
Freedom After The Beginning

Athena's pov

"Athena, do you ever get tired of this?" Lewis questioned, running his hand through his hair in exasperation. I could see the weariness etched all over his face. I let out a small sigh and gave him a sympathetic look.

"Lou, I warned you not to overdo it," I said, rubbing my temple with my wrist.

As he lowered his eyes and nodded, the exhaustion on his face was evident as he diligently mopped the floor. Meanwhile, I stood at the sink washing dishes, feeling a sense of dread as I bit my lip. Only one dish remained, which I briskly cleaned before washing my hands.

"I can handle it," I declared confidently as I walked towards him, reaching out for the mop. However, he pulled it away from me and shot me a stern look.

"Don't you think you've done enough already? You still have to feed your kids, make sure the grumpy man doesn't wake up, and my mother can come any time now," he insisted firmly.

"I'm sorry, but I really can't let you do this," I said, pushing my hand out and gesturing for him to hand over the mop. He just stood there, arms crossed, giving me a blank stare.

Frustration built up as I demanded, "Seriously, give it to me." But he playfully tapped my forehead and continued with his mopping. It was like reasoning with a brick wall!

"This is your older brother speaking. Listen, I've got some delicious food for you, Athena, and the little ones. So, please go and feed them. And you know if I had known about the dire situation earlier, I would have taken you all far from this wretched place. I even have some money saved up for that exact purpose. Once I have enough, I assure you, we will be gone for good. Meanwhile, let me finish mopping the floor here."

With a grateful expression, I looked at him, relieved to have at least one person by my side besides my children.

I returned to the kitchen, took the food bag, and was about to head downstairs when Lewis's voice interrupted me. "They're in my room, Athy." Startled, I stopped halfway down the stairs, placed the food on the table, and went to his room. There, I found my children playing with toy cars, laughing heartily. It was a precious sight to behold.

"Quick, kids, come on! Uncle brought food," I said gently, and they eagerly followed me to the kitchen.

"Shh, guys, let's not make any noise," I said playfully, putting my finger on my lips. They immediately mimicked my gesture, causing me to laugh. I then retrieved a box of food, handing one to each of them and keeping one for myself.

The delectable food box was filled with fresh vegetables, fluffy rice, succulent boiled chicken, creamy mashed potato, and flavorful pasta. As they took their first bites, their faces lit up in pure satisfaction, expressing their love for the delicious meal. I felt a sense of joy watching them savor every mouthful. I then opened my box and started eating as well.


When we finished eating, I quickly and efficiently cleaned up everything. Instead of casually throwing it in the trash can, I meticulously took a fresh and sturdy garbage bag and hurriedly tried to go outside and throw it in the large dumpster across the street in a dimly lit alleyway.

"I'll take it from here. It's already past 6, and it will be potentially dangerous for you," Lewis interrupted. I was about to protest politely again, but he snatched the bag from my hands and rushed outside, closing the door behind him. One day, I swear to God, I will punch this guy for being overprotective.

"Mommy, we will go downstairs now because Auntie can come anytime," Adelis said with a sweet smile, and Aster nodded in agreement.

"Alright, be careful, alright? Don't fall, and make sure your water bottles are filled before bed, alright?" I said as I sat on one knee, leaning down to their level. They both nodded with big, bright eyes, looking at me with love and admiration. They gave me a warm and comforting hug as well as a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, Mum!" Both of them exclaimed excitedly as they rushed down the stairs without paying much heed to what I had said earlier, and I just sighed, feeling a bit frustrated.

My work was done here, so I opened my diary and jotted down some of the things I have been feeling today as a poem.

Penning poetry has always been my go-to method of coping with feelings of stress, horror, and dismay, and this time was no different.


I had a tad of ideation about life,

I wish it were easier from the starting line.

I could be another one who was doltish from the mind,

Why couldn't I see clearly through the blinds?

They couldn't show me the ray of light.

I kept pushing them away like it was some fight.

I just tried to push the wall,

It's pushing me down against the rock.

Why can't I give in?

Drawn from running in circles,

Why couldn't it be enough for the others?

Thoughts stuck in a jar,

I keep opening them up,

They keep making me fall.

I should know I am strong as I am,

I am more than enough,

I have made it this far,

I should push myself and open the jar.

Fake promises, torn letters

Every single petal

I took from beside the exquisite kettle,

kept the petals on the table,

Why should I even bother?

Try and try again---I don't know why I should be there.

I am more than all of my inimical thoughts.

Flabbergasted from all the night musing vase,

I tried to stay away, but they said it was just a phase,

Step by step, I keep climbing all the rocks,

It may seem complicated.

But I did make it so far.

They will always say It's never enough

Fabricated overrated lines.

All of these petty words are exaggerated lies.

