


Yusuffauzi · Action
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68 Chs

The Hand of the Thief!!!

saw a dozen Japanese generals look at Fang Xiaoyu in disbelief, then at Rensuke Isoya, whose head twisted on the ground, and finally reacted thoroughly.

  "He killed the division leader, he killed the division leader, killed him, everyone killed him!"

  It never occurred to him that Fang Xiaoyu would actually slap Isoya Rensuke to the killed Japanese generals one by one. After reacting, he stared at Fang Xiaoyu fiercely, and didn't care about irritating Fang Xiaoyu.

  Anyway, even Isoya Rensuke had been killed by Fang Xiaoyu, and it was better to alarm the sentry outside, but there were a few Japanese generals who pulled up the seats next to him and walked towards Fang Xiaoyu.

  Looking at the Japanese generals, Fang Xiaoyu smiled contemptuously, and suddenly pulled off his military uniform, and saw a bundle of grenades pop out in front of Fang Xiaoyu.

  The Japanese generals who immediately tried to surround Fang Xiaoyu retreated as if they had seen a ghost, and even a few Japanese generals fell to the ground because they retreated too quickly.

  No one is not afraid of death. The Japanese soldiers present hated Fang Xiaoyu no matter how much, but they were frightened when they saw the grenade on Fang Xiaoyu's body.

  At this moment they could see that Fang Xiaoyu dared to kill Isotani Rensuke in their turf, either Fang Xiaoyu was a lunatic, or he was really not afraid of death.

  Now it seems that Fang Xiaoyu is really not afraid of death, horizontally afraid of being stunned, and stunned for fear of death. Now Fang Xiaoyu is in a posture of death, and no Japanese generals are not afraid.

  If Fang Xiaoyu was to detonate the grenades, the bundle of dozens of grenades could definitely drag everyone in the hall to death.

  A Japanese general retreated and shouted at Fang Xiaoyu: "No, no..."

  However, Fang Xiaoyu violently pulled the grenade tab and threw the bundle of grenades out. At the same time, Fang Xiaoyu said silently in his heart: "System, the task is complete, leave immediately!"

  With a bang, the entire hall exploded. The sentinels who had heard the movement rushed into the hall before they had time to rush into the hall but were also blasted out by the oncoming shock wave.

  Almost none of the dozen or so Japanese generals and the few sentries who rushed in was intact, and 90% of them lost their lives on the spot.

  The bang in the city shook the entire Zaozhuang city, especially when the Japanese soldiers who had retreated into Zaozhuang discovered that the explosion came from the division headquarters, all of them went crazy and rushed towards the compound.

  But at this time, in the small woods outside Zaozhuang City, Chen Daguo and others were walking back and forth like the ants on the hot pot.

  From time to time, I saw Chen Daguo stopping to look at the Zaozhuang City, and muttered: "Band Commander, you must come back safely, brothers are still waiting for you!"

  At this moment, a sudden explosion made Chen Daguo and the others stunned in their hearts. Everyone looked at each other, as if they had expected something, one by one, they ran towards Zaozhuang City.

  Hundreds of meters away, Zaozhuang city was right in front of him. He was blown by the cold wind and recovered some calmness. Listening to the harsh alarm flute sounding in the city, Chen Daguo stopped fiercely and roared at the crowd: "Stop it all for me!"

  After being yelled by Chen Daguo, everyone was stunned and all stopped. The only remaining guard beside Fang Xiaoyu knelt to the ground and cried: "Battle commander, why did you leave the brothers and leave by yourself? what!"

  "The camp..."

  "Brother Fang..."

  Dozens of people cried bitterly one by one. Chen Daguoqiang held back the tears from the corners of his eyes. He stretched out his hand and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Where is the funeral? What is this!"

  Hearing what Chen Daguo said, everyone's spirits were lifted. A pair of eyes fell on Chen Daguo's body. Chen Daguo gritted his teeth and said: "When we find a way to sneak into the city, we must find out exactly what happened."

Especially the death of a Japanese lieutenant general, Rensuke Isoya, can be imagined. Even if the Japanese army tried to block the news, the night passed, the Japanese army frantically retaliated in the city, venting the rage in his heart. But the news eventually leaked out.

