
Ordeal of the Hopebringer: A Harry Potter Fanfiction

“The Hopebringer they call him, his parents gave him to an orphanage, leaving him with only two letters, and a suitcase.” -Richard Neil introducing Edgart Aldrich in the book “Ordeal of the Hopebringer” -im not good at synopsis so i'm just gonna put that quote here- Not a harem. Hermione x MC Mc is op, sort of. Eventual Crossover, not much though, maybe a couple of worlds. i don't own harry potter English isn't my first language, so I apologized if the grammar is a bit bad. I don't know what to say here, I'm just doing this for fun. also the owl art isn't mine, i forgot where i got it though rated r18 for description of cruelty and probably sex scenes as well, who knows.

mark_kiple · Book&Literature
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111 Chs


"Yes, the sorting ceremony, once in a lifetime experience for a lot of witches and wizards, I remember mine vividly, all the girls in our class were gawking at Ed, some of the seniors too."

-Hermione on her experience with the sorting ceremony.


The door opened, revealing a witch with a green emerald robe, it was Professor McGonagall.

"Professor McGonagall." Hagrid greeted the witch. "The firs' years." He presented the students, everyone was looking at the woman, she looked stern, so the others were a bit afraid of her.

"Thank you Hagrid." Said Professor McGonagall. "Students, follow me." She commanded, everyone moved instantly, she led them across the dark corridors of the castle, there were torches, but it didn't really lit up the whole corridor, the corridors were high and wide, the floors were stone, making the steps noisy.

The Professor then took them to a tiny room and told them a bit of what houses are like with a pre-prepared speech.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule-breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup."

She looked at the first years intently, and then continued, "Stay here, I will be back shortly." Professor McGonagall then left the tiny room, after that the first years began to whisper to themselves, making the place noisy. Then a pale blonde boy suddenly spoke.

"So, it's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." He spoke. 'This doesn't happen in the books.' Ed thought while frowning at the scene, 'is this world an alternate timeline of the book's story? If that's the case, it's hard to predict what will happen.'

The blonde boy continued to introduce himself and his gang, they were Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. They were trying to pull Harry off from Ron.

"I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks." Harry declined harshly.

Malfoy just scowled, he was about to insult the two boys but then ghosts started to come in, scaring the first years.

McGonagall then came back, shooing the ghosts away, and she told the first years to follow her again. She led them to a large double door, she opened the doors slowly, revealing The Great Hall. It was gigantic, the ceiling was showing the skies outside, there were many flying candles floating above the four long tables. Students filled the long tables, each student with their different looks and houses, and at the very end of the Hall, another long table can be seen. Professors sat down on it, and in the middle of it, Dumbledore sat down, and he instantly took a picture of the place.

Ed looked at the purple robed old man, and Dumbledore noticed it, he scanned Ed up and down, he then saw the owl symbol on the back of Ed's left hand, he looked to his face again, nodded and smiled. Ed, who noticed this just smiled awkwardly at him, hiding his left hand.

"It's not real, the ceiling." Hermione suddenly said. "It's bewitched to look like the night sky, I read about it in Hogwarts: A History."

Ed nodded but chuckled in his mind. 'Ah yes, Hermione and her Know-it-all attitude.'

Professor McGonagall then told the first years to stop, she then brought up a stool and a dirty hat, she put the stool in front of Dumbledore, and the hat on top of it, making complete silence covered the Great Hall. After that the hat began to move, and the hat began to sing loudly. The singing was a bit off-key, but it's still bearable to hear.

After the singing, Professor McGonagall opened a scroll and said,

"When I call your name, you need to put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted."

She looked at the paper and shouted, "Abbot, Hannah!"

The called girl then walked to the stool, she put the hat on and sat on the small stool. After a few moments, the hat suddenly shouted.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The badger's long table then cheered and clapped, then the girl walked toward it.

"Aldrich, Edgart!" McGonagall once again shouted.

Ed then walked towards the stool, he stood in front of it for a second, turn up his Occlumency to the max, and put the hat on, everyone was looking at him, he saw a couple of girls giggling to themselves and their friends, some people just interested in his appearance, the glasses, the tattoo that he has been trying to hide are really eye catching.

"Hmmm…. What's this, Occlumency? Simply marvellous for a young boy like you, but put it down boy, I can't sort you out if you use it."

"Will you blab to the headmaster?" Ed asked the hat.

"Don't worry boy, I won't give your secrets to Albus." Said the hat with a flat tone.

"All right then." He dropped his Occlumency, but still hid his memories of the suitcase and his family, still not trusting the hat.

"You've got a sharp mind, perfect for Ravenclaw, Cunning and pure blood as well, Slytherin will be lucky to have you, A quite hard-working, Hufflepuff will welcome you, ah! A firm believer that family is not bound by blood, hmmm you're not lacking Bravery as well, now, where shall I put you?"

