
Chapter 5

Follow your dreams~~


Rimuru POV:

I glanced in their direction to see that they were gazing at me with looks that said " Do you think were stupid, your obviously lying". I gave them a tight smiled, so that they know that I will not be willing to discuss what I know, but seeing my smile, I was giving a deadpanned stare in return. "I was really worries about you, I know that they give you guys trouble and that's the truth" I mentioned bringing the conversation to a close and asking about other things as to ease my the tense atmosphere. My thoughts drifted off thinking about if I should share that I was reincarnated and that we died in my last life. I made up my mind to keep it to myself at most I will just them to not ask about how I know certain things.

After hearing about their daily lives and what is happening and around the Faction over our meal. It seems that I was reincarnated four years before my death. I am current in my 17 year old body and it could be said to be when everything started. I am presently in the Tian Chess' Faction that is located in The Jura Realm. This Realm is one of the middle class realms in this domain. The Jura Realm is different into four different province, such as the North, South, East and West Province. The Tian Chess' Faction based in the South Province.

The Tian Chess' Faction is the number two Faction in the south and have been for a many decades. In the Realm of Jura, the inhabitants focal point is to cultivate so that they can live a prosperous life. But sadly not everyone has the ability to cultivate in this realm. Jura is home of humans and magically beast, humans and beast are able to cultivate through mediation and magic. Magic is essential to life for cultivators, magic specks are abundant in the atmosphere. Magic specks is a key factor in what a cultivators and magic beast needs to increase in stages to become stronger.

At the age of 17, I was a Mage Stage, One start. Each person is able to start cultivating at the age of 14 or 15 depending on their bodies constitution. It is said that magical beast and Celestial spirits have the ability to start cultivating at the time of birth because there cultivation level is always sky high and above human cultivators. This is not a proven fact even though it has been written in the books of history. The reason behind this is because the last time a person from the higher realm descended, all the lower realms faced catastrophes, from Beast tides to Thunderstorms and no one was able to verify the information.

We continued our conversations into the dead of night, before we decided that we'll head off to bed. Prior to drifting off to sleep, I mused over ways to prevent the disasters that occurred in my previous life. This time I promise that I will protect the people that are close to me through any meanings, even if it means defying faith.


"What are you doing Ri?" a sweet voice, the words so fair. A soft chime that echoed throughout the room. I looked to see that I was sitting on someone's lap and that the voice was coming from above me. She was very pretty with slender eyebrows, dough eyes and a dainty nose. Her had glossy skin that seem to shimmer under the rays of light. I watched as she beamed happily upon getting my attention of my younger self, she patted my head before turning my attention to the book she had in her hand and was holding before me.

"Ri, you have to pay attention, mommy is not gonna play with you if you don't focus on what were doing" she empathized, before ensuring that I was focusing on her. " Alright mommy" the voice of a younger me beamed. I seemed to have jumped to a side view of the two figures, now looking at the two, if I didn't know the two my current view I could tell that the two are mother and son. If its wasn't for the light silver hair and the blue eyes of the young boy, I would said that he is a carbon-copy of her. My vision drifted down to the book that was being held in the palms of the lady.


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