
Unexpected Circumstance

Athena's pov

It feels like a surreal journey, realizing that four long and eventful years have passed since I made the bold move to the United States.

Now, standing at the tender age of 24, I am the proud proprietor of a quaint and charming local cafe, a haven that boasts a vast library and a serene study hall.

The exterior of my cafe exudes a fascinating medieval charm with its light-toned, rugged, and sturdy brick walls. I'm perpetually drawn to the grandeur of those wooden doors, envisioning a majestic, ornate turret standing tall and proud, beckoning visitors to come closer and explore its intricate and awe-inspiring details. The ambiance it creates instills within you a sense of warmth, comfort, and belonging.

Stepping inside, you're greeted by an inviting, amiable, and delightful atmosphere that captivates the senses. The ambiance is serene, and comforting, with a charming and fascinating quality that captures your heart.

The walls are adorned with gorgeous paintings, each brush stroke a journey back in time, revealing beauty and splendor. The myriad books lining the shelves pique curiosity and spark the imagination.

The air is filled with the warm, inviting aroma of freshly brewed, rich coffee and delectable, mouthwatering pastries. Meanwhile, the gentle and soothing sounds of smooth jazz music or classical melodies elevate the overall ambiance to a new level of comfort and relaxation.

Having been a barista for three years until just a year ago, I now own a thriving café, crafting coffee and baking delights. With my brother's support, I share my passion daily

I perpetually envisioned a warm and inviting space where people could de-stress, unwind, delve into a captivating book, or study in a subdued atmosphere. That's why I adorned the second floor with a lovely, lavish, and ample library area, a treasure trove filled with a diverse collection of books spanning various genres, inviting all to relish and get lost in the enchanting world of literature. For those seeking a quiet, personal, and calm space to study, I fashioned cozy and alluring study capsules upstairs, equipped with noise-canceling headphones, allowing them to concentrate with razor-sharp focus, undisturbed by any unwanted distractions.

The charming little café is also flourishing with an array of verdant, lively plants - some authentically organic, others meticulously crafted - imparting an unquestionably peaceful and refreshing atmosphere.

Patrons can select from comfortable and stylish seating options, either indoors or outdoors, depending on their mood and the prevailing weather conditions. Despite its modest size, the cozy and intimate café strikes the perfect balance, creating an inviting atmosphere for our closely-knit community.

I feel incredibly blessed to share my passion for rich, aromatic coffee, delectable baked goods, and captivating books with every person who walks through the door.


Out of the blue Lewis burst into the cafe with a sigh of relief, clearly exhausted. "Athena, come on, put the diary aside. I've got delicious Chinese food for us. Thank goodness we can finally have lunch together!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

As I diverted my attention to Lewis, I couldn't help but feel grateful for my brother's support and encouragement. Without his help, I wouldn't have been able to pursue my dream of opening a cafe. His unwavering enthusiasm helped me create a space where people can come together and enjoy delicious food.

I closed the diary and rose from the chair, feeling a rush of excitement. "Lewis, what a pleasant surprise!" I exclaimed, raising my eyebrow in curiosity. Although my brother worked under a strict boss, I never pried into the specifics of his job as he had mentioned, I was not allowed to tell anyone. I trusted my brother and knew he wouldn't do anything illegal though.

"Well, I've got some news, both good and bad," Lewis said, his face adopting a serious expression.

The atmosphere instantly became charged with anticipation as I leaned closer to the counter, placing my hands on it, and fixed my gaze intently on Lewis, my mind racing.

"What's going on?" I asked, lowering my voice. I scanned the café and noticed a few curious eyes on us. I gave an awkward smile to the onlookers and redirected my attention to Louis. My brother had kept his boss's identity a secret for four years, making me even more curious and apprehensive. He always described his boss as intelligent and dangerous, heightening my mix of fear and intrigue about meeting him.

"Relax, he's not some mafia guy or a dangerous character, you clueless dofus," Louis reassured me, playfully tapping my forehead.

Out of nowhere, Daphne and Nathan appeared, utterly surprised to see Louis. Nathan, being the drama queen he was, rushed over and hugged Louis tightly, while Daphne observed with a mix of amusement and fondness.

"Aww, we missed you," Nathan said sarcastically hugging him, injecting humor into the situation, earning a chuckle from Louis. "Get off me, you repugnant swine," Louis scrunched his nose in disdain.

Daphne and I couldn't help but burst into laughter at the unfolding scene. Clearly exhausted by the drama, Louis let out a deep sigh and gently pushed Nathan away while giving him a stern glare.

"Is Iris around too?" Louis asked me, his tone neutral, and Daphne couldn't resist making a playful remark, "Why do you want to know?" she said with a hint of a smile, tilting her head at him.

Louis responded with a charming grin, tilting his head, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Is there a problem with knowing?" he teased, and Daphne rolled her eyes playfully, clearly enjoying the banter.

With a sheepish smile, Louis then revealed the reason behind his question: "I got Chinese food for everyone, just to be clear." As he spoke, I couldn't help but sense a palpable chemistry between him and Daphne, but Nathan and I exchanged knowing glances and refrained from commenting.

