
Change of heart [Part 2]

Douluo Continent

Shrek Academy

"So why a chair?"

Yuanen Yehui asked Fan Lin after their classes ended. Fan Lin silently stared at Yuanen and said.

"That was for Gu Yue."

"I know, I saw the your crystal plaque. I am just asking why a chair? I mean why?"

Yuanen Yehui asked again. He was confused by the actions of Fan Lin and couldn't cultivate properly the previous night.

No matter how much he thought about, he still didn't understand the purpose of Fan Lin giving a chair to a first year girl.

Trying to impress a girl? Why a chair though? Fan Lin didn't lack wealth!

A gift? But for what purpose? What was he thinking of that he gave a chair of all things?

Did the girl ask him for the chair? Why?

Or was the chair special? How?

Did it have a special meaning between them?

Or could it be not from Fan Lin but someone else and he was just delivering it?

Maybe Fan Lin was trying to bully the girl by showing her status?

Yuanen began to think more and more bizarre ideas and since the person was Fan Lin, every single of his ideas seemed possible.

Fan Lin once killed 14 students because he found a soul beast cute. Who know what's going inside his mind?

"I just gave it to her since she was the only person that came to my mind."

Fan Lin apathetically said and prepared to leave but was stopped by Yuanen Yehui.

"Wait a minute, why does a person came to your mind when you see a chair?"

Yuanen asked. Fan Lin's statement was just that ambiguous. On one hand, it could be seen as unrealised feelings but on the other hand...

How does a chair make him think of a girl and if so, why does he thought so?

Yuanen Yehui's questions seemed to rise.

'Why the heck am I even wasting my time on thinking about this?'

He mentally asked but got no answer. To him, Fan Lin was basically a man of no emotions and the newer changes in the behaviour of Fan Lin was making him both scared and anticipated of what was to come.

It wasn't just Yuanen who thought that as well. The whole grade 2 wanted to know about it. Fan Lin seldom acted seriously in any of the group activities.

Now if that same Fan Lin was to act seriously in all the activities, the grade 2 might just become his punching bag on whatever the subject it was.

Because even if Fan Lin never paid attention and half heartedly learnt things most of the times. He didn't have a single non perfect score in any of his subjects and they all knew of his strength.

So much that even the Lecturer once said that Fan Lin alone can defeat the whole grade 2 in under ten seconds.

That was both an embarrassment and a realisation of the difference between them and him.

The whole class was concerned. Concerned that what if Fan Lin really began to seriously compete with them. The status quo that has been already established will crumble, so will the the remaining pride of the students.

Hence, even if they felt that it was wrong, they still prayed that Fan Lin remained the same indifferent person that he was in the grade 1.

"I was given that chair by someone but since I don't stay at my working students dormitory room, I just gave it to Gu Yue. All the grade 1 working students live in the same room."

Fan Lin clearly explained and left.

Yuanen Yehui finally understood. Fan Lin just gave what he was given to someone else because he didn't want it.

"But does he not think it's weird to give a chair to someone without that much in acquaintance?"

"Well it's him so maybe he doesn't care."

Yuanen Yehui thought and looked back at the peeking grade 2 students while giving them the 'safe' signal.


A week later.

The four craftsmen were proudly looking at the headpiece on Fan Lin's head. It was their utmost creation and took a day to create.

"I told you, the strength of my Battle Armor depends on the craftsmen."

Fan Lin said to them while experiencing the increase to his Spirit Power. The four of them ignored his statement and analysed the headpiece and the completely recovered gauntlets.

Just as Fan Lin had said, they were in harmony to each other.

It took them a whole day and they can still remember how notoriously Fan Lin splashed his blood in the whole forging room to get the 95%+ spirit refined alloys with spiritual power increment effects.

But Fan Lin didn't stop at that, he even used that blood splashing chance to eat up nearly 200kgs of fruits and then used the rampaging energy in his body to not just spirit refine the alloys but also to recover his gauntlets with blood essence and excess soul power and increase his cultivation with the remaining energy.