Ed was surprised about what the sorting hat said, he turned back his Occlumency once again and thought, 'I'm a pureblood? So, Aldrich is considered a pureblood? And who's my mother? She's a pureblood as well, I didn't remember a pureblood woman called Isabella in the books, unless…' he thought about a possibility and quickly scratched the idea until he confirmed it himself. He then said to the sorting hat,

"Well. It's your job isn't it? but I'd like to be Ravenclaw please."

"Well, yes, it's my job, Ravenclaw eh? It's true you would do great there, but… hmm, should I take the deal? It's nice to be cleaned and repaired a bit."

"Wait, what deal? Did Dumbledore really interfere?" Ed said, a bit panicked.

"I wouldn't say he interfered, but a favour for a favour." The hat said, with no tone of regret.

"Ah fuck, you know what, is he that confident that Harry will be placed in Gryffindor? Or did he do a 'favour' for that as well?" Ed said, a bit angry at the interference.

"Ah yes, he told me he would talk to me more frequently if I place that Potter boy to Gryffindor, when you're like me boy, you will do anything to be able to make the time a little less boring."

"Ah, shit, I give up, just do your thing you idiot hat." He gave in and insulted the hat.

"Sorry boy, I'll put you in GRYFFINDOR!"

The Gryffindor table cheered, while Ed's face looked gloomy, thinking of all the troubles he would be dragged into. He stood up from the stool and put the back on it again, he looked at Dumbledore, who was smiling, he frowns at him, he walked to the Gryffindor long table while not even breaking eye contact with Dumbledore, then he sits to one of the empty chair, he calmed himself using Occlumency, and massaged his forehead.

The sorting ceremony continued, one by one the first years is sorted, Ed didn't really pay attention anymore, he's still stressing about his fate in Gryffindor, Gilligan said that use the books to survive the coming storm, but it's hard to do when the centre of the problem was living in the same house as you. Then he heard a familiar name.

"Granger, Hermione!" Professor McGonagall shouted.

The bushy haired girl then walked to the stool nervously, she wore the hat, and sat on the stool for a few minutes, then the hat shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!"

The Gryffindors cheered, she jumped from the stool, put the hat back to its place, and ran to the Gryffindor long table.

"Great! We're in the same house!" she said to Ed, with a happy smile on her face.

"Yes, it's great, but I didn't really want to be in this house." He whispered, making sure nobody heard him except Hermione, otherwise he would be beaten up by them.

"Why? You don't want to be in Gryffindor?" Hermione also whispered.

"It's just… too much trouble." He answered vaguely. "Well, at least I have Neville." He mumbled, now not even Hermione can hear him.

The sorting continued again, and this time it was Richard's turn. He walked to the stool and put the hat on, the hat stayed there for a few seconds and shouted "RAVENCLAW!"

He stood up and walked to the Ravenclaw long table, he was greeted by everyone there, but his face was a bit gloomy. He looked at Ed, and smiled sadly. Ed, who notices this just smiled back and waved his hand to him.

The sorting ceremony continued again, this time Malfoy was sorted to Slytherin along with his gang, Neville was sorted to Gryffindor like Ed guessed, Then when Harry Potter's name was called everyone went silent, every house was anticipating where does the Boy-Who-Lived will be placed, Ed in his heart hoped that Harry isn't going to be put to Gryffindor, but that hoped scattered when the hat shouted Gryffindor, the table cheered so loud that Ed's ears were ringing, everyone was so excited, even Prefect Percy Weasley walked to him to greet him.

After a couple more students were sorted, Ron Weasley being one of the last to be sorted and was put to Gryffindor, Dumbledore then stood up, instantly silencing the hall, he spread his arms as if he wants to hug someone, and welcomed everyone to a new year at Hogwarts, he said a couple of strange words, then told them to tuck in.

As soon as Dumbledore sat down, various foods appeared in front of Ed. Chickens, lambs, beef, fish, everything was there, Ed then took a bit of food, minding his fitness, then ate until he was full. He can see the Weasleys eat to their heart's content, he can see Harry took one of each dish to try and looked a bit happy, after all he was locked in a bloody cupboard under the stairs for nearly 11 years.

For about half an hour they ate, they talked, Ed learned that Neville's Uncle wanted to provoke his magic, he hung the round-faced boy upside down through the window, but the uncle got distracted and accidentally made Neville fall. Ed on the other hand, was bombarded with questions about his appearance much to his dismay, everyone asked about the bizarre glasses he wore, he secretly vows to not wear it again. Then nearly headless Nick appeared, he was questioned by Hermione on the name, but she instantly regretted it. The rest of the questions were the same as the books, Hermione talking to Percy about classes, Harry asking for Snape, and some other unimportant stuff.

