
Chapter 6

Live, love and laugh ~~.


Rimuru POV:

The book was thick enough to be considered three books, and almost hiding the boy sitting in her lady due to the length. Their were golden seal wrapped around the exterior of the book, even the pages produced a light glimmer of gold. The beauty of the book entrapped the small boy as he absorbed the contents of what was being read to him. I could see that the mouth of the lady was moving, but I couldn't hear the words that she was saying. This continued for a while, before she closed the book, patted the head of the little boy and turned in my direction. I stood frozen, wondering if she could see me, but was interrupted from those thoughts as a someone enter into the room.

She glanced away from me to gazed at the person who entered the room. This occurrence also gave rise to me peering in the direction as well. The most outstanding thing about the man that entered the room was the light silver hair and piercing blue eyes. He entered the room with a leopard-like grace, he had bristly eyebrows, a straight nose, defined cheeked bones and jaw, and a structure of a titan. In the other words this male was my father, and the small head of light silver hair would be me.

Before my death, I had long forgotten what my mother look liked. It had been many years since her death and there were no paintings that remained of my mother. All that represented her were demolished or hidden away from my sight. I gazed at her to imprint everything thing about her in my mind. My focused was disturbed due to the movements beside her, I watched as I was carried out of the room and my mother placed the book among the many books that were placed the library, I watched as the book was hidden behind some other books, she placed everything back into the right place and glanced at me once more.

I observed as she headed for the door, before exiting she glanced at me once more before saying "Ensure that you keep the book safe, its your mother's greatest treasure". I was baffled at what she said, is she able to see me, and if she is, how can she see me. After minutes of watching her explained the contents of the book to the smaller version of me, I was able to confirm that it was reliving one of my memories. I seem to be about 4-5 at the time of the memory.

I gazed at the placed where the book was placed meaningful, I will have to try to get into this room to check if the book is still there and try to get it. It's gonna be a challenge to try and get into this room, if I remember correctly, this is one my father's wing of the Main Factors building, My father probably doesn't know that the book is hidden in the library there.


I seem to have experience a few different unimportant memories such as my time with my personal keeper and Wei-lu. I awoke feeling refreshed after a roller-coaster of emotions and feelings yesterday. I went to the outer room and started getting ready for the day. Throughout my routine, I was puzzled because I feel as is I was to remember something, it seems be on the fore front of my memory, but I cant seem to recall it. By the time Samu-la and Ru appeared I was finished with my task and sitting waiting for my morning meal. I had push the thoughts of forgetting something to the back of my thoughts thinking that it will come to me sooner or later.

"How are you feeling today, Young master" Samu-la wondered, started to dish out the meals before us. "I'm doing well, I feel refreshed. How about you", I beamed happily, I watched as they both smiled. "This looks great Samu La, I can't wait to taste them", I rejoiced.

"You can start eating now, Young Master. And were both doing good, once your doing good, were happy" She answered, as she shared the meal between the three of us. "I hope that you two are taking what I said into consideration, keep to yourself and try not to make enemies of anyone. Not everyone here can be trusted" I advised, giving them both a meaningful look.

"We will, Young Master. You can rest assured that we will follow your instructions" Ru replied. I stared at him for a while before replying. "Ru, what do you think would happen if I somehow know something that would be considered impossible" I asked. At that all movements stopped abruptly and their undivided attention was directed at me. "It would be very bad master, you would probably be tortured for the information and living after they receive the information is not a certainty" Ru cautioned. It seems that keeping this a secret will be the best idea. They would probably do experiments to see how I was able to reincarnate, even if I myself didn't know how it happen. I would rather lock this away than become dissected.


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