Now Fan Lin stood at Rank 49 Spirit Ancestor Rank.

Fortunately the soul refinement was super simple and easy in Fan Lin's case and got done in less than a hour.

After that, the Mecha Maker and Mechanic showed their complete flair and completed the armour piece - Headpiece and transitioned it to Fan Lin.

Which also worked better than normal as Fan Lin's body seemed to absorb the headpiece into it without any hints of discomfort or resistance from the body, his martial soul and the battle Armor piece.

Clearly proving Fan Lin's claim. His Battle Armor's quality truly depended on the creators not the user

The four craftsmen stared at Fan Lin's weird Battle Armor composition. His arm guards had soul power amplification and were made with metal that provided soul power enhancements and recovery.

His Headpiece on the other hand focused on Spirit Power and was composed of metals increasing Spirit Power with the soul circuits of Spiritual realm enhancements.

Normally, his battle armor composition should have already malfunctioned or exploded due to the sheer indifference of the composition and yet here he was, without any problems as the three pieces were like pieces of puzzles that fit perfectly.

""Let's not think this about this anymore.""

The four of them looked at each other and decided to put the matter aside. They will discuss it later on.

"So when should we prepare the next piece?"

Fan Lin asked again. He just experienced the power boost that each additional piece of the Battle Armor added to him and now he wanted the complete set before he reached rank 50.

That way, his plan would be easier.

"About that..."

A vicious smile formed on the faces of the four people as the workshop gate was shut tight. Fan Lin felt the changes in the atmosphere as the words of the form craftsmen came into his ears.

"Now. We have already prepared some unorthodox methods before but were skeptical of your situation but..."

One person among them said.

"Now we just want to start working and see the end result as soon as we can..."

Another person added.

"So you are going nowhere till we finish and we are starting now. Right at this moment."

Feng Wuyu was the last person to speak and lined the metals that they have prepared beforehand on the forging table while viciously looking at Fan Lin

"You are trapped in here with us until we finish with you."

Fan Lin indifferently looked at the four of them trying to intimidate him and nodded his head.

"Seems like you guys all singles."

He deftly shook his head while thinking about something and went to sit in a corner to meditate using his enhanced green ring.

The four of them looked at the silhouette of Fan Lin with nary a fear and silently chose to telepathically discuss it.

They couldn't understand how Fan Lin had the guts to say whatever he wanted in front of four Titled Douluos without any fear or respect.


Two weeks later.

Fan Lin quietly left the Blacksmith area with a small smile on his face.

The four craftsmen saw him and dispersed to do their own things. They had completed Fan Lin's order and they were proud of it. Now they wanted to sit and contemplate the gains they got from the creation of his unique battle armor since it was a once in a lifetime experience for them and could help them further their comprehension in the secondary professions and much more.


Fan Lin, on the other hand, went towards the working students dormitory and saw the crystal plaque of his. The chair was gone.

'Must be taken.'

With a swipe of his hands, the crystal plaque disappeared and he once again waited for Gu Yue in front of her room.

Due to being in the workshop for the past two weeks, he didn't have any chances to meet her and gain more information.

And he had reach ranked 50 by using the Energy Combustion Method.

[Let's check your memories]

Fan Lin called the Lecturer to ask about the tower attack token and was obviously denied as a consequence of angering the old man who provided the tokens.

"Gu Yue it is then. I should be able to convince(blackmail) her seeing she is so cooperative with me."

Fan Lin dialed the number of the handler to ask about the funds that they had.

"She is a disciple of the Vice President so she should be able to help me get a chance for the tower quota. I should still be ready to firmly apologize to the old man in case it didn't work."

"I do hate compromises... All for a better future."

Fan Lin stared at the glaring sun.

"Classes should end anytime."


Working students dormitory.

Fan Lin was silently waiting for Gu Yue.

Yuanen Yehui was looking at him. He glanced back and Yuanen silently entered Yuanen's room.

