
Chapter 4


Rimuru POV:

Because of the attack I was injured and was brought to Elder Chan who is one of the powerful Water Cultivators in our Faction, but what I remember was that I was not unconscious when it happened. I was still conscious to even know that Elder Lee and Sanu Chen were reluctant to bring me to have my injuries looked at and healed. It was due to the words of Cheru that I was inevitably ushered to the Zhensuo (Clinic). The words of Cheru were "If he dies now we will be in trouble, remember we were advised to wait a couple years. Grand Mistress and the Great Elders will give us the go ahead" it was at these words that the person I begged my father to take in as a disciple instead of a servant turn to help me. I guess I had too much of a heart of gold to hear these words and still treat each and every one of them with kindness and respect. But what I wanna know is why is it that this memory is just surfacing, if I remembered these actions and words in the last few days before I was killed I would have maybe escaped or hid Samu La and Ru.

So if these memories are real, maybe the reason they are acting strange is because I am also acting strange. Could it be that I was born again, its a bit far fetched but I believe that this is what I am experiencing. Could my wishes be answered, and if so I was granted the opportunity to live another life and become happy in the end. Thinking this my insides were bubbling with happiness, wait I don't think it would be that easy to be happy, I am not sure of everything that happened behind the scenes before I was put to death.

Thus far it seems that the past I've lived has already started to change due the fact that I had an internal injury, which didn't happen in my past life. No matter what disadvantage there was I could stop the smile from blossoming on my face. Halt, am I jumping to conclusions too fast. Maybe this is not a reincarnation, "Ahhh " I screamed after pinching myself as hard as I can. Well at least I was able to prove that I am awake, still having a tiny bit of doubt in my mind, I climb back into the bed and drifted off. It seems that all this thinking caused me to be exhausted, I fell asleep thinking how great it would have been to live again.

I woke slowly feeling that there were other persons in the room. I was groggy and felt muddle-headed, before even turning to see who else was in the room with me. I gave my self a pinch, after feeling the pain not even the thought of my murderers being in the same building could stop my hearts elation. I finally turned to see my comrades studying me. "Come here" I said motioning them over. "Can you both pinch me" I asked impatiently.

"What are you doing" Ru asked looking muddled, I turned to see that Samu La had a similar expression. If only they could to see themselves right now they would know how stupid they look' I giggled to myself. "Please just pinch me, and stop looking at me like I'm crazy". I begged. I watched on patiently as they moved to do as I instructed. "Ahhhh, Its not a dream. Thank you thank you". I exclaimed happily, rushed to envelop them in a hug crying to my heart's content.

"Why are you so happy Ri" Samu La asked after I had let it all out. I still can't believe that I will be able to live again. Just thinking makes me started crying again. " I--I am happ ~sniff~ so happy that I'm alive and" I tried saying through my tears. " Hey there, calm down and then we'll be able to hear you clearly". Ru stated patting my shoulder trying to get me to compose myself. After suppressing my tears, I started sharing my joy. " I am just happy that I am alive and that you guys are alright, I can be thankful enough". I shouted cheerfully.

"Why would we not be alright young master, and why were you saying that were still alive". Ru asked gravely, I staggered upon hearing what he asked, maybe it wasn't the wises thing to say after being reincarnated. If others were to know that I was born again, what would they do. "Well I know that we guys face encounters with strong persons in the Faction and I was just worried about you'. I replied timidly. Seemingly making myself more guilty of lying I turned my face away, not being able to look into their faces.



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