


Yusuffauzi · Action
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68 Chs

The Actor Possession

Cheng Yu'er, who has no roleplay, will find Fang Xiaoyu always sitting in the distance watching the smoke-filled scene several times. Every time at this time, Cheng Yuer always feels that Fang Xiaoyu who is sitting there seems to have suddenly become ethereal and illusory. Get up, the whole person should belong to the war world.

  In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed. For a crew, it was normal to shoot a movie for more than half a year. At this time, the movie captured the scene of General Zhang Zizhong leading the army to the death of the Japanese invaders.

  Suddenly, the director yelled: "Kah, kah, kah! What the hell is going on with you, you are acting as a battalion commander of a national security guard. What I want is the kind of stout, brave, and fearless of life and death. Military profile, look at what you acted for me!"

  I have been shooting the same plot for a full day, but because of the inconspicuous but supposedly finishing touch, the director is almost mad.

  Finally the director couldn't help but broke out, shouting at the actor and then shouting: "Substitute, give me a substitute!"

  After the roar, the director directed at the assistant beside him: "Please contact the group leader and recommend someone who can take this role over!"

  At this moment, Cheng Yuer, who was sitting by the side, suddenly glanced at Fang Xiaoyu who was sitting not far away. With a heart move, she suddenly said to the director: "Director, I recommend someone to you, maybe you can try it!"

  Taking a look at Cheng Yuer in surprise, the director couldn't help but curiously said: "Oh, whoever, hurry up, this scene really can't be dragged on any longer."

  When the director wanted to come, since Cheng Yuer spoke, the person who wanted to recommend should not be too bad, so Cheng Yuer was urged to find someone as soon as possible.

  I saw Cheng Yuer pointed to the distance: "The director I recommend is there, what do you think."

  Several people around the director looked in the direction that Cheng Yuer was pointing, and they happened to see Fang Xiaoyu sitting there, who was affected by the atmosphere of the set war and involuntarily recalled the events of the bloody battle in Taierzhuang.

  At this time, Fang Xiaoyu exudes a strong military aura, especially that suffocating aura, which is so harmonious with the entire war shooting site, as if Fang Xiaoyu should have been a member of the battlefield.

  As a director, his vision is naturally not bad. When he saw Fang Xiaoyu, he couldn't help but slapped a clever one. He slapped his legs violently and said with excitement: "Yes, it's this kind of taste, suitable, this person is really too That's right."

  Fang Xiaoyu didn't know that Cheng Yuer recommended him to the director. Just when he was in a trance, Cheng Yuer, the director and the director's assistant came to Fang Xiaoyu's side.

  Cheng Yuer said to Fang Xiaoyu: "Fang Xiaoyu, what are you thinking about!"

  When he came back to his senses, Fang Xiaoyu looked at the people in front of him with some doubts, especially the director who was staring at him with bright eyes. Fang Xiaoyu couldn't help but said in surprise: "You are..."

  Cheng Yuer said with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "Fang Xiaoyu, you just noticed that the actor who played the guard battalion commander is really not enough, so I recommend you to the director to play it!"

  Fang Xiaoyu was taken aback, pointing to himself in surprise and said: "What, you let me go acting?"

  Cheng Yuer nodded and said, "Why, don't tell me that you have been on the set for so many years, and you can't even perform a little drama."

  Fang Xiaoyu immediately countered: "What? I doubt my strength. Isn't it just a battalion commander? It's just a small problem!"

  The director clapped his hands fiercely: "Okay, drama, take this Fang Xiaoyu to make-up!"

  Fang Xiaoyu reacted to Cheng Yu'er and curled his lips and said, "I was pitted by you!"

  Seeing Fang Xiaoyu's gloomy look, Cheng Yuer giggled and said, "Okay, you don't know how to be proud of you. Act it well, don't shame me."

  When the military uniform of the military battalion commander was put on, Fang Xiaoyu suddenly felt as if he had returned to the days of continuous artillery fire, and the condensed military might naturally exuded.

  After looking in the mirror, Fang Xiaoyu pulled his hat, loosened the belt around his waist, grabbed the prop pistol and walked out of the dressing room.

