
Orders Up, MANTIS!

Everyone needs a day off, Even the MANTIS. Sometimes, they needed the time away, away from the constant fighting against the Honkai and many other enemies. . On one such day, a certain white haired young man found himself discovering a hidden gem within the city that was the beginning of every event, and meeting a blond barista who is strangely enough, seems very familiar to him and many others, a single man who manages a Cafe alone while also holding back many secrets that drawn everyone to him like a moth.

Ryanzen_RaimeSTR · Video Games
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5 Chs

Interlude - I

In the heart of Tokyo's streets, silent whispers and mutterungs traveled from person to person as they walked through the bustling crowd, stitching a thread of monotonous atmosphere in the air. As the sun rises, illuminating light across the world, it became a contrast to the weariness and dullness nestled in the souls of the toiling populace, each one harboring a tender wish nourished for the day's end just so they could rest.

The scene zooms into a particular woman who has long wine-red hair, which she wears loose. Her eyes being a deep yellow like ambers. She has a golden hairpin that goes from her left side to the back of her head; its golden chain leads to a brown bow. She also has an earring on that side.

The twenty-year-old singer's face looked very haggard despite her bright choice of attire. Today was a bad day for the her because of the bad luck she had experienced in a row.

Not only was the audiences were very wild from her performance, they almost broke the restriction lines and were it not for the narrowly timed securities, then she would have been swarmed by the overexcited fans.

Not to mention, the fact the news media were giving her a bad spotlight, subtly claiming that she instigated the entire incident and causing her to get an earful from the manager as he question if the rumors were true, which he clarified "Just to make sure".

Bull. Shit.

'Bollocks, when would life ever be without needless things like drama...?' She wailed in her mind.

Eden feels like screaming as loud as she can right now. But unfortunately, she's embarrassed if she has to scream in the middle of the street people were passing by, not to mention what her manager would react if she unintentionally cause an incident, the interrogation from earlier are still fresh in her mind, and she soo not want to hear it again.

Later, when she arrived at the mansion she owned, she would scream all she wanted without anyone disturbing her from her room.

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, but that left her currently with the lingering feelings of frustration and irritation in the present time.

Huh, how to make her bad mood turn into good mood again, Eden thought to herself while mumbling under her breath.

Eden was now thinking quite hard in her brain. The gears of her brain sped up thinking about what things could raise her mood.

Buying another new set of clothes? Ah, she did that yesterday.

Went to a fancy restaurant? Nada, she really don't feel too hungry right now nor was she even want to eat something that was served small, yet the marketing is over the top.

Her stash of collector wines? Hmm, she didn't want to waste them carelessly considering how rare each of them are to obtain.

What could make her cheerful again? The wind blew then. which had started to fall from the time of its peak. It was two o'clock in the afternoon.

Maybe she should just go get something to eat first now. Just look for some fast food at a food restaurant with the crown symbol near this area and then go to the city park for a while. There it must be a little cooler because there are lots of shady trees and there is a fountain.

Maybe that can make her mood better besides later she can also feed the pigeons there. The distance where she was grumbling with the fast food restaurant was indeed not far. It was only three hundred meters. She had also bought a loaf of bread which she would crumple later to feed the flock of pigeons.

It only took fifteen minutes to reach the city park. there are also trees with colorful paper flowers in bloom. There are many people in this park, from those who are dating to those who bring their wives and children.

Even though this is not a work holiday, the visitors to this park are quite dense. The fountain in the middle of the park is flowing rushing upwards, challenging the sky it seems and splashes from the water that descends giving a refreshing cold sensation on the skin.

Actually she wanted to sit near the fountain but unfortunately, there were seen many small children playing and frolicking. Her eyes looked at several corners of the garden, the benches look to be all filled with young couples or couples who look married.

Ahhh.... Why is it so full at a time like this! Should she go somewhere else? But it's a shame she's not already here. She'd better sit under a tree. which was only occupied by one young man who has a blonde hair akin to a golden dust, wearing a casual clothes, he was holding a small notebook and seen writing some things there.

From his face it looked like a teenager who was still in high school. But usually children who were in high school instead rarely are there alone at this hour?

The woman's eyes could see several girls who were around the young man glancing and whispering to each other. But for some reason they didn't come closer and start talking to him, strange, considering young womens these days often flock over to someone they sees as good.

The young man was very handsome, she admit. When the eyes of the two of them met for a moment, she could see that there was so much sadness stored inside. How? How could the young man's beautiful green eyes that should have been bright be so empty and colorless?

The young man nodded his head, giving a small smile which Eden returned with an awkward nod.

No more interactions. But the woman often glanced at the young man. Somehow there was a sense of curiosity that arose in the Diva when she saw the young man. The young man's hand was still writing in the small light blue notebook.

The sound of scratching a ballpoint pen was faintly heard occasionally and the cool feeling of the wind accompanied the two of them who sat silently without a word of greeting being spoken.

Eden actually wanted to say hello to just make small talk or chat for a moment but she was unsure to herself. Should women start talking first? Boys first! But... if it's been like this for a long time why does it feel uncomfortable? Was it just her feelings or what?

She glanced once more. Unfortunately, her glance coincided with the young man beside him also looking at her. Eden's seemed to start blushing pink on the cheeks.

...Embarrassed for being caught, She do not expect to fit together like this. She's caught! She immediately turned her face the other way, trying to take the bread she had brought and she put beside her, she squeezed it quickly and sprinkled it forward.

What she did quickly attracted the nearby flock of pigeons and descended to receive free food for them. At that time the woman was still controlling her embarrassment, a melodious chuckle sounded in the ear. It came from beside the woman. Eden grew embarrassed. She was being laughed at.

The pink blush was increasingly visible on her sweet cheeks. Then Eden's shoulder was touched gently. She jumped in surprise and turned her head.

Their eyes met again. The light blue notebook that the young man had written was already lying on the side with the young man looking at him with a gentle smile. Hands stretched out slowly, trying to invite handshake.


The voice sounded calm like the wind that swished between the two of them.

The leaves swayed and their hair was each gently caressed by the wind that swished. A little shy, Eden answered by accepting the handshake.

The young man had already introduced his name. A name she didn't know that would bring so much happiness to her.

Her voice came out a few moments after their hands joined together in introduction.


And that's how the two of them got to know each other.

