

As the flash of white lights end tyler finds himself in a room without his body any more but he quickly calms down to see a compleately plain body standing in the middle of the room he instantly realizes that this is when he has to choose what he will look like

he quivkly comes to a decision over what he would look like as he starts talking to the body giving it instructions on how to creaye itself

tyler: ok lets start from the top and head down lets go with pitch black wavy hair in the same stile as Niclous has his hair extemely blue eyes with a tiny bit of green through them

tyler is amazed as he suddenly sees hair sprout and form in the exact way he mentioned also that the eyes looked better than he thought they would

tyler: ok that was pretty cool but anyway lets continue make the face really handsome but elegant, make the body lean but with very defined muscles aslo make the d#ck 7 inches dont want it being too big now do we might scare someone away also make my heigh 5'9 and wight 140 pounds sound good that should be all lets do this

just as tyler finishes talking there was another bright flash of lights but this time he woke up in a really comfy bed when suddenly he gets a headache as a message appears in his mind from god

god: i took the liberty of giving you a background, place to live, a car and i also signed you up at beacon hills highschool that will be all

suprisingly he lives just down the road from where scott lives but because of my wish theres alot of houses near us and even a few apartment buildings just down the road all alex ened up thinking to himself was that this was going to be funner than he originaly thought it would be

he then begun to think of what his first course of action should be he decided he would start by going to the hospital and aquiring a steady flow of blood bags because he was thinking of getting in early and starting his clan of vampire (i will call it a clan of vampires for now cause i like the way it sounds) so he went to his garage to see the car god was taling about

its a 2019 chevrolet camaro in a deep wine red color with black decals which happened to be tylers dream car in his past life

he was so happy but was more focused on his task right now so he pulls out his phone and goes onto google maps to look for any hospitals nearby turns out theres not 1 but 4 hospitals and thats near him he can see on the map that beacon hills is 4 times that of a city from his old world which was actually quite amazing to see how much bigger it was what surprised him even more was that it was still classed as a town

anyway leaving that behind he made his way to the closest hospital he arrived pretty quickly only to see someone getting kidnapped in the parking lot by a pack of 8 werewolves without thier alpha but he also noted most of them had blue eyes

he rushed over snapped the first two guys necks crushed another ones head with his bare hands the remaining five were horrorfied at the sheer power tyler had at his disposal

just as one of the werewolves were about to ask him who he is and what hes doing tyler ripped of a car door throwing it towards the guy slicing his head of in the process instantly killing him

another one managed to do the good old bad guy scare you away with infuence

bad guy 4:do you know who you are messing with

tyler: no but i have this weird feeling your about to tell me

bad guy 4: well you should know, we are the silver fang pack and you better apologize right now with your life or else

tyler: or else what

bad guy 3: or our leader will kill you and everyone you love

tyler: well i think its time YOU know who your dealing with for you see i am the being born of an unsatiable thirst for blood the monster that lurks in the night i am the original personafecation of evil i am the ORIGINAL VAMPIRE NOW KNEEL BEFORE ME!

the werewolves visibly shy away at the dominance and power radiating off of me they all quickly fall to there knees afraid of what i might do to them if they dont follow every order i give out

its at this point i notice who it is that they were trying to kidnapp it was danny jacksons best freind from the show although i could erase everything hes seen tonight although it wouldnt help much seeing as he would probably end up in multiple situations like this one or i could turn him into my first vampire

i walk up to danny bite my wrist to let the blood flow from my viens force danny to drink some of my blood and then i snapped his neck sufficed to say i chose the latter

again if i get something wrong like names places time lines abilities or something like that please tell me as i can not remember the entirty of the show

BlazingImmortalcreators' thoughts