
Orders Up, MANTIS!

Everyone needs a day off, Even the MANTIS. Sometimes, they needed the time away, away from the constant fighting against the Honkai and many other enemies. . On one such day, a certain white haired young man found himself discovering a hidden gem within the city that was the beginning of every event, and meeting a blond barista who is strangely enough, seems very familiar to him and many others, a single man who manages a Cafe alone while also holding back many secrets that drawn everyone to him like a moth.

Ryanzen_RaimeSTR · Video Games
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It was on the late Thursday evening as the sun started to set when Astra managed to finish serving his final customer for today... which should have been completed since afternoon ago BUT, because of the fact that his place was swarmed by young teenagers who have heard about his place.


Astra looked up from his table at the door knocking; irritated from the fact that someone didn't read the closed sign on the window, he took a sip of his tea to calm his nerves down before standing up to his feet and walked towards the door where the knocking didn't seems to show any signs of stopping, he pulled back the knob and launched a tirade full of exhaustion.

"WE'RE CLOSED YOU PARRICID- oh it's you Kevin." He immediately stopped his sentence when he saw who it was.

Instead of the face of a random, Astra's green eyes were greeted by the sight of white snow hair and clear blue eyes.

"Sup, Ast. I'm coming in." The albino teen greeted as he then passed the owner and came inside the café.

Astra did a mighty spit-take at the unexpected visit. Hacking and coughing out the drink from his throat, the ex-Guardian glared at the guest. "The hell are you doing here this late!? I'm already closed!"

"That won't stop me from barging in for gaming in your place, because I'm the main character." The white haired Kaslana proudly exclaimed like it's the biggest achievement he had.


Astra palmed his face at the narcissistic reply.

'What did I ever do to deserve this..'

Then Astra caught to one of Kevin's sentence.

"Game?" Astra titled his head. "What, like Rock, Paper and scissors?"

"You... You have never played a computer game?" Kevin blink owlishly at him mixed with disbelief colouring his visage, how could an adult not known of such thing considering that this is the age where Myphone [1] has released their newest 21 model. Which they just improved the glass and camera quality nothing more, nothing less.

"You can play games on computers now?!" It was Astra's turn to blink in shock. "Goodness gracious Bari, i thought computer was only for sending message and storing notes."

'Or in my case, just playing poker games.'

"You've... never..." Kevin staggered backwards while holding his chest. He coughed blood and fell over to the floor dramatically.

"Quit your bullshitting," Astra kicked him on the rib hard causing the Kaslana to cry out in pain.

"ANYWAY!" The albino sprungs up into his feet, he dusted his clothes and act like as if he didn't get beaten on the ground and pulled the guardian to his side with a squawk.

"Since you've never played the game it is only fair I do that I. Kevin McKaslana the one and only! Gamer Lord to ensure that you experience the fun and excitement of computer games!" Kevin declared as he held the annoyed owner by the shoulder. "To minimise the distractions we will turn your employee resting room into the... GAMING ROOM!."

"...Ugh, i can feel the headache. Nope i'm already experiencing it right now."

"What? Not like you have anyone there, right?"





The first match begins with normal in an FPS match. A twelve versus twelve players in something called Hardpoint mode where two opposing teams fight to control rotating objective areas on the map. Basically protect that limited area till it runs out of time and it moves to another.

But things went spiral due to one thing... The map. It is a small arena- A cargo bay - there's almost no safe square inch in such a small space, regularly spawning right into the next headshot. So the map becomes a frenetic dance of "spawn - fire three shots - die - spawn - fire no shots - die" cycle. [2]

And you know what happens in cramped and small map full of enemies using toxic guns- Shotguns -with their disgusting- Explosive and slugs shells -attachments?


"ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE!" [3] Kevin screamed fearfully as he dived inside an empty container to take cover, however he noticed that there's a one person missing and he looked back in horror to see his blond friend standing in the open stupefied at the sight of the soaring angel of death.

"WHAT IN OBLIVION IS THAT!" [4] Astra shouted while gawking at the gunship in the sky. As this is the first time he had seen such thing.

