
Chapter 2

Welcome back


Rimuru POV:

"Young Master, young master. Come help me, he is not waking up" I heard a voice in the background as if it was miles away. I hear the voice keep shouting out, my eyelids twitched but I am not able to open my eyes, I feel cold, I feel heartache and my soul seems to be in disarray. Even with all the heartache, I feel at peace though because my suffering is finally over, is this what eternal sleep feels like. If it is, I hope that Samu La and Ruco Shen can experienced this.

Wait that voice before sounds similar to Samu La's voice, is she here with me. "Samu La" I try to get out but it seems that i'm not able to open my mouth to speak either. I tried again to open my eyes but I am meet with resistance, I try harder, after a while I notice that the voice is getting louder. I feel the heartache in my chest decrease knowing that I will be able to enjoy eternal rest with them.

Finally after multiple tries, I am able to open my eyes and I am meet with blinding lights. I squint my eyes and waited until they were custom to the lights around me. It took a while before my eyes came into focus but before being able to look around I glanced below me to see that I was in a bed, one that seems similar to what i am used to sleeping on. I groped the material and reminisced on the goods things that I had before my downfall. I finally get back my sense of bearing and turn to the direction I hear Samu La's voice, at this time the voice no longer sounded loud, but soothing to my ears.

"Young Master, how do you feel" Samu La asked, as I stared at her wide-eyed. How does she looks so young, did I also get younger. Wait where are we and why does Samu La looks younger. After racking my mind for a while , I caught a glimpse of Ruco Shen and was flabbergasted. Why is Ruco Shen also younger. I was too caught up in my analyse of why they are now younger and where we are, to notice that Samu La and Ruco Shen were looking at me as if I've suddenly gone mad.

Maybe I am reliving my memories in my eternal sleep. That seems to be the only viable explanation. Finally able to make some sense of whats going on, I am able to gain my composure not long after looking at them once more, the tears started. I bawled my eyes out, remembering what they went through because of me. I break down holding on to Samu La and repeatedly tried to repent for being the cause of their death. " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill you, I'm sorry, please forgive me" I repeated over and over as Samu La tried to comfort me. After a few minutes I finally came down and latch myself on to both of them not wanting to be apart.

"Young Master, what are you saying, me and Ru are alive and well. Did you have a bad dream?". Samu La said startling me. Bad dream, being poisoned, beaten to close death and then fed to magic beast and you are calling this a bad dream. I moved away from both of them and now I am the one looking at the both of them as if they were crazy. "Can you not remember" I asked in disbelief, maybe this is my eternal sleep so they won't know what happened to them. I go to tell them to forget about it but was too shocked at what I heard to refute my statement.

"Did you hit your head before you fell unconscious while training with your shifu and junior brother?" Ruco Shen replied, moving closer to me to check if I some how had a head injury. What are they talking about, even if this is a memory, this never happened. No longer being able to hide my confusion, I blurt out" What are you talking about hit my head in training". I asked.

"It seems worst than we thought, I'll go and get Elder Lee to see if he has any internal injuries" Ruco Shen said turning to Samu La and moving to exit the room. I hurriedly called him back " Don't go, I don't want to see that traitor, I hope he dies a thousand deaths" I shouted releasing some of the hate in my heart. "Young master, you can't say that. Have you gone crazy" Samu La stated rushing to cover my mouth. Ruco Shen rushed back over to us, "Do you want to die young master, you can't go around cursing people like that" Ru said in a reprimanding tone. Now I know for a fact that I am looking at them like they were crazy.

"Its not like you can die twice in a lifetime" I said trying not to overthink whats happening right now. "Why are you suddenly saying these things, yesterday you were preaching about your admiration for Elder Lee at dinner. What changed" Samu La asked pulling me towards her and sitting me to down to try and explain. "Maybe he does have brain damage or maybe its just a bad dream. Either way lets get him a recovery pill just in case.


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