


Yusuffauzi · Action
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68 Chs

Feelings on the Set

Speaking of Cheng Yuer, she said to Chen Yan: "Sister Yan, this is Fang Cheng and Fang Xiaoyu. The last time he accidentally fell into the water, he saved me. Well, it's my good friend."

  When Chen Yan heard Cheng Yuer's introduction, Fang Xiaoyu's eyes flashed with surprise. You must know that she has a certain understanding of Cheng Yuer. Since she was arranged by Cheng Yuer, in her understanding, There are definitely a handful of people whom Cheng Yuer associates with as friends, especially a young man like Fang Xiaoyu.

  Leaning on the sofa, Fang Xiaoyu clutched his stomach and shouted: "Oh, beautiful Cheng, I'm going to starve to death. If you don't want your good friend to starve to death so miserably, you should hurry up and call to serve you."

  Chen Yan glanced at Fang Xiaoyu, and looked at Fang Xiaoyu's unpretentious behavior, with a faint understanding of why Fang Xiaoyu was recognized by Cheng Yuer.

  Shocked by Fang Xiaoyu's reaction, Cheng Yuer smiled and said, "Please, this is a cafe, not a restaurant!"

  Fang Xiaoyu's belly gurgled straight, and Fang Xiaoyu didn't feel embarrassed at all. He patted his stomach and said, "You have heard it all, it's really unbelievable!"

  Covering his forehead, Cheng Yuer smiled bitterly, how could he become good friends with such a guy.

  Pointing at the agent beside him: "Sister Han, please go out and buy some food for Fang Xiaoyu."

  Han Ying nodded, opened the door and walked out. Anyway, besides Fang Xiaoyu and Chen Yan in the private room, she didn't have to worry about Cheng Yuer's safety.

  Lie on the table, Fang Xiaoyu said to Cheng Yuer: "Let's talk about it, calling me so hastily and surely will not just let me drink coffee."

  Cheng Yuer looked at Fang Xiaoyu and said: "Fang Xiaoyu, although you are lucky enough to find one or two valuable jade pendants, you can't just sit and eat in the air. I made you lose your job before. The time I just joined a film crew, I recommended to the director to work on the crew."

  Fang Xiaoyu was taken aback for a moment, then he reacted with a smile on his face and said, "Okay!"

  Seeing Fang Xiaoyu's promise without refusal, Cheng Yuer's face bloomed with a moving smile and said: "I knew you had agreed so easily, so I don't have to worry so much."

  Fang Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Are you worried that I will make trouble with my pride?"

  Cheng Yuer glanced at Fang Xiaoyu, then smiled, "I think you have no self-esteem."

  Fang Xiaoyu laughed loudly.

  I heard Cheng Yuer say: "I told you some time ago that sister Han and I are contacting the crew of "A Heroine", and now the company has signed a contract, and I will play the female number one in the movie!"

  Fang Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows, and a bright light flashed in his eyes: "If I remember correctly, this seems to be a war-themed film about General Zhang Zizhong's resolute resistance and heroic sacrifice."

  Cheng Yuer nodded and said: "Yes, the director is going to remake the movie of the same name. After all, the previous one has been 30 to 40 years ago. This time the joint investment of several major film and television companies is not small, and it is expected to be made into a war. Epic blockbuster."

  Fang Xiaoyu smiled. Fang Xiaoyu is not unfamiliar with war blockbusters such as "A Heroine" and "Eight Hundred Heroes", especially "A Heroine" tells about the deeds of General Zhang Zizhong in the War of Resistance. I even met General Zhang Zizhong with my own eyes.

  Fang Xiaoyu expressed his heartfelt admiration for the Supreme General of the Allied Forces during World War II. Especially after more than 30 days of the Taierzhuang War, Fang Xiaoyu understood from the heart why General Zhang Zizhong would fight with the Japanese until the last person. , I would rather die than surrender, kill yourself and become benevolent.

  Such a blockbuster film can definitely be called a masterpiece. Once the project is established, I don't know how many people in the circle will be moved by the wind, but he did not expect Cheng Yuer to win the film's number one female.

  Although this movie is definitely from the perspective of the male protagonist, the female protagonist may not even have many supporting roles in the male trio.

  But no matter what it is, it is the female number one, even Fang Xiaoyu can guess that Cheng Yuer is definitely the wife of General Zhang Zizhong, Ms. Li Minhui.

  The ancients often said that they would get together with white hair and die together, but a few people can do it, but Ms. Li Minhui is just such a great woman.

  When Zhang Zizhong was martyred, he was only 49 years old. His wife, Ms. Li Minhui, died of a seven-day hunger strike after hearing of grief. The couple were buried together at the foot of Meihua Mountain in Chongqing.

