
Immaculate Departure

Athena's pov

My heart pounded with fear and anxiety as I observed her making her way toward the bedroom. Swiftly, I stashed my bag behind the sofa, urging my children to stay hidden while I brainstormed a plan to dodge her impending wrath.

Emerging from my hiding spot, I eagerly relayed the news, "Mr. Paden has something special planned for you; it's going to be a surprise!" I tried to sound enthusiastic and cheerful, but Mr. Paden was nowhere to be seen in the living room.

Perhaps Lewis had relocated him. My voice quivered with nervousness. At that precise moment, Lewis emerged from his bedroom, his expression morphing from confusion to disappointment as he laid eyes on his mother.

She sauntered by with a snarl and demanded, "I'd love some hibiscus tea. Make me some Kleiner Diener." Her tone was harsh, and her manner rude, brushing past me with a violent gesture.

Goodness! Just because she's learning German doesn't give her the right to use it to belittle others.

On a separate note, my search for a sum of money bore fruit. The funds were discovered in plain sight on a nearby table, more than sufficient for our journey to America. Additionally, my aunt and uncle were known to possess substantial wealth, often found scattered throughout their home in a seemingly haphazard fashion.

"Hurry up, will you bring my tea when pigs start flying?" she asked me, her impatience and insolence escalating my unease. I nodded and went to the kitchen, feeling Lewis's presence beside me as he came to help.

Engaged in a heated argument with Lewis in hushed tones, I pleaded with him to cease incessantly helping me. I knew she would unleash her wrath if she caught him aiding me. Suddenly, my eyes fell upon the most breathtaking, exquisite, and charming round Japanese cherry blossom tray in the kitchen. It was a sight to behold! I knew it was the perfect addition for displaying her usuals on a platter, as it was my last time doing it for her anyway.

With frustration and exhaustion evident in her voice, she bellowed from the couch, "Bring me the usual!" However, her annoyance was only just beginning to surface.

She followed up with an even louder voice, "Lewis, my dear, why on earth are you helping her? She is a poor peasant; don't you ever want to listen?" Despite the pressure, Lewis simply closed his eyes and let out a gentle sigh before responding, "I want to help her today."

Her response was crisp and tinged with annoyance, "I said no helping," but Lewis remained resolute. "I learned something new today in the restaurant, and I want to implement it."

"Yeah, whatever! Why even bother trying, Lewis? You know becoming a chef is not within your capability?" I looked at him apologetically, motioning for him to close his eyes and take a deep breath to contain his anger. He did that and obediently replied, "Yes, mother."

Unfortunately, the biscuits were placed beyond my reach, and my height of 5'6" was insufficient to grab them. Lewis came to my rescue, skillfully retrieving the jars of biscuits for me.

With a playful roll of my eyes, I returned to work, arranging the delectable treats on a beautiful wooden tiered stand. With Lewis by my side, we adorned the stand with Bourbon-infused cookies and melt-in-your-mouth shortbread biscuits; we set to work on the second layer, expertly layering dark and white chocolate, slices of tangy Lemon drizzle cake, and rich, buttery pound cake. The end result was a masterpiece of sweet indulgence, a feast for both the eyes and the taste buds.

After meticulously assembling the tiered stand, I placed it on a stunning cherry blossom tray beside a piping hot cup of freshly brewed tea. As I was about to leave the kitchen, Lewis opened a lower cabinet and retrieved the fiery chili powder, sprinkling it over every food item for an extra kick of flavor. To top it off, he added a layer of snowy white powder to cover the chili and create a mesmerizing visual impact.

"Lewis?!" I whispered, looking at him, and he just put his finger on his lips, shushing me, almost as if he were a magician with a secret trick up his sleeve.

I desperately hoped that the mouth-watering sight of these scrumptious treats would divert her attention long enough for us to swiftly escape with my little ones.

Just when I thought Lewis had pushed the limits of experimentation, he poured two generous tablespoons of blazing hot sauce into the tea, stirring it until it turned red. Do drastic times call for extreme measures? Only time will tell.

From Lewis's bedroom door, Paden appeared out of the blue, and we froze in bewilderment, absolutely alarmed by his sudden entrance. He looked menacing, fists clenched, eyes ablaze with anger.

"Both you brats, you..." he said as he rapidly approached us, my heart racing with fear. But I didn't let my guard down.

Without hesitation, I swiftly retrieved the pepper spray nestled in the kitchen drawer and aimed it directly at his eyes, hoping to deter any harm.

"Darn it, Athena!" he exclaimed, clearly taken aback by my quick reflexes. I breathed a sigh of relief, but the tension in the air remained palpable.

As Paden lunged towards me with a sharp knife, I grabbed an immense pan from the depths of the lower cabinet drawer and swung it to the side deftly. To my surprise, Katherine collapsed in a faint instead, adding to the chaos of the situation. Initially finding the situation amusing, when I caught Paden's gaze, I knew I had to act fast.

Thankfully, Lewis came to my rescue, grabbing Paden's wrist and kicking him in the stomach. "You don't treat your father like that," Paden grunted as he squirmed in pain on the floor.

"You are not my father," Lewis asserted, his voice filled with defiance. With a sense of urgency, we hastily departed the kitchen, ensuring Aster and Adelis were by our side. The jingle of the car keys resonated in the rush as I hastily took them from the key rack, and I flung them across to Lewis, who skillfully caught them, swiftly unlocking the car.

The engine's roar shattered the calm of the quiet neighborhood as we orchestrated our escape.

Seated in the back, I assisted my kids, securing them in the car seats. Lewis, now in the driver's seat, revved up the engine, producing a powerful sound that reverberated through the surroundings.

Paden and Katherine emerged from the house, catching a glimpse of our swift getaway. Lewis pressed the gas pedal, and we accelerated down the street, the car hugged the pavement, with the neighborhood fading into a rapid blur.

Aster's pout was unmistakable as she asked the question on her mind. "Mommy, why didn't we do this earlier?" I glanced back at her and smiled gently, hoping to ease her worries. "Don't worry, my little angel. We're doing it now, and that's what matters." Aster nodded, and with Adelis, she gazed out the window, lost in thought.

"I wish I could have done more for you, Athena," he confessed, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "When we were young, I always made it a point to be there for you whenever you were with your grandmother. But then my parents sent me off to a boarding school, and when I returned at 18, I discovered what they had done to you. It broke my heart." He paused for a moment, his voice trembling with emotion.

"I can't help but feel guilty," he continued, his voice laden with remorse. "When I returned, I wanted to leave again, but I couldn't bear the thought of leaving you and the kids alone. That's why I've been saving up. We'll be able to rent a place when we get there, but we'll need to find jobs as soon as possible." He glanced over at me briefly before focusing on the road ahead. "I won't let you go through something as miserable as that again, Athena. I promise."

"Lewis, I am absolutely amazed and deeply grateful for everything you've done. Since you arrived, things have improved beyond measure, and now that we've taken this step, our future will be better than it was. I truly can't thank you enough for all the wonderful things you've done for me, and I owe you."

"You don't owe me anything," he said sincerely, and I couldn't help but tease him, "Really? I don't owe you anything?" He glared at me but couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Alright, you owe me two horses and a castle, as well as a big bucket of ice cream," I exclaimed, stunned at his audacity.

"Shut up, you idiot," I chuckled.

"You said you owed me," he retorted, and my kids erupted in giggles from the backseat. I glanced back at them and raised an eyebrow, and they both covered their faces with their hands, causing me to let out a sigh of exasperation and join in on the laughter.