
Chapter 3



Rimuru POV:

"Seriously, what are you two talking about. I didn't hit my head" I exclaimed, why are these two suddenly so dense. If they were to see themselves right now, I bet they would be embarrassed. But wait, now that I am really thinking about this, I am certain that this is not a dream. I am so sure that this is not a memory, so why would they ask about injuries during training.

Guess there is only one way to find out. " Can you tell me what happened why you think I have brain damage" I said looking unimpressed by their stares. I watched as they slowly gauge my expression and while not so subtle looking for injuries on my head. I swear that these two are fools. Now I am certain that this is not a dream. Maybe this is like one of those crazy stories that we were told about how Celestial beings can live for two lifetimes. Wouldn't that be crazy, such as shame I was not born as a Celestial being.

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head, turn all my attention to my comrades. "Well Young Master, you went to training yesterday with Elder lee, Sanu Chen and Cheru like you would do every week, everything was going great until you were hit with a blast from Sanu Chen and you fell unconscious. You were then sent to one of the Elder Water Cultivators and he gave you a recovery pill, just in-case there were any internal damage. Since then you have been asleep and just now woke up. Speaking of that, we should go ahead and advice the Grand Master that you are awake" Samu La replied, recapping what happened. After listening to the her words, my mood and face couldn't help than to sink thinking about how they conspired against me. I am 100% certain now that this is not a dream or memory, so where am I. I racked by brain for a few minutes but was still not able to come to a conclusion. It seems that my dumbfounded expression was too much because these two comrades continued with fussing about my health

Finally able to fight them of me, I sent them off to continue doing what the were doing. Samu-la when to make a few dishes for the three of us, while Ru when off to inform my father that I was awake. I had wanted to go and see him because I wasn't able to see him at the last few moments of my life, but was ruthless rejected due to the fact that I was said to be still recovering from my so called injury. I didn't even feel like I was injured, much less beaten and killed. I wanted to argue this but up against these two mother hens it was futile. I also thought it was a good idea to stay where I was, because then I won't break down and cry to him that his so called wife was a two-faced, scheming dark witch.

I was now alone and could finally explore the room I was in, I hurried off the bed and peeped and rummaged through every corner of the room. Thereafter, I was able to make the assumption that this was my room when I was alive, everything was the same. Throughout my scavenger hunt, I had happened upon a mirror and confirmed that I was also the same, from my head to my toes, I was even younger by a few years, I would say about three. Not only was I happy about being seeing that I was younger and that I seem to be in the same place, but I was extremely curious. I conjured up all kinds of explanations, from a spell to my imagination. Little did I know that it was so much bigger and better than I could every dream.

Following my little escapade, it suddenly came to me like a memory that was long forgotten. I did indeed remember being injured by Sanu-chen, just thinking and reminiscing about him and his name made my soul flared up with hatred. At that time, I was 17 years old and it was a regular day of training and he was bragging about a skill ability that he had learn in secret but I had come to learn years after that it was taught to him by our Shifu Elder Lee. We were having a friendly match and he seem to have been mocking me about not being as talented as he was and to prove his point he had used the ability and at that time, I had been too stunned at the time to think about moving out of the trajectory of the attack. The reason that I was stunned because this was an ability that was sought after by many of the Fire Affinity disciples in our Faction.


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