
Chapter 20


Rimuru POV:

I felt his hands rest on my shoulders and turned me to face him before asking "Are you doing alright, what's bothering you" he cautioned quietly. "Come one let's bring you ti sit down and we have can have a cup of tea" he said directing me to the door that stood behind him. I followed quietly after him into room and sat in the chair that was pulled out for me. I sat and continued to hold me head down, I heard him sigh before heading out the room. A few moments after he re-entered the room and placed a tea set on the table that stood between us. The tea set was made of silver and had many unique carvings all over each piece in the set. I accepted the tea that was handed before me,taking a spit and appreciating the taste. I slouched in the chair and kept my head down, up until now I wasn't able to shake off the memories of my previous life. I guess having faced the person who you are certain could saved you, prompts the what ifs. Now I was the one that was sighing, i finally raised my head to see that I had his undivided attention. Noticing that I was finally facing him he spoke "What is on your mind, I won't force you" he paused before reluctantly continuing "But I can't help if I don't know what's going on" he stated. I noticed the unwavering look and contemplating in my mind if should tell him that i was reincarnated. If I were to tell him what happened in my previous life, would he be able to live pass it, most likely not. For him it would be like gaining an arm and loosing your feet's. He will know that his wife and his other children along with people he trust conspired against me to end my life.

I steeled myself to keep it from him for now, if something were to happen in the near future I would then relay all the happening of my previous life to him. Maybe if I were to tell him right now, he would be wary to all the person's that were involved in my murder, that could involuntarily cause harm to me if they decided to speed up their plans to have me annihilated. I snuffled a few times before raising my head, " my cultivating is not raising and I'm being bullied for it" I cried out in agony. What I shared wasn't exactly a lie cause I do experience this. I watched as he moved to sit on the handle of the chair and pat my head a few times before saying " Alright, father's here you don't have to worry. I'll deal with them" he replied trying to pacifier me."So there have been no improvement" father said giving a sigh,I looked up at him to see that he had a faraway look in his eyes, I sat back in the chair and nudged him with my elbow. "Father" I called out to him, his eyes seem to focus back on me as he rubbed my head affectionately. "Don't worry too much about it, I will try to get something that will help you with cultivating" he mentioned, my eyes shone brightly as he finally touched a topic that I am eager to discuss about with him. "Ahem" I coughed before bringing up what I came here for.


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