"ASTRA GET THE FUCK OVER HERE!" Kevin yelled but he was too late, because the gunship howitzer had started to rain down it's 105mm shells onto the cargo bay like falling death.

Safe to say, Astra didn't make it.

On the second matching, Su decided to join the duo as he enters the cafe's secret lounge area, which is a new addition that Astra had built within his café How he does that within a short time, Su never knew. But the man came to the duo with a brown paper bag.

"So here you two were this whole time."

"Oh, Su. Glad you can make it."

"Yeah, it's quite a chore for me to make sure that i have finished all previous work to visit here." Su shrugged and he spotted Kevin, which the latter was busy on the game in front of him. "I see that Kevin was still as usual, eh, " The green haired man greeted with his ever usual serene smile.

Suddenly, an announcement was heard from both of Kevin and Astra's screen prompting the two to refocus back and paled at the words they had dread to hear;

[Enemy Nuke Has Been Launched, It's Over!]

"Run like hell!" Kevin shouted in response as he tried to move as far from the death zone as possible, when the sound of rocket taking off thundered across the skies, inching dangerously closer and closer to the map. "No no no.... Nononononononononono!" Kevin held the sprint hotkey as hard as he could, biting his lip as his eyes grew bloodshot with panic at the thrumming sound of impending, inevitable explosive death.

"WAIT! KEVIN! What's happening with my character?! I'm suddenly crouching on the ground! AND I CAN'T GET BACK UP!" Astra cried out as he fumbled panickily over the keyboard, but the albino didn't answered as he was too busy running for his life, basically abandoning the outworlder to his demise.

However, in the fit of panic, Astra accidentally clicked the left mouse in his button mashing, firing a few rounds of his Modified M16 at the distant and fleeting form of Kevin while flailing his aim chaotically in his fluster.

"Wha-! THE- FUC-! Who fired-!?" Kevin saw his avatar took some injured damage and turned to the culprit. "STOP MASHING BUTTONS, AND FUCKING RUUUUUUUN!"


"YOU'RE PRESSING THE SHIFT BUTTON AND THE MOUSE YOU DINGUS, STOP THAT!" However, it was too late. The nuclear bomb had striked it's target and a huge mushroom cloud was seen on the horizon continue to rise l above the skies.

Their screens which act as their characters POV started to whiten around the edges and they shrieked in panic unisonly as their avatars dying slowly and horribly from the radiation, all the while Su just stares at them blankly to the side not knowing how to react or to do.






"Agh, Astra! Watch yo fuckung jet!" ~Kevin.

"Shut up! It's harder than it looks in the game, okay?!" ~Astra.

"...This is fine." ~Su.

"Fuck you, you no-life bitches! Kevin, Đâu là tên khốn!? Đâu là tên khốn kiếp!" The owner whipped out a grenade. He approached closer towards the door, turned to aim at the opening between the gate - small, but enough for a grenade to slip through.

The white prince slowly peeked up and immediately ducked down after seeing what he had just viewed.

"... He's just standing there on the open, MENACINGLY!" [5]

"Screw this, i'mma finish them myself!" Astra roared, "Cái chết từ trên cao, lũ chó tư bản!" He cursed them once again in vietnamese before pulling the pin and He threw as he marched, but alas, his aim was off yet again and the grenade hit the wooden door and bounced other direction.

Plink! Plank! Tung...

Astra seeths with frustration as he watches his attempt of failjng to throw a grenade at his intended target, the bomb bouncing again this time somehow off the moss-covered grey well and landed down next to Su's avatar who was taking cover, the green haired man looks down at his feet then stares back at Astra, before the grenade went off and blows him up in the process.

Back to the room, Su slowly pulled away from the screen promptly to stare at the ex guardian beside him, whom only returned his look with a regret mixed guilty look.

"...You really don't know how to aim, do you."

Although there was no hint of anger or spite only curiosity, Astra couldn't help but grimacing.


Suddenly, several tiny holes appeared in the head of Astra's avatar, before he dropped down dead, first on his knees then on his face while pooling his own blood into the concrete.

"What the-...? Friendly fire!?" Looking at the killcam and the notification at the corner of the screen, Astra clenched his fist and then snapped to see Kevin's avatar with his gun firing wildly everywhere. "...KEVIIIIN!" Turning his head from the screen, Astra glared at Kevin sitting a seat away from him.