Sometime later, another student came and opened the door to enter Yuanen's house.

Then they both came out and started bickering.

"I am also a working student from now on."

The student, aka, Yu Zhengyu said to Yuanen. Yuanen bickered some more and came to Fan Lin.

"Can I use your room for today? I will move to a new room after the administration hall opens tomorrow."

Yuanen Yehui said to Fan Lin. He knew the condition of his room and how Fan Lin seldom stayed there.

"Ok but you have to clean it. It's basically a storehouse at this point."

Fan Lin flatly stated. Yuanen looked at him and into his green eyes that were devoid of emotions.

'Then keep it clean you mf.'

Yuanen thought but didn't say and asked for the key to the house.

"It's open. I didn't lock it."

Fan Lin answered indifferently.

"Don't you have stuff of your own in their?"

Yuanen thought out loud.

"The room key is in the box. Use it to your liking and hang a sign on the door to signify that the room is in use."

Fan Lin answered.

"Hm?" [Yuanen Yehui]

"My stuff isn't that important. Just leave it as it is and use the rest of the room however you like.[Fan Lin]

"Okay. Thanks for your help." [Yuanen Yehui]

Yuanen thanked him and went to clean the room.

Fan Lin looked at Yuanen and then at his room.

"Let me help you. I should have kept it clean to begin with."

Fan Lin said and got up to help Yuanen clean the room. Gu Yue will come to the working students dormitory, that's something that will happen.

Waiting for it for happen while waiting in front of her room felt like a waste of time to him.

Since he was basically free, why not clean the room that he had to clean a long time ago. He had literally nothing else to do anyways.

His cultivation was at the peak of his current limit. He didn't want to do anything related to his second occupation at the moment.

His shop was running fine and an hour of work would not suddenly double his income. Well actually it could but then the whole world will knew that either the child killer was alive or someone was imitating it.

His studies were fine even though he had attended less than 5 classes in the whole month. He was smart(self-proclaimed), he will somehow manage.

With his help, Yuanen managed to clean the whole room as Fan Lin stored everything that was in the room in one of the storage soul guide and the empty room was easily cleaned by Yuanen.

Then the stuff in the storage soul guide was cleaned one by one and placed back in the room.

The cleaning was done in under an hour due to them being Soul Masters and having better physique than normal people.

Yuanen even turned into his giant ape form to clean the ceiling and higher places of the room.

After the room has been cleaned, Yuanen Yehui looked at the clean Fan Lin and then at his own dust and filth covered clothes with confusion.

"Why did you help me? I mean, with the cleaning."

Yuanen asked Fan Lin while they were seated on the opposite bunk beds.

"I have decided to change but I was being shallow. I just wanted to improve on what I like while neglecting the rest. My room was an example of it and it also showcased my actions in reality."

"I just wanted to change that. I truly want to change but I have only been thinking of changing the bigger things about me till now, while ignoring the smaller and mundane habits of mine."

"Since I have planned to change and I keep failing at achieving the bigger changes, I thought I should start small and slowly but surely change myself, instead of trying my hardest to directly crush my own desires and fail miserably at that, I will now change my small, bad habits into better ones first and then... maybe I don't need to achieve the bigger change since I would be a new and better person."

"Just my thoughts. Don't know if it will become a reality though."

Fan Lin slowly said while taking out a big bathtub and a gallon of water from one of his storage soul guides from under the bed.

Yuanen Yehui quietly gazed at Fan Lin and internally nodded. He did felt the changes in Fan Lin, although small but there was proof of it.

"Why did you suddenly want to change?"

Yuanen asked, wanting to understand the person in front of him.

"I just remembered a story. It was about a woman who kidnapped the person she liked and married him. She did everything to please the man but the man, afraid and aggrieved by the actions of the woman, avoided her."

"Three years later, a small event happened and the woman left the man. After she left him, he realised the place she had taken inside his life and went nearly mad at her departure.".