  When Fang Xiaoyu walked out of the dressing room, many people were shocked and stepped back subconsciously.

  Horror, it was really horrible, the evil spirit that seemed to crawl out of the dead man filled Fang Xiaoyu's whole body, especially Fang Xiaoyu's incomparable pair of cold eyes that made people dare not look at him.

  Even the director who is used to seeing various actors is shocked by Fang Xiaoyu's changes, but the director is a director after all, and he can't control a crew without a little momentum, so he quickly got rid of Fang Xiaoyu's influence and was extremely excited. Said: "Yes, this is the effect, this is what a soldier looks like."

  The director made a rare swear word in his excitement, but no one paid attention to it at the moment. Fang Xiaoyu was really amazing when he came out.

  Originally, several well-known old drama bones didn't care much about the director's sudden change, but when they saw Fang Xiaoyu, they all opened their eyes one by one, and their faces were full of incredible expressions.

  "Hey, where is this evildoer that popped up!"

  "Oh my god, this acting is too amazing, even if a battalion commander is really pulled from the army, it is impossible to have such an effect!"

  "Even a celebrity-level celebrity is nothing more than that!"

  Everyone has their own professional qualities, and the acting is good or bad. Fang Xiaoyu just stood there, completely a battalion commander of the security battalion who has experienced corpses and blood.

  The director yelled: "Pay attention to all departments and prepare to start shooting. If anyone drops the chain on me this time, don't blame me for being rude!"

  In fact, Fang Xiaoyu did not have many scenes, which was just a scene where he went to death with General Zhang Zizhong.

  However, this scene is very important because it is related to the image of General Zhang Zizhong. If the actor who is the commander of the guard battalion does not perform well, it will definitely affect the climax of the whole show. Play.

  The role of General Zhang Zizhong is a middle-aged actor who won the title of mainland actor. The performance of the general general is so vivid that even Fang Xiaoyu had to give a secret compliment.

  This scene is very easy, and it is also very difficult. The key is whether Fang Xiaoyu can support the aura of the whole scene. General Zhang Zizhong is a refined officer, and the guard battalion commander he plays is also not a reckless man. The director's request cannot be interpreted as a reckless image.

  As the director yelled, it was filming.

  The battalion commander, played by Fang Xiaoyu, stood beside Zhang Zizhong in gunpowder with a pistol. His resolute face looked extremely calm. When the bullets were exhausted, he dropped his pistol, grabbed a rifle, and fought with a bayonet against the enemy.

  "I live and die, I die and live!"

  Several actors shouted such words just like Fang Xiaoyu, and one by one rushed to the opposite Japanese insurgents.

  The actors who played the Japanese invaders facing Fang Xiaoyu were scared back by Fang Xiaoyu's terrifying aura or deadly eyes.

  The director was so angry when he saw it, he immediately called to a halt, reprimanding the several extras.

  An extra actor secretly glanced at Fang Xiaoyu, and said with a lingering fear to the director: "Director, it's none of our business, it's him... He was acting too scary, like trying to find us desperately."

  The director suddenly cursed: "He is playing a soldier who is going to die. If you don't work hard, do you want to have tea with you!"

  This was repeated several times. Fortunately, those group actors finally adapted to the horror brought to them by Fang Xiaoyu, and barely managed to shoot this scene successfully.

  When the director announced the passage of the scene, the group actors sat down and said to Fang Xiaoyu with a wry smile: "Mother, it's amazing. We have given so many actors to the show, we have never met. Having been to such a thing, your acting skills can't be compared to the movie king!"

  Even Cheng Yuer walked up to Fang Xiaoyu and looked at Fang Xiaoyu with a look like a monster.

  Fang Xiaoyu was stared at by Cheng Yuer, and she couldn't help touching her nose and said, "How about it, my performance is not bad, right?"

  Cheng Yuer said: "You are a monster!"

  I am afraid that there is more than one person who feels the same with Cheng Yuer, but everyone who sees Fang Xiaoyu's previous performance will have the same thought in everyone's mind, that is, Fang Xiaoyu is definitely a performance evildoer.