  Fang Xiaoyu didn't know that Cheng Yuer could play this virtuous and hard-working woman, but Cheng Yuer was a little unnaturally seen by Fang Xiaoyu's weird eyes: "Fang Xiaoyu, what do you mean?"

  Fang Xiaoyu shrugged and said, "If I guessed correctly, you should be the wife of General Zhang Zizhong, Ms. Li Minhui."

  Cheng Yuer looked at Fang Xiaoyu in surprise and said, "Hey, how did you guess it."

  Fang Xiaoyu couldn't help but rolled his eyes and lay there weakly, "I'm not a fool. You told me the name of the remake of the movie. I can't guess who you are playing. Haven't I been in the entertainment industry all these years?" ?"

  Cheng Yuer smiled, and Fang Xiaoyu looked righteously: "This heroine is not easy to act. Do you know anything about Ms. Li Minhui?"

  Hearing Fang Xiaoyu's words, Cheng Yuer looked straight, and slowly nodded and said: "Naturally understand that there are not many people who have martyred martyrs in modern times, but there is this strange woman."

  Fang Xiaoyu looked at Cheng Yuer and said, "Then what do you think of it?"

  After pondering, Cheng Yuer said: We can't simply use the traditional concept of martyred women to understand the behavior of the generals' martyrs. But Ms. Li Minhui said plainly: I am not sad that Zhang Zizhong died for the country. Although I am a woman, I should have a share. It can be seen the weight of the word "country" in her mind. When her husband was on the battlefield, she took care of the family in the displacement. She failed to meet her husband for four years, hiding her love and worry in her heart, and silently supported her. A husband who killed the enemy for the country; when her husband died for the country, she calmly arranged the family funeral, and then followed her husband's loyal soul.

  Li Minhui, although an old woman with no culture, deeply understands the weight of the word "family and country". Although "I can't be a man, my heart is stronger than a man."

  Listening to Cheng Yuer narrating his views on Li Minhui, Fang Xiaoyu couldn't help clapping his hands and praised: "Yes, it seems that you have really worked hard. As long as you can act well, a little red among the herbs, It may not fail to impress the audience by then."

  At this moment, Han Ying came in with a bunch of delicacies, Fang Xiaoyu immediately pounced on it, and gobbled it up in front of the three of them without any image, as if he hadn't eaten for many days.

  Cheng Yu'er opened her mouth slightly and looked at Fang Xiaoyu and sighed, "Are you a starving ghost or have not eaten for many days?"

  Even Chen Yan, who had been watching with cold eyes, couldn't help but glance at Fang Xiaoyu in surprise. She really couldn't see Fang Xiaoyu.

  Fang Xiaoyu ignored the weird gazes of the three of them. They were really hungry. The large package of food that Han Ying bought only took a while and all entered Fang Xiaoyu's stomach.

  After a very satisfied hiccup, Fang Xiaoyu leaned on the sofa and drank tea and looked at Cheng Yuer and said, "By the way, since you found me an errand on the crew, when do I need to join the crew?"

  Cheng Yuer thought for a while and said, "If you have nothing to do, join me in the crew tomorrow."

  Fang Xiaoyu thought for a while. He didn't seem to have anything to do. He needed a good rest for a while after he came out of the bloody battle at Taierzhuang, so there was no resistance to Fang Xiaoyu entering the crew. He nodded at Cheng Yuer and said, "No problem. ."

  Seeing Fang Xiaoyu's promise, Cheng Yuer got up and said, "That's it. Let's join the crew tomorrow."

  The next day, Fang Xiaoyu joined Cheng Yuer early and rushed to the studio.

  In the Republic of China Film and Television City, Cheng Yuer introduced Fang Xiaoyu to the production director. Perhaps it was because of Cheng Yuer's face. The production director learned that Fang Xiaoyu had worked as a prop artist, so he directly arranged Fang Xiaoyu into the props. group.

  Fang Xiaoyu has no opinion on the arrangement of the production director. Anyway, it is his old line, and when that time comes, it will be nothing more than giving a hand to the crew.

  The filming crew of the hero Qianqiu has actually been filming for some time, but there are not too many scenes about Cheng Yuer, so it is only now that Cheng Yuer has been selected as the heroine, so it's really not for the crew to find the heroine while filming. See it more.

  Since it was filming about General Zhang Zizhong's deeds, there are naturally some major war scenes.

  Fang Xiaoyu quickly integrated into the crew, being low-key in the crew and doing his own job well, that is, when shooting some war scenes, Fang Xiaoyu would appear very silent.

  Cheng Yu'er, who has no roleplay, will find Fang Xiaoyu always sitting in the distance watching the smoke-filled scene several times. Every time at this time, Cheng Yuer always feels that Fang Xiaoyu who is sitting there seems to have suddenly become ethereal and illusory. Get up, the whole person should belong to the war world.