
The Alluring Stranger

Athena's pov

The clock on the wall continued its leisurely cadence, ticking at a pace that rivaled the unhurried movements of a languid sloth. The nearing hour was almost 7, and the comforting aroma of coffee permeated the air as our café brimmed with the warm glow of dimmed lights.

With closing time at 9:30, a palpable tension lingered as I found myself relieved that the enigmatic and somewhat intimidating people had not come. The prospect of serving them loomed, stirring a concoction of anxiety and anticipation. Clumsiness seemed inevitable in their formidable presence, a thought that occupied my mind as I meticulously assembled an order for a delectable carrot cake, contemplating the uncharted territory that awaited me.

"Stop glaring at the cake, you doofus," he teased, tapping my head with a playful rhythm.

I responded with a nonchalant shrug, my attention still fixated on the dessert before me. Little did I know, Nathan had more in store for my dessert-driven daydream.

"Look up," he insisted, his voice taking on a mysterious tone.

I reluctantly tore my gaze away from the cake, casting my eyes downward.

"No seriously, look up," Nathan urged once more, a hint of worryness in his voice.

With a sigh, I complied, lifting my eyes to meet his insistent gaze. To my surprise, I found his gaze directed not at the cake but over my shoulder.

Confused, I turned around, only to be met with the sight of two impeccably dressed men in suits. I saw them talking; one of them went to take a seat, and the other approached the counter.

"Look after the cake and give the cake at table number 12, alright?" I quickly instructed Nathan and then rushed to the counter to take the order.

"Good evening, how may I help you?" I greeted with a smile, surprised by the warmth in his eyes as he returned a sweet smile of his own.

"Three people more will be coming, so I'll be placing the order for all," he explained, prompting a nod from me to continue.

"Two slices of the biscoff cake, and oh my gosh! Finally, can I have that chocolate cupcake, and could you recommend me some cookies?" he asked, excitement bubbling beneath his calm demeanor. My facial expression must have given away my surprise.

"I have a sweet tooth, and even if I look intimidating, I'm not, so don't be surprised," he chuckled.

I nodded, giving him a friendly smile, "Well, as you know, chocolate chip cookies are like the classics and famous here too, but if you want to try anything new, you can; they taste good too."

He glanced around and said, "I would like to have them then, make it four."

After a brief pause, he leaned in with a mischievous glint in his eye, "Alright, listen up. My friend over there sitting will take a cappuccino because he likes his coffee—rich and frothy. Now, the other three guys left me in charge of ordering. The American guy, he's all about the red, white, and blue, so let's hit him with an Americano. Simple, patriotic, you know? Then, the youngest will have a strawberry milkshake it is, because who doesn't love a bit of nostalgia in a cup? Now, the last one, he's got a heart colder than Antarctica, so I'm thinking a cold brew, maybe with an iceberg or two floating in there."

I chuckled and said, "Got it. So, one cappuccino for you, an Americano for the America enthusiast, a strawberry milkshake for the youngest, and a cold brew for the 'colder than Antarctica' guy. Anything else for you?"

He paused, pretending to ponder, and then replied, "Surprise me. Just make it simple, unlike the complexity of their orders."

With a nod, I headed to the counter to relay the diverse set of preferences, amused by the unique personalities reflected in their drink choices.

As Nathan and I worked on fulfilling the orders, with the delightful aroma of cookies filling the air, I couldn't help but engage in some banter.

"He was nice, not bad at all," I commented to Nathan.

"I told you people working in that organization aren't bad people, but you didn't want to believe me," he retorted, rolling his eyes as he expertly handled a batch of cookies fresh from the oven.

"He was attractive, wasn't he, with the grey eyes and brown ruffled hair," Nathan added, a mischievous glint in his eye. I scrunched my nose and raised an eyebrow at him playfully.

"I didn't know you were into guys, Nathan," I teased.

His eyes widened, realizing the potential misunderstanding. He quickly defended himself, "Hey, no, no! I didn't mean it like that. You've been single for way too long; I was just looking out for you." He glared.

"Sure, besides, nobody would want to date me. I have two children who are eight, and I don't look my best," I said, adding a playful pout for dramatic effect.

"Let me remind you, how many guys asked you out, and you always look beautiful. Besides, so many people these days still date a single mother," he said, a twinkle in his eyes.

"I don't know, Nathan," I said, feigning uncertainty while giving him a sly smile.

"I'm finding you a guy," he declared with determination.

"And I'm finding you a girl," I retorted, crossing my arms with a grin. "We'll make it a team effort"

Nathan chuckled, "Challenge accepted! Let the game begin."

With our good-natured banter still echoing in the kitchen, I grabbed the tray loaded with the cappuccino and gingerbread latte, along with an assortment of desserts. Eager to get the treats to the table before the others arrived, I arranged the Biscoff cake, four cookies, and a cupcake on a separate plate.

As I made my way to the table, I couldn't help but relish the lively camaraderie in the kitchen.

Approaching the table, I meticulously arranged the array of drinks and desserts. The guy from earlier couldn't hide his enthusiasm, "This looks divine!" he exclaimed, taking a sip. Then, he added, "You really did surprise me."

Hesitating for a brief moment, I asked, "Do you enjoy it?"

His eyes sparked with delight as he effusively replied, "This is perfect! What is this called?"

"Well, based on your discerning choices and our engaging conversation, I concluded that a gingerbread latte you'd appreciate."