Loving yourself can be challenging at times

I know I don't have to cry because of their lies.

I want to hold my hand and take my time,

I will remind myself it's okay to be where I am while reaching the line. Loving myself may not be easy from time to time, but it doesn't mean I don't deserve all the marbles in life.

"Athena! Close the doltish book and bring me a cup of tea, you lousy rat; you won't be getting any food today," growled a deep voice from the bedroom, indicating that Paden had gotten up.

My heart sank as I heard his voice. I despised that man, but I had to bear with him for now. Unfortunately, lost in my thoughts was relentless, constantly questioning and inquiring. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions as I struggled to keep composure.

I barely noticed Paden's voice as he suddenly broke the silence, catching my attention.

"Hey! Give that back," I said, my voice heavy with frustration and anger.

"Where is the tea? Why isn't my room cleaned?" he asked me, his tone laced with annoyance and disapproval.

My heart sank as I watched his dusty blue eyes darken after hearing the last statement. I struggled to hold back tears, feeling like I was on the verge of breaking down. I could feel his penetrating gaze, making me feel small and vulnerable.

"Girls as lovely as you listen to me, got it?" he said, his words dripping with condescension and arrogance.

"I did clean the room," I responded, my eyes looking down, not wanting to meet his gaze.

I felt the firm grip on my collar as he patiently waited for me to utter a word. It was painful; however, I could break free if I... I stopped myself from completing the thought, not wanting to invite trouble but...

"Why did you spit on my eye? Dimwit!" he yelled suddenly, his voice booming in the small room.

And so, I did invite trouble either way.

Despite finding myself in a perplexing situation, I was determined to make the best of it. I was responsible for ensuring that everything went smoothly.

Unfortunately, things took an unexpected turn when Paden suddenly rushed towards me. I found myself quickly retreating to the corner of the room, feeling petrified about what could happen next. Amidst his mad laughter, I couldn't help but scream for help.

At that moment, my eyes fell upon the chaotic mess in the room, and I searched for anything that could help me out of this alarming predicament.

Feeling trapped and helpless, I looked around the small area, hoping to find anything that could aid me in my situation. Despite the frustration, I remained focused and determined with every step. It was as if the ball was in my court, and I had to make the most of the limited resources I had.

"How can you kill two birds with one stone, dear?" he sneered, his tone dripping with contempt. "Your opaque plans won't succeed."

Aha! My soul breathed a sigh of relief as I laid eyes on a robust baseball bat tucked away in the corner—a formidable weapon, perfectly suited for my needs. But urgency gripped me; I had merely three seconds to act.

With a voice trembling but brimming with hope, I stated, "Mrs. Katherine is here." I prayed for a miracle, and to my immense relief, it worked.

However, just as I poised to swing my bat, he caught a glimpse of me from the corner of his eye, swiftly pushing the weapon aside, and sending me crashing to the floor.

Heart pounding with fear, I found myself cornered against the wall as he advanced, laughter dripping with madness. Resigned to my fate, I closed my eyes.

Yet, a sudden thud followed by an eerie silence compelled me to open them. Paden lay unconscious on the ground. Shockingly, Lewis stood there, a guardian angel in the chaos.

"Alright, we can't stay here. Get up. I have enough money to take the three of us to America. We'll figure out the rest there," he declared, while extending his hand.

My heart raced with a mix of excitement and fear; Lewis was the best brother I could have asked for. Taking his hand, I rose, a flicker of hope ignited.

He handed me a backpack. "Go pack all yours and the children's stuff, Athena," he insisted. I nodded hastily, rushing down the stairs, nearly tripping over the clutter. The cramped basement, teeming with insects, felt stifling, the air thick with a musty odor. Amidst the less-than-ideal conditions, a nervous chuckle escaped me, attempting to mask my anxiety.

Yet, during the chaos, my thoughts swirled around my children and their struggles in this abnormal environment. My heart ached at the notion of them enduring such hardships.

"Aster! Adelis, pack up your things; we are leaving right now," I called, striving for a facade of calmness, though my heart raced.

Gathering our belongings in haste, I clutched my trusted diary and the two cherished outfits constituting my entire wardrobe. Stuffing everything, including my children's possessions, into the bag, I clutched their little hands as we navigated to the kitchen.

The prospect of a new life in America was clouded by the fear of the unknown, yet I felt a deep sense of gratitude to have my brother by my side.

With a heavy heart and an ominous feeling, I slung the bag over my shoulder and grasped Aster's and adelis's hands. Aster held her stuffed animal tightly, clearly frightened. Descending the stairs, an unsettling feeling lingered, and as if on cue, Katherine's voice echoed through the house.

"I am home!" she proclaimed, resonating with an unsettling wrongness. It was the worst possible timing, and my heart sank further as I realized we were about to confront whatever lay ahead with Katherine in tow.