Su watch as the two bickers once again forgetting the game momentarily, he noticed there's a small dot movement that seems to be approaching closer to Kevin who doesn't shown any sign of stopping his shooting.

'Just how much bullet does a machine gun suppose to store..' The doctor doesn't really have much knowledge shaking that thought away and tries to warn his friends.







Su sighed and gave up trying to catch their attention, that was... Until Kevin's avatar suddenly got littered by bullets from enemies shotguns shells that the two stopped their fight and witnesses Kevin's corpse being desecrated (Read; T-bagged) by the enemies.

"...We'll never speak of this ever again."




[Be advised, they have taken over Point Charlie]

"NOT TILL I SAY SO!" A certain blond guardian snapped to the announcer as he skillfully drives an A6M2 Zero and dodges most of the enemies artillery and anti-aircraft guns. However, some of the bullets and shells manages to rips through the wings and even shot through the oil tank causing a leak to spill across the air.

"Fool! I have performed the first 360 no hand, dimensional rift, triple backflip while headstanding on the pilot seat, teleporting to another world with an aerial maneuver that will make any skilled pilots wet themselves, sommersault no-suicidal divine wind assault back at the pacific theater, you think being wingless will stop me!?"

This time Kevin and Su decides to watch on the sidelines as Astra went in to dive down into enemies formation while riding the flaming death.





"You know why shotguns were banned back in World War 1!?" Astra shouted on the mic while pumping the trench gun, in a... Trench... While playing as the allies against Axis enemies.

"Because those reichtards are ez kills in front of these barrels! Yippe-ki yay muthafucka!" He hooted while slamfiring any incoming player with his M97.

T-foom-Dh, Cklick.

"Have some freedom!"

T-foom-Dh, Cklick. T-Foom-Dh

"Your oil is now mine, freedom granted!" [6]

T-foom-Dh, Cklick. T-Foom-Dh, Cklick. T-Foom-Dh, Cklick. T-foom-Dh, Cklick. T-Foom-Dh, Cklick. T-Foom-Dh, Cklick. T-foom-Dh, Cklick. T-Foom-Dh, Cklick. T-Foom-Dh, Cklick. T-foom-Dh, Cklick. T-Foom-Dh, Cklick. T-Foom-Dh, Cklick.


One of the dead enemy player commented furiously in the chat.

"I've got fifthty-seven more goddamn round in this sonuvabitch [7], Viva la Americ-"

Astra went silent when he got rammed by an enemy armoured car, the car stops as the drivers decided to got out and quickly gathers to stand over his dead body before repeatedly crouch their character over the corpse.

Throughout all of this, the other duo; Kevin and Su were watching the whole debacle from afar as they didn't try and stop the raging enemy gamers from desecrating Astra's avatar.

Astra noticed and back to the room he slowly crane his neck to Kevin who wore blank face as Su didn't dare to face him.

"...Did you really leave me into the Abyss, and calmly watches my existence being revoked." Astra asked calmly.

Kevin answered back shortly with a perfect straight face and a tone that were devoid of anything;




"There's a glitch where if you fall from a certain height, you won't take damage at all."


"I'm serious dude, many players have abused this glitch for a while now in the late game... It's a wonder Neglectvision [8] didn't fix it yet."

"Trust me."

"No way."

"C'mon, dude. Have a little faith..."


The exchange between Kevin and Astra carried on for a few seconds until the former asked this very question. "...Are you saying 'no' because I'm japanese?"

"...Are you making this a race-thing now?" Astra narrowed his eyes, his faith dwindling even more.

"That's racist, like you are not believing an asian who has white hair." Kevin argued. "That's pretty racist, dude."

"That's low, man." The owner frowned at his friend, "...My point still stands, I'm not jumping." Astra chose to keep his foot down.

"You don't have to jump! Just walk off." Kevin tone became frustrated. "You'll be fine! Trust me, it's not gonna deal any damage at all!"

