi · Action
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68 Chs

Military Information

Fang Xiaoyu nodded and said: "Understood, return to this world!"

  In an instant, Fang Xiaoyu felt the world spin, and his body was soft, and the whole person had appeared on the soft bed.

  Looking around, it was the big bed he was lying on before leaving, and even the clock and hour hand on the wall only passed for a few seconds.

  Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Fang Xiaoyu did not leave at all, but Fang Xiaoyu's whole person was completely changed, with a ragged military uniform, a long beard, and even his hair was full of greasy dust, and even his body was full of blood. .

  When he turned over, Fang Xiaoyu got into the bathroom and rinsed for a while before Fang Xiaoyu lay on the soft bed with a puff wrapped in a bath towel.

  "System, tell me what is the origin of the space?"

  Obviously, Fang Xiaoyu hadn't forgotten the origin of the space that the system had previously reminded him. He didn't have time to think about it. Now that he returned to this world, Fang Xiaoyu was of course very curious about what the origin of the space was.

  "Di, the origin of space is an original force that evolves space and the world."

  Fang Xiaoyu's heart was shocked, and he was surprised to say: "So now that I have the origin of the space, don't I mean that I can evolve a world?"

  It was strange that Fang Xiaoyu was not excited when he thought that he could own a world, but Fang Xiaoyu's illusion was immediately disillusioned by the bandit system.

  "Dip, the host thinks too much. What the system steals is just a trace of the origin of the space, not to mention the evolution of a huge world, now it is only a small space in the host."

  Although Fang Xiaoyu was disappointed, he heard that the origin of the space had evolved into a small space, which reminded Fang Xiaoyu of the legendary space treasures.

  But obviously my own space is definitely stronger than those so-called space treasures. You must know that this is the evolution of the origin of space. Perhaps the space is extremely small, but the essence is not comparable to those space treasures.

  "Where? Where is my space?"

  "Dip, the host can sense the existence of space by meditation."

  Slowly calming down, Fang Xiaoyu quickly sensed a space. When Fang Xiaoyu sensed the existence of this space, Fang Xiaoyu was happy at first, and then smiled bitterly. This space is too small, it really deserves to be a strand. The space has its origin.

  When it comes to full play, there is only one cubic meter of space, which is much smaller than Fang Xiaoyu had imagined.

  But soon Fang Xiaoyu said, "System, this space is too small, there must be some way to expand this space."

  "Di, can the host expand the space by swallowing various mysterious powers?"

  Fang Xiaoyu questioned: "Mysterious power?"

  "Dip, such as the virtues of heaven, the luck of humanity, the spiritual veins of the earth, the dragon veins of the dynasty, the space treasures, the innate true essence..."

  Fang Xiaoyu grinned, forget it, let's be small, where do you go to get these mysterious and mysterious powers, how you look at it is that the so-called innate true essence is more reliable, the key is that he has not even cultivated his true energy now. As for the higher-level Innate True Essence, the ghost knows when it can be cultivated.

  In any case, Fang Xiaoyu was quite satisfied to be able to get such a space of his own. He collected some small pieces and pieces, and he could put it away freely.

  "Tsk tusk, this ability is really not bad, if you use space to steal something, who can find it!"

  My thinking diverged, and my mind gradually became calm, without thinking about anything, the whole person fell asleep.

  In the movie world, Fang Xiaoyu didn't sleep well for almost a month. The whole person felt a sense of collapse. He woke up after sleeping for almost a day and a night.

  Opening his eyes, Fang Xiaoyu only felt refreshed after a nap, and the feeling of fatigue and dying disappeared.

  Grumbling in his belly, Fang Xiaoyu got out of the bed and put on a sportswear, got into the bathroom to wash his face, and looked up in the mirror.

  He only glanced at Fang Xiaoyu and was taken aback for a moment. The eyes of the person in the mirror were sharp, and his whole body exuded a stern anger from soldiers, I was afraid that the timid would not dare to look at him.

  A wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The change in his temperament was not beyond Fang Xiaoyu's expectations. After all, if he could live for more than a month in a flesh-and-blood mill like Taierzhuang, his temperament would not be too great. Change is strange.

  It is said that many veterans who have been on the battlefield will suffer from battlefield syndrome. Some veterans kill too much and find it difficult to adapt to a peaceful living environment. The long-lasting killing spirit will be sensitive to those who are more sensitive.