"Like? It's even more perfect than the word 'love.' I'm gonna come here every day just to drink this," he declared.

Before he could elaborate further, the previously reserved companion chimed in with a thick British accent, "Apologies for him wasting your time like that, but I do agree on coming here more often."

"Thank you so much; it means a lot," I replied, genuinely touched. The conversation took an unexpected turn when the guy added, "Hold on, you're Lewis's sister, right? You two bear a striking resemblance with your light brown eyes and dark brown hair."

Affirming with a nod, he graciously stood up, extending his hand towards me. "It's genuinely a pleasure to meet you; your brother is a commendable individual."

"And I wholeheartedly agree," I said as I took his hand.

"I'm Darren, and that's Leo, by the way," he introduced, gesturing towards Leo, who offered a genial wave and a contented smile as always while thoroughly enjoying his drink.

"Hi, I'm Athena," I added, noticing a subtle reaction from Darren as soon as I mentioned my name. I couldn't help but wonder if Lewis had informed them about me. Darren slightly coughed, breaking the brief awkwardness, and said, "Well then, you should get back to work; we don't want to bother you too much," with a light chuckle punctuating his words.

I shook my head with a warm smile, insisting, "No, no, you aren't bothering me at all. I genuinely don't mind. It was truly great meeting both of you," expressing my sincerity.

With a final nod, I gracefully made my way back towards the bustling kitchen, leaving the lingering warmth of our encounter hanging in the air like the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

My attention at that moment wasn't fixed ahead; instead, I was engrossed in fixing the watch on my wrist. Little did I know, a collision awaited me, and I bumped into a solid chest, sending me stumbling. I thought, "Well, today is just going to be one of those days where I embarrass myself at least once." My eyes shut tight as I braced for the impending fall.

Suddenly, a pair of robust arms enveloped me by the waist, not in a dramatic manner like the K-dramas I watch. It was a backward plunge but a gentle correction from a 90-degree angle.

I timidly opened my eyes, and there he was – the most dazzling man I had ever seen. He looked not just good but heavenly. Yes, that's the word. I found myself completely lost in the mesmerizing ocean blue of his eyes. But, reality hit, and I took a step back, feeling his hands gradually releasing from my waist.

"Um, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you," I stammered, my gaze momentarily dropping to the floor. He remained silent, a portrait of enigmatic calm.

The man beside him broke the silence, offering reassurance, "It's alright; don't worry." I looked up, but the handsome stranger remained expressionless, like a blank canvas.

Feeling a rush of embarrassment, I hastily retreated to the kitchen, where I couldn't help but slam my hand against my face, trying to shake off the unexpected encounter with the mesmerizing yet stoic stranger.

Nathan, on the other hand, was in full-blown laughter mode. "Nice bumping into Dante," he managed to say between laughs.

I shot him a mock glare, "Seriously, Nathan?"

He sighed dramatically, still grinning, "Well, that was Dante."

My eyes widened, "That was Dante?" I asked, slightly horrified at my lack of recognition.

Nathan, still amused, asked, "You didn't know how he looked?"

I nodded, feeling a bit sheepish. "No idea."

Nathan's laughter echoed as he managed to compose himself, saying, "Their drinks are ready; you have to go to the table to serve them."

My eyes widened, and I protested, "No, after that, I'm physically not going to be able to."

"You have to," he insisted, and I countered, "That's the least you could do for me."

"Athena, who got you candies and a bucket of ice cream at midnight yesterday?" he asked playfully.

"Stop acting like a cupid, you moron," I retorted, grabbing the tray of drinks and heading carefully to the table, determined not to embarrass myself again.

As I approached, I avoided eye contact until Leo, being the nice guy he was, gave me instructions.

"The strawberry milkshake is for the guy there," he gestured, and the ash brown-haired guy raised an eyebrow as I placed the drink at his side.

Leo continued, "Americano is for him, the full-blooded American only."

The blonde guy just shot Leo a glare and muttered, "Thank you," to me. I smiled, then cautiously placed the last drink near Dante without making eye contact. Swiftly, I walked away from the table, exhaling a sigh of relief as I proudly declared, "I made it out alive" in the kitchen.

Nathan smiled, acknowledging my accomplishment. "I know, I know, but let's get going. People are waiting to order, and we have to serve now." I nodded, gearing up.

The bustling cafe had transformed into a calm after the storm, the last hour filled with frustration as the final customers trickled out. Nathan and I, exhausted but determined, swiftly wrapped up the remaining tasks.

"Nathan, go up and help Daphne, clean and everything. Everything down here is done," I instructed, and he nodded, making his way upstairs. As I prepared to throw out the trash, Leo approached me at the counter.

"The pastry was remarkable, and thank you for the croissant later as well. I ate a lot today. Anyways, the guy working with you gave our bill and everything, but I just wanted to say bye before I went and a thank you. You are going to be seeing me here a lot," he said, expressing his gratitude and making a promise to return.

I replied, "Thank you so much; it was great having you guys today too, and I will be looking forward to meeting you again," with a genuine smile.

As they left, Dante remained silent and intimidating, a mystery wrapped in an enigma. He rarely spoke or smiled, always occupied with calls and constant movement, a clear sign of a busy man.

Lost in my thoughts, I snapped back to reality as I realized there were only a few customers left. I headed to the back door, dim lights guiding me to the alleyway to throw out the trash.

However, the peaceful routine took a terrifying turn. As I opened the trash bin, a sudden touch on my mouth sent shivers down my spine.