"Thankfully, they reunited and they had a good time. Those moments were the dearest memories of the man."

"Moral of the story - Change is necessary in life. Doesn't matter we like it or not. If the man didn't change, the woman would have lived her whole life loving someone who didn't love her in return. It would have been heartbreaking to live a life like that."

"I don't want a life like that. I need to change myself so that I could do what is right not what I think is right or what I want."

"You may think I might be exaggerating but I know myself. I am too capable but shallow minded in nature. If I felt like something is right or something shouldn't exist, I will give my all to make it happen. I don't like compromises. I want what I want and I will give my all to achieve it. I am also fickle in nature as my desires change quite fast."

"And these are the things due to which I want to change. These things make me weak and vulnerable to exploitation by someone who knows me."

'I am talking to you, Punishment God. I am not your puppet.'

"That's it."

Fan Lin said while filling the bathtub with water, heating it and preparing some towels.

"Take a bath and put the things back in the soul guide after use."

Fan Lin threw a necklace shaped storage soul guide to Yuanen and left the room.

"What about you?"

Yuanen asked from inside the room.

"I never get dirty."

Fan Lin emotionlessly answered and went to wait for Gu Yue.

Yuanen listened to his answer and closed the door with a blank look in his eyes. He had hung the sign and properly locked the door.

Fan Lin even had erected a name plate crystal in front of the room with her name on it.

'Why did I suddenly expect a normal answer from him?'

'He did look clean though.'

'Also why does he has a bathtub and so much water and bathing necessities in his storage soul guide?'

'Wait, why does he has so many storage soul guides? How many are they!'

'Those are probably in hundreds!'

'My stuff isn't that important' he dared to say that. The more I think about the situation, the angrier I am getting.'

Yuanen Yehui thought while taking out her makeup and clothes.

Yeah, her. Yuanen Yehui was a her, not him.

'But what's with the story and what the heck does he wants? He is still narcissistic though.'

Yuanen thought while getting in the bath.

'Did he and that first grade girl had a connection before the academy?"

"They are the same age... also what's with that story?"

Yuanen wondered while bathing.



Three days after Fan Lin left the chair outside the grade 1 students room.

"Don't you think we should take it?"

Xu Xiaoyan slowly suggested to Gu Yue.

"You already know how 'facilitated' our room is. This chair can be useful than the old chair we are provided. It even had cushions!"

Xu Xiaoyan added.

"Then you take it."

Gu Yue calmly said.

"But... but it's given to you. wh-" [Xu Xiaoyan]

"He must have gotten it from somewhere and given it to me because he doesn't live in his room. He won't mind if you take it." [Gu Yue]

Gu Yue cut Xu Xiaoyan mid-sentence.

"He? Then why don't you take it?" [Xu Xiaoyan]

"Because I don't need it." [Gu Yue]

"Then I can really take it." [Xu Xiaoyan]

"Your choice."

And then Xu Xiaoyan took the chair.

Now the chair was situated by the girls' side of the room.



"Headmaster! Fan Lin called to ask for the token. He is currently on the line!"

The Lecturer impatiently said to the former Headmaster.

"I am not the Headmaster anymore and proceed as planned. I will also inform the others to not give him the token until said so by me or Elder Cai."

The former Headmaster said.


The Lecturer rejected Fan Lin.

"Hmmm. What if he suddenly joined the Spirit Pagoda in desperation?"

The former Headmaster called Elder Cai again and as usual she had some plans for that situation.



Fan Lin's unknown Shop.

The handler stared at the soul communicator in her hands.

"Is he planning on another big scale event?" [Handler friend 1]

"Didn't he prepare the special delivery less than two weeks ago?" [Handler friend 2]

"Is his condition deteriorating?" [Handler's Senpai]

"I don't know. He just asked about the total funds and cut the call." [Handler]

Unknown to Fan Lin, his employees had already considered his killings as an illness of some sort.


"I tell you, someone is trying to woo Gu Yue. You better act fast."