"Daga Kotowaru." [9]

"You know what? Go ahead then, don't believe me why don't you." Kevin then taunted him. "Once the day passes and you woke up to that new day, You'll never know of the answer, you'll never know and that curiosity will start to eat you alive, you will live on to your life with That. Single. Question remains in your mind, until one day you wake up at 2 o'clock in the morning wondering, 'was Jevin telling the truth?'. But you never did... You never known the answer, no matter how much you tries to create theories or tries to forget it that thing will always continue to nag At the back of your mind, demanding that you get the answer. One way or another."

"...Alright, screw this." After a few seconds of pondering over the albino's words, Astra sighed internally for what he about to do and then finally decided to jump off towards the ground below.




When his feet landed to the ground, there was indeed no damage dealt to his hit points. "Oh..." Astra looked around to see that he was pretty much fine. "...Truthfully, I expected I'm going to to die or something."

"See? I told you!" Kevin said with victorious tone. "I'm not a liar!"

"Huh... guess I owe you an apolog-"


The next second, his avatar got killed in a blazing explosion. Death by an automatic shotgun to the head from behind.

The room fell into uncomfortable silence as Astra watched the logo 'You Died' on his screen. He did not utter a single word even when his killer looted his belongings and started to repeatedly crouched and stooding up over his body, the enemy t-bagged his corpse while knifing the air on his screen.




"...Still, I was right, wasn't I?" After a moment of silence Kevin speaks while making a so-so motion with his hand. "You just don't assume I'm lying-"

{Nubnubnub} The player mocked while jumping and knifing the air. They even called their teammates to join t-bagging, shooting the corpse or many other disrespectful actions.

Astra slowly crane his head to the side where Kevin grimaced upon seeing the murderous visage.

"...I take back my apology." Astra snapped harshly, his right eye twitching in absolute fury. "And here's the thing! You've been lying to me constantly for the last six matches, and the moment you spoke the slightest of truth, it doesn't undo all the tragedies and misfortunes you have plagued me prior to this point!"

"Well, what can I tell you? I'm truthful now!" Kevin argued back. "Besides, some of those deaths were also your fault to begin with!"

"Hoh? So this isn't your fault?" Astra pointed at the screen, his killer now shooting his corpse with his shotgun, further desecrating his death. "...You are such a prick." Astra then simply stood up and left the room leaving the teen alone.

Kevin on the other hand, only sighed at Astra's attitude. "...What an asshole."

"You do realize that you kind of deserve it."

"WAH!?" The albino jumped from his seat at the unexpected voice, he snaps his head to the side and saw Su sitting on the sams seat he had occupied since the third match. On his hands is a cup of glass filled with tea which he sipped briefly.

"Don't.. Scare me like that, damn it." Kevin said after calming his frantic heartbeat.

"And he's a boomer who doesn't even understand the concept of gaming." Su continue his sentence and scold him gently as the white haired teen sighed drearily.

"Fine, i'll give him a new family friendly game for later."

His fingers hover above the keyboard before they typed words in a speed comparable to underpaid and overworked corporate workers, before downloading some file.

"...What game are you downloading."

"Uhm... Y'know, friendly game?"


"C'mon Su..."

"...You have one last chance before i slap your head "

"Fine, it's..."


"...Pushing Over It-" [10]



1- Iphone. Just parodied

2 - Shipment map. The most toxic, most vile, the worse, most greatest and beautiful map i have ever played in the history of gaming.

3 - Call of Duty: MW 2. Basically, if you're in the Spetznas team and one of the enemy manages to get the gunship scorestreak to summons the angel of death, the dude on your comm will shout out the gunship as if he was scared shitless- He is.

4 - Oblivion. Nuff said

5 - Spongebob. That is a line said by Patrick when he sees SpongeBob and believes him to be the maniac, and tells sponji through a walkie-talkie that he sees "the maniac." Thus the meme was born.

6 - Murica, Fuck yeah~! Oh wait, wrong server

7 - Gus Johnson's parody video about the logic of shotguns in Hollywood movies.

8 - Activision.

9 - Rohan Kishibe most iconic and memeable line, besides the "Heavensu dooaaru!".

10 - Getting Over It. You all know that game? Ever play it? For people without nigh-infinite patience or cool head this is your bane.
