
Meeting GOD!

(p.s. not that great at wording sentences, spelling or at english in general so if u have a problem u can call me out on it.)

Our lazy protagonist tyler wakes up for hes daily routine consisting of spending five minutes to push him self out of bed have a shower for half an hour have breakfast then walk to school

although today was not an overly lucky day for tyler considering he is now pushing a young girl out of the way from a speeding truck

in his defense he managed to throw the girl back onto the foot path and jump out of the way of the truck only to get hit by Another F#cking truck with truck-kun written on the side of it

tyler suddenly jolts awake while screaming "F#CK YOU GOD!!" although what he didnt expect was a reply

God: No thank would rather you not do that or you migh just not get the 3 wishes i was about to offer you

tyler looks to his right just to notice a glowing old man suddenly appear in the room

tyler: im sorry i didnt mean it i was just upset at the way i died.

god: thats ok it was understandable seing how you died to Truck-kun that thing really is an unpredictable entity now you really need to hurry up and choose your 3 wishes i havent got too long

tyler: ok but just to ask do i get to choose where i will get to reincarnate and three wishes or will that be included in my wishes

god: yes you will be able to choose where you will reincarnate and 3 wishes now please hurry up i havent got all day

tyler: ok ok, i want to be reincarnated in teen wolf but have the world be bigger, more complicated and more of a challenge

God: that is actually pretty easy to grant im used to peopel just telling me they want to go to some place but never that they want to change the place they want to go

tyler: yeah it would be boring if i knew everything that was going to happen and how it was going to happen i want a challenge not the easy way

god: sounds fun

tyler: now for my first wish i would like to be reincarnated as an 1000 year old original vampire a few weeks before th start of the main plot and when i say original vampire i dont mean from some anime i mean as in the ones from the Originals but as a true immortal that can never die in other words no stupid as bullshit ways to kill me

god: done

tyler: for my second wish i would like have a character customization so i can make what i will look like as in every detail

god: done

tyler: and now for my final wish i would like you to make it so some of the stuff from the originals can be found in teen wolf like the hunter mark that increases every aspect of the hunters or the daylight rings simple stuff like that

god: that can be done would you like to have a daylight ring on you when you enter

tyler: yes please ( geez the old old dude just saved me alot of pain on entry )

god: ok you may now leave throught the red door on you left

tyler starts to walk towards the door but half way there god notices him turn back to him and hears him ask

tyler: one last question

god: and what prey tell would that question be

tyler with a confused face on slowly asks "why me"

god: dont know was just bored and thought it would be funny to do the truck-kun thing that i red so much

tyler: ( really thats why i was killed you have got to be kiding me) oh well at least i get to reincarnate into teen wolf

"this is going to be awesome" tyler yells as he moves through the red door to what seemed like an endless abyss of white but instead turned out be more of a really quick flash of an intense white light...

haha cliff hangered mutha fucka

I have no garantee on chapters will mainly just do this when i feel bored or have nothing else to do

anyway if you have any complaints about my story then you can comment them but im not really going to change anything even if you suggest i should

( p.s. if you dont like my story you can f#ck of)

BlazingImmortalcreators' thoughts