  Fang Xiaoyu does not have any psychological barriers, but the military aura that hit him like a brand cannot be eliminated in a moment. If Fang Xiaoyu goes out to tell others that he is a soldier, no one will doubt it. .

  Work hard to soften the expression in his eyes. It is impossible to reduce the evil spirit for a while, but Fang Xiaoyu doesn't worry too much. As long as he lives in a peaceful environment, he will gradually lose it after a long time. So eye-catching.

  At this moment, the phone rang. Fang Xiaoyu wiped his face and walked out of the bathroom. He picked up the phone on the bedside and took a look. The caller on the phone showed Cheng Yuer.

  For a moment, Fang Xiaoyu answered the phone and said with a smile: "Mie Cheng, why did you think of calling me!"

  "Fang Xiaoyu, don't be silly, if you have something to look for, come to Luminous Cafe if you have time!"

  Fang Xiaoyu replied: "Don't worry, beauties are recruiting, I have to climb over as well!"

  After a few months of work, the relationship between Fang Xiaoyu and Cheng Yuer has become much closer. In order to find magical techniques such as magic skills, Fang Xiaoyu ran around, but Cheng Yuer kept talking with him on the phone.

  If there is no bad memory, Cheng Yuer seems to be in contact with the film crew and is seeking one of the roles, and she doesn't know what to do with him at the moment.

  Since he was going to attend the appointment, it was naturally impossible to wear sportswear casually, so Fang Xiaoyu found a slightly more formal clothes to wear.

  Cheng Yuer's cafe was not far away, and Fang Xiaoyu arrived in half an hour by taxi.

  After asking the waiter in the coffee shop, Fang Xiaoyu rushed to the private room, knocked on the door, and heard Cheng Yuer's voice.

  "Come in!"

  Fang Xiaoyu opened the door and entered, only to realize that Cheng Yuer was not the only person in the private room. Apart from Cheng Yuer's agent, a figure caught Fang Xiaoyu's attention. It was almost instinctively tightened, and the suffocation that was originally restrained Involuntarily spread.

  Sitting in the private room was an ordinary-looking woman, but Fang Xiaoyu did not dare to underestimate this woman, because he felt a strong threat and evil spirit from the other party.

  This woman had killed someone. Fang Xiaoyu was very sure of this, especially since the other party also exuded an aura that Fang Xiaoyu was very familiar with-a soldier.

  Fang Xiaoyu almost determined that the opponent was a soldier almost the moment he saw the opponent, at least once a soldier who had experienced artillery fire and murder.

  "Hey, female soldier, what kind of routine is this! Judging from the posture, it seems to be Cheng Yuer's bodyguard!"

  While Fang Xiaoyu looked at Chen Yan, Chen Yan's body was tightened, and there was a warning in her eyes. If you observe carefully, you will find that Chen Yan's tight body is maintaining the best attack posture. Once there is movement, absolutely It's like a rolling ball.

  "So heavy suffocation, so strong military might, how could Miss San know such a person?"

  With a faint smile, Fang Xiaoyu's vented breath converged, as if nothing had happened, he sat down and looked at Cheng Yuer with interest.

  Every time I see Cheng Yuer and Fang Xiaoyu, I feel a sense of surprise, even now Cheng Yuer is just a light green dress with a creamy white top and a ponytail with her hair tied into a ponytail. The whole person has a fresh and refined breath. .

  Looking at Cheng Yuer, Fang Xiaoyu's bloody evil spirit accumulated in the bloody battle of Taierzhuang's world suddenly faded a little.

  The moment Fang Xiaoyu entered the private room, and when she looked up and saw Fang Xiaoyu, Cheng Yuer was taken aback, and an inexplicable color flashed in her eyes. Obviously, she also discovered the military power exuding from Fang Xiaoyu.

  At this moment, I saw Fang Xiaoyu staring at herself, and she couldn't help but glared at Fang Xiaoyu and said, "Fang Xiaoyu, I'll introduce you to Chen Yan, the bodyguard the company invited me."

  Speaking of Cheng Yuer, she said to Chen Yan: "Sister Yan, this is Fang Cheng and Fang Xiaoyu. The last time he accidentally fell into the water, he saved me. Well, it's my good friend."