  With such a big event, almost all the high-level Japanese soldiers in the city went to see their Amaterasu God. Those who knew a little better knew that someone actually pulled a dozen Japanese generals to death with their own efforts last night.

  And Chen Daguo and others who sneaked into the city also inquired about the news for the first time. When they found Fang Xiaoyu's news, Chen Daguo almost fainted, even if they had a premonition in their hearts, but when they really learned the truth, It is still difficult to accept such bad news.

  However, it was said that Fang Xiaoyu's crazy killing of the upper-level officers of the 10th Division was not only among the Japanese invaders, but also caused a huge sensation in the national army.

  Nie Zibin and Chi Fengcheng, as Fang Xiaoyu's chief officials, almost fell off their eyes when receiving this news.

  Nie Zibin's eyes were red, looking at the message, his nose was sour, and his urn sounded angrily: "His mother, Fang Xiaoyu, this bastard, even if he is dead, is so sensational."

  Chi Fengcheng wiped away his tears and deplored: "It's a pity that the party-state is a tiger general, this bastard has to make me a tear!"

  Chairman Chiang, who was in Xuzhou, was stunned when he received the news. After repeatedly determining the content of the message, Chairman Chiang took a deep breath and said in his Zhejiang accent: "The order goes on, and the post is given to Major Fang Xiaoyu. Major General, set up a burial mound for Fang Cheng and Fang Xiaoyu in Sichuan and be buried beside General Wang Mingzhang!"

  Fang Xiaoyu's crazy behavior caused great turmoil in this world, but at this time Fang Xiaoyu was looking at the thief system in front of him in a void.

  If it hadn't had a thief system, Fang Xiaoyu would definitely not be so crazy, he wouldn't make fun of his life.

  Fortunately, the system did not disappoint him. He was taken by the system and left the exploded hall at the moment he was sure to complete the task and leave.

  Looking at the Thief System with expectation, Fang Xiaoyu said, "System, what good things are in this world, the Thief Roulette, don't come out quickly. After stealing the treasure, I have to return to this world quickly!"

  "Dip! The host completes the task, the world is in turmoil, and the thief system locks the treasure. It is recommended that the host activate the thief's hand to steal it!"

  Hearing the system's reply, Fang Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this time the system was not giving him the robber roulette to let him try his luck, but directly locked the same existence and let him activate some robber's hand to steal it.

  Taking a deep breath, Fang Xiaoyu said solemnly: "Activate the hand of the thief."

  Suddenly Fang Xiaoyu appeared in front of Fang Xiaoyu's eyes with a huge and grey hand, no stranger to this giant hand, Fang Xiaoyu, he had seen this when he left Fang Shiyu's movie world, but at that time, the hand of the thief flashed by. It turned into a robber roulette, but now it appears directly with one hand.

  Seeing the thief's hand grabbing a handful of the gray light group in front of Fang Xiaoyu, Fang Xiaoyu clearly saw the gray light group violently shake, and then the light group seemed to dim a little.

  The hand of the thief caught something from the gray ball of light everywhere. Before Fang Xiaoyu could react, the hand of the thief rushed towards him. Before a while, the giant hand disappeared, and the brows trembled.

  "Di, congratulations to the host for stealing the origin of the space, successfully integrating, and opening the space!"

  Fang Xiaoyu couldn't help being stunned for a while listening to the system's prompt tone, but Fang Xiaoyu didn't think about it more. His attention was more on the scene where the big hand just grabbed the gray ball of light in the void.

  Suddenly, Fang Xiaoyu opened his mouth and said, "The system, activate the hand of the thief, and steal it again for me!"

  It's just that the system's answer was that Fang Xiaoyu was extremely disappointed: "Di, there is only one opportunity for the movie world to steal. Forcibly urging the thief system will only attract the movie world's instinctive counterattack, and the gain is not worth the loss!"

  Fang Xiaoyu frowned and said: "So, if one of the movie worlds happens to have something good, the thief system will activate the thief's hand after sensing it. If not, it will open the thief's roulette. Big Thieves Roulette can only hit one world once."

  "Di, the host understands it correctly, there is only one chance of the best collision between the thief system and each party's movie world!"

  Fang Xiaoyu nodded and said: "Understood, return to this world!"