"Iris is on leave today, but anyway, let's eat," I said enthusiastically. Taking charge, I led everyone to the spacious and cozy staff room. As we settled down, the hunger on everyone's faces was palpable. Quickly arranging paper plates on the table, I signaled Daphne to pour glasses of water. The enticing aroma of Chinese food filled the air.

As we settled into our seats, we relished the exquisite meal, immersing ourselves in light-hearted conversations that were peppered with jokes and laughter, creating a joyous atmosphere. The camaraderie was palpable, but amid all the merriment, a twinge of longing hit me. I couldn't help but miss my kids, who were in the care of the nanny we had hired. Although I wished they could be here to savor this delightful moment with us, school commitments kept them away.

Nonetheless, I embraced the joy of the present, surrounded by dear friends and my brother, all finally unwinding after a long day's work.

As the meal came to a close, Louis cleared his throat, capturing our attention with a glint in his eye. "Athena, my boss, and colleagues are coming from out of town today. I've been raving about your cafe to them and surprisingly my boss agreed to visit. I might not be able to join you guys but keep everything steady. You'll do great," he said, and I nodded, feeling a rush of excitement and anticipation.

Amid our collective curiosity, Nathan couldn't contain himself any longer. "Dude, you've been keeping us in suspense for ages now. Who's this mystery guest of yours?" he inquired, rising from his seat and efficiently clearing the plates from the table.

As Lewis uttered the name "Dante Fedorov," my eyes widened in shock and disbelief, while Daphne almost spat out her water in surprise. Nathan's voice rose in confusion, unable to comprehend the significance of the name.

"You were working under him for years?" I asked Lewis with a sense of hurt and betrayal creeping inside me.

Lewis lowered his head, unable to look me in the eye. I could feel the anger and frustration rising as I demanded an explanation. "Answer me, Lewis," I said, my voice shaking with emotion.

He tried to come closer to me, but I stepped back, not ready to listen to his excuses. "Listen to me, will you now?" he pleaded, and I nodded, wiping away the tears that threatened to spill over. The air was tense as he began to explain, and I braced myself for the truth.

My heart raced as he came towards me and grabbed my hand. "He didn't do it, Athena. I swear to God," he said with pleading eyes. But I couldn't believe him. "You're lying! I witnessed a funeral when I was just a kid," I yelled at him. Lewis looked at me apologetically and bit his lip as he lowered his head, knowing he had lost my trust.

Tears streamed down my face as Lewis said, "Grandmother is still alive." Sensing my distress, Daphne rushed to my side and helped me sit on the sofa. I was speechless, struggling to understand what Lewis had just told me.

"I didn't want to hurt you," he continued, trying to explain himself. But I couldn't bear to look at him. "Please, I don't want to see you right now," I managed to say.

Despite my protests, Lewis sat beside me and put a hand on my shoulder. "You're my little sister, Athy. I would do anything to protect you," he said, shaking with sympathy. "She is a dangerous woman. She wanted to get rid of you after your parents gave you up at 8. You think I wanted you to know about how your grandmother wanted to get rid of you, too, after all you've been through?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You could've been honest," I told him, feeling betrayed.

As I sat there, tears streaming down my face, I couldn't help but feel betrayed. Lewis had kept something important from me, and now that he finally told me, it was almost too much to bear.

But then Nathan and Daphne chimed in, reminding me that Lewis had only done it for my good. They wrapped me up in a comforting hug, promising to be there for me no matter what.

I looked up at Lewis, who was visibly terrified of my reaction. "You didn't hurt me," I said, surprising even myself with the calmness in my voice.

But Lewis needed to be convinced. "I did," he replied, his voice heavy with regret.

I took a deep breath and tried to smile through my tears. "You did it for my good, but I need you to tell me everything tonight," I said, hoping that Lewis would understand how much I needed him to be honest with me from now on, and he nodded.

Nathan approached me with open arms, pulling in Daphne and Lewis as well. As we embraced in a group hug, I couldn't help but giggle at the joyous moment.

Eventually, we broke the hug, and Lewis, ever the punctual one, announced that he had to leave. I playfully rolled my eyes at him and quipped, "Like 5 minutes early, you have to reach like always?" He gave me a thumbs-up and a quick side hug.

He looked me in the eye and said with warmth and sincerity, "You can always count on me. Just shoot me a text if you need anything."

I couldn't help but tease him, "And would you come to the rescue?" Without hesitation, he replied with a genuine smile, "Anything for my beloved family." His words were laced with unwavering loyalty, and I felt good to hear them.

Lewis paused momentarily and said with confidence, "If they can't handle it, call me, alright?" as he elegantly rose from his seat. Nathan just sarcastically glared at him, but Daphne was annoyed by his condescending tone.

"Excuse me?" Daphne asked Lewis, her eyes flashing with irritation. He brushed his hair from his face and gave her a charming smile as he walked past her, playfully nudging her shoulder and waving at us once again. Daphne stood there, stunned and speechless, as Lewis sauntered away.

"Daph, close your gaping mouth; I can smell the delicious aroma of Chinese food from here," Nathan remarked with a cheeky grin while Daphne shot him a fiery glare.

I rose from my chair and interjected before they got into a catfight, "Shall we get back to work now?" They nodded, and we left the room like three mischievous kids, giggling and chatting away.