
Chapter 21


Rimuru POV:

"Father, uh huh I also came to ask you about something else" I replied shyly,"What is it Little Ri?" he asked. I glared at him, i am no longer little so why does he keep calling me that, I fumed on the outside but what beaming on the inside upon receiving the fatherly affection. I waved him off after seeing his teasing face before continuing " The Sect's Trial's is in 11 days and I wanted to try my best to cultivate in the days before it commence. Maybe I could raise a few star levels and will be able to participate in the second round of the trials' I said with pleading face, I really wanted to increase my cultivating as soon as possible. He seemed shocked by what I said said and soon a proud smile blossomed on his face, "That's a great idea, I am happy that you are still willing to cultivate after so many fail attempts. What is it that you want Father to help you with?" he asked with a renewed enthusiasm.

At his inquiry I deflated, I came here to ask for his advise on what we can do but he's asking me what he ca do to help. "Father I came to you because I don't have any idea how i will be able to cultivate without being able to access the training grounds till after the trials" I whined and clung to his arms. He stared straight at me with a dumbfounded expression, is it because I was born again that I find that everybody is a bit slow. I peered at him expectantly with a look of worship, with a encouraging smile of do your best because the respect from your son hangs on the balance. I received an awkward impression from him as he slowly pried my hands of and started trudged across the room continuously with a unexpressive face, he finally stop trudging and sat in his previous seat before and took a sip of his now cold tea.

He gazed down at the tea, I sat quietly across from him watching and waiting from him to say something, because of his head been held down, I was not able to see the look on his face. He placed his hands on the tea pot and started chanting softly, at the start of the incantation a magic rune appeared at the top of the pot and steam started seeping out of the tea pot. I was giddy upon looking at his movements, this is something that most cultivators strive for as an end result. Cultivators that have ascended to the Emperor Level can take advantage of one of the skills that come with being a cultivator at the emperor level. The practice of this skill allows for one cast spells that can replica the main affinities of the world such as Water, fire, earth and space. When one reaches the Emperor Stage they will be able to view the magic spells that one can cast. Magic spells bestowed at the Emperor Stage can become offensive or defensive depending on the cultivator using it,the power of the spells may be powerful but they cannot be matched to the power of someone who is a genuine fire affinity user or water, earth or space.

Things such as the abilities to use magic spells is a dream for me, being able to even reach the Emperor Stage would be like be reaching the stars for me. I have many dreams and aspirations in this life and I wish to be able to attain all of them. Also the astonishing thing about the magic spells one gains is that the cultivator does need to use their magic to call upon or cast these spells. Unlike the abilities and skills one would learn through the use of skill books or magic books that correspond with their affinities. Magic books and skill books are mainly obtained through the death of powerful magic beast, one can also attain new skills through training the body and abilities on a daily basis. Magic books provide abilities, magic allows one to tap into theor affinities, and affinities allow one to use abilities. Using abilities is very exhausting, especially for high levels skills, one has to constantly train and hone their abilities and body to increase the amount of magic one can possess.


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