
Chapter 19


Rimuru POV:

The only sounds that vibrated through the passage was the sound of my labored breathing and the approaching footsteps.The moment finally approach as she was only standing a few feet's away from where I was residing in the shadows of the corridor. I glared at her trying to make her disappear, the servant was a petite looking woman, with chestnut color shoulder length hair, her face could be considered to be regular, the only outstanding thing about her appearance was the color of her eyes. They were bright magenta, which seem to shine in the dark passageway,from just looking at her eyes it seem that she could see through the darkness to gazed straight at me. It seems that I was able to fore show her abilities because seconds after she entered the passage and reach my location, her eyes darted to where I was standing. A few seconds she stood staring in my direction seeming to contemplate if her guesses are correct. "How are you and what are you doing in this area" she spoke in a timid voice, but her eyes said the opposite, the magenta eyes had a cold gleam which was contrasting to her weak appearance.

I stepped out of the shadows, seeing that I won't be able to prevent this confrontation from happening. I slowly approached, upon furthering inspection of the servant, I noticed that her demeanor was not matching up with her position, she looked as if she was acting the role of a servant, her posture seem too refined for someone who serves as a maid. "I asked what you are doing in this side of the mansion" she asked bringing me out of my thoughts. I continued eyeing her suspiciously, "I am here to meet with the Grand Master" I answered truthfully. I wouldn't want to give her anything else to be skeptical about. "Oh really, person's who do not live on this building have receive permission to get to this side of the mansion" she stated in a matter of fact tone."I am here to discuss some personal matters with the Grand Master" I said straightforwardly not willing to discuss with her anymore.

"Not just anyone can meet the Grand Master at their own leisure. I will go ahead to notify one of the guards so that you can be escorted out of the building" she sneered with distaste. I was shock at her reaction, I don't recall ever meeting her so there shouldn't be an enmity between the both of us. I made a move to implore with her not to notify was stun by the voice that followed after her statement. "There will be no need for that. You are dismissed" the tall shadow said as it appeared before us, a deep and resonant voice. The familiar voice brought a smile to my face, a voice I have not heard for a while. I noticed that I wasn't the only one shocked by the presence of the voice. Not unlike me the maid kept a neutral expression before excusing her self "Right away, Grand Master" She said hurriedly and disappeared down the corridor, but not before giving me a meaningful look. I stared until she had disappeared from my view,"What was that about now, Little one"the voice asked quizzical. I beamed upon looking at the person who stood in front of me. The Grand Master Lei Long, also known as my father."I have no clue, its the first time seeing her" I shrugged. "Hello Father" I exclaimed happily greeting him, I held my head down so that he wasn't able to see all the emotions that showing on my face. I turned with my back facing him, trying my best to force down all the emotions,finally being able to see after my death just brought up all the things I experienced before being giving this opportunity. I am sure if he was still in the Faction at that time, they wouldn't be able to execute their plans.


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