Then Dumbledore stood up again, he announced that the forbidden forest is, well, forbidden to enter, he reminded everyone that they can't do magic in the corridors, he announced something about Quidditch trials, and he announced that the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death.

Some people laughed because they thought it was a joke, but some seniors know that Dumbledore won't joke about death, so they just looked at him solemnly. After that he told us to sing the school song.

"Everyone picks their favourite tune, and off we go!" he pointed his wand and made some sort of ribbon that had the lyrics written in it, like karaoke.

'The Elder wand used for Karaoke; I have seen everything.' Ed joked in his mind.

The students stood up and sung the song:



"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,

Teach us something please,

Whether we be old and bald

Or young with scabby knees,

Our heads could do with filling

With some interesting stuff,

For now they're bare and full of air,

Dead flies and bits of fluff,

So teach us things worth knowing,

Bring back what we've forgot,

Just do your best, we'll do the rest,

And learn until our brains all rot."



Everyone finished the song at different times and different tones, some sang in a happy tune, while some sang with a slow funeral-like tone. Ed's Ears were practically bleeding at this blasphemy of a song.

"What the fuck was that!" He whispered a bit loudly.

Hermione heard him cursing, she smacked his shoulder and warned him "Language!"

Ed just massaged the spot where he was hit, and Dumbledore said, "Ah music, A magic beyond all we do here!"

"Music your ass, that's the call of death." Ed mumbled annoyedly.

"And now, bedtime. Off you trot!" Dumbledore commanded everyone to go to bed. Prefect Percy then led the first years out of the Great Hall, he led us through corridors that were filled with moving portraits, a tower that the stairs moved on its own, making the journey a bit longer than it supposed too. On the way they met a couple of ghosts, the most notable one is Peeves the Poltergeist, a prankster, Percy told everyone that Peeves is only afraid of the bloody baron, which is the Slytherins Ghost.

Then they arrived at the portrait of a fat lady, Percy talked about the house in a pre-prepared speech, he said the password to the fat lady and entered the Gryffindor common room. There Percy led the girls to their dorm rooms, he also explained that the boys cannot enter the girls dorms because there's a barrier protecting it, but girls can go to the boys dorms which earn some dissatisfied noise.

The boys then were led to their dorm rooms, and much to Ed's dismay, he was placed with Dead Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Neville, Ron, and the Boy-Who-Lived himself. 'That fucking old man.' He cursed in his head. Ed then just changed his clothes, he waited for everyone to fall asleep, he picked up his suitcase and went to the bathroom so no one could see it. He put the suitcase on the ground, the handle facing him, and muttered the password.

"May the Guardian of Knowledge Guide us."

The suitcase then opened, he walked down the ladder, entering the living room. He sat down on one of the sofas that is facing the fireplace, he massaged his forehead and shouted.

"Gilligan!" he called the owl.

The owl suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of him, startling the silver eyed boy.

"How'd you do that?!" Ed asked while shouting.

"I'm a spirit Little Edgart, I can appear and disappear from anywhere in this place." The owl flatly explained.

"R-Right." Ed said, calming himself using Occlumency again, then spoke. "Dumbledore isn't just including me to his plans Gilligan, he's forcing me, he practically bribed the sorting hat to put me in Gryffindor."

"I did remind you."

"You said that he will 'include', not 'forcing it to my face'." Ed said annoyedly.

"What's done is done Little Edgart, my advice is just trust the man, he won't hurt you, the Grandson of Edwyn."

"Well, I happened to read the book Gilligan, and it's hard to trust him because of that." Ed sighed, and continued, "Now, what should I do, help them? I don't really want to, to be honest."

"Well, if the boy asked for your help you can agree or decline, but if he didn't ask, you don't need to be his babysitter."

"O-Okay then." Ed stuttered, it was his first day of school and he already got a bunch of bullshit thrown at him. He thought for a while, looking at the crackling fire in front of him. Then he asked the owl.

"Can you make a training routine for me Gilligan? The one that combines the Magic of this world and our magic, as well as a bit of physical exercise."

The owl thought for a while, and he summoned a paper that had the routine in it.

"Here." The Owl said.

"That was quick." Ed added, looking surprised at the speed of the owl. He took the paper and read it, he saw what he would train on, a couple of attack spells, ice, lightning, and fire magic, a bit of running as well, overall a decent routine.

"Great! Thank you Gilligan, I'll start tomorrow." Ed said while walking towards the ladder. He climbed it and exited the suitcase. He closes the suitcase, picks it up, and goes to his dorm room to sleep.

He lay on his bed and thought in his head. 'This is going to be a pain.'