Xie Xie said to his friend and buddy Tang Wulin.

"What nonsense you talking about? Is your head just filled with rubbish or yesterday's beating is not enough for you."

Tang Wulin said while recalling the rumour that he liked Yue Zhengyu which was spread by Xie Xie to Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue.

After knowing this, Tang Wulin had obviously 'sparred' with Xie Xie and Gue Yue had beaten him till his face was swollen.

And now Xie Xie was saying stuff like this the next day. Looks like, he really didn't want to live.

"This and that are different and I have seen Gu Yue waiting for someone sometimes and the chair, the chair is the proof."

"Like have you seen that crystal jade with her name engraved on it. It must have been costly to make it and it's such a big piece at that. It's also tough so it is probably a rare type of jade."

"Do you really think someone without any purpose would leave a big piece of jade like that. I think the chair has a meaning that you and I don't understand."

"And remember how Gu Yue acted when we saw the chair. She just ignored it."

"Some rich kid is trying his hands and Gu Yue must be his target, ouch."

"Why did you hit me?"

"She is behind us." [Tang Wulin]


Xie Xie was beaten again that day.



Gu Yue returned to her room after beating Xie Xie.

The chair that was given by Fan Lin came in her sight as Xu Xiaoyan was using it for the few days.

"Why a chair that is soaked with his blood essence and soul power?

She whispered to herself as she sensed the blood essence that belonged to Fan Lin with his soul power signature.

When she first saw it, she couldn't understand the meaning behind his action.

If not for the fact that his blood has a nice sweet smell to it, she would have burnt the chair the moment she saw it.

'I will ask him later.'

She thought and closed her eyes to meditate.



Yu Zhengyu

Yu Zhengyu was completely ignored by both the Yuanen and Fan Lin as they went on to do their cleaning.

He silently looked at them cleaning from the sidelines and decided to leave the place. He could not defeat the two of them in a battle.

He was a loner that couldn't make any friends due to being late by a whole grade and now his pride was making it difficult to make friends.

He thought that he might be able to gain some popularity by defeating the Class President but was cruelly handed down his pride along with his defeat.

As for him fighting the loner Lin, the whole grade 2 stopped him on his way whenever he wanted to get close to Fan Lin. They also interrupted him whenever he tried to shout his challenge.

I just wanted friends.

"I will hangout with the first graders then."

He said with a smile and went to find Wulin to pester.


Why Gu Yue was late.

Gu Yue, Tang Wulin, Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan were eating food in the Dining Hall as usual when Gu Yue had a call from her Master to talk about something.

They all went their separate ways after eating at the Dining Hall whereas Gu Yue took a trip to the Spirit Pagoda

She was secretly escorted to the Shrek Academy late at night by her Master.


Xie Xie on it again.

"So I think the person who was trying to hit on her might be that grade 2 senior who tried to buy your forging? That Angel martial soul senior."

"He is rich and cunning so maybe he wanted to get his hands on Gu Yue due to her strength. Everyone in the first grade knows about her strength."

"What nonsense are you talking again?" [Tang Wulin]

Xie Xie had joined Tang Wulin after he was returning from his practice with Feng Wuyu and they both were chatting on their way to their next destination which happened to be the working students dormitory.

"No, no think about it. He was behind you after knowing your age and your Blacksmith rank. Just like that, he must be after Gu Yue too. She is strong. You and I have already seen how he behaved that night when he tried to blatantly hit on a girl, used money to get her number, he even brought the shop to get the number!"

"He is a Playboy, a big Playboy, I am telling you, his intentions aren't pure."

"Ohh. That's knew." [Yu Zhengyu]

Yu Zhengyu said while getting behind them. He had been asking students and teachers about the location of Wulin while wandering around the Shrek to remember the various places.

Due to this, it took him some time to find Tang Wulin along with his friend Xie Xie and this was the first thing that he heard when he came to greet them.

Xie Xie kept apologising to Yu Zhengyu throughout their way to the working students dormitory.
