
Chapter 18


Rimuru POV:

Thinking about person that have caused me soon much heartache in my life, resulted in my have a bad start to my day. I eased from the futtuon (bed) and walked to the wide expansion in the room to catch some water to clean my face and mouth. After a few minutes of getting myself In order, Samu La and Ruco appeared. Right on time, its a good thing that there rooms are assigned close to my quarters. This was a requirement my father had put in place so that Samu La and Ruco could easily protect me from danger.

By the time they were to arrive at my room, I was ready. The morning commenced with us having a meal and heading out to begin our plans. I strolled off to the main house of the Tian Chess Faction, my quarters is located to the west of the main house, the reason for this is also due to the influence of the Grand Mistress. I've always been a little resentful about this because of my insecurities and loneliness, you could say that I've always wondered why my dad did not oppose to the idea. Now I guess it was to keep me from dealing with my siblings and the Grand Mistress everyday, in a weird way their aloof treatment will help safeguard until I can become strong enough to protect myself.

Finally reaching the main house, it was a huge building that was made from some type of blue marble and stone. With the help of the sun rays, it gave the building a majestic feeling. The building consisted of 3 stories and was very wide. It stands as the largest building that takes up a great portion of the territory of Tian Chess. The buildings houses the medical wing that is used by the entire Faction. Great Elders, Elders, The Grand Master and Grand Mistress, the children of the Grand Master and elders, and the generals of the fighting force in our Faction. It has many rooms, one which use to be mine. To put it simple everybody that lives in this building is considered important, and that speaks a lot about my role as the eldest son of the Grand Master. Looking to the east, a couple miles away from me, stood another building similar to the one that is before me, but this buildings is made from some type of red marble, this houses cultivators of the lightning and Fire Affinities, so a lot of regard is placed on the east section of the compound. Their are other buildings in the Faction,such as the one that I reside in,it houses the cultivators that are mostly used for daily tasks in the Faction. Following their are many more buildings in the north and south. The main house resides in the center of the territory.

I wandered into the building, I hurried along upon noticing that it was still early so there weren't many person up and the servants have not yet started their duties. I sneaked as quietly as possible trying my best to blend in with the shadows, as to not draw attention to myself. I quickly made my way through the first floor of the building, which consists of the medical wing, specialized training rooms, a potion and alchemy wing and also the Grand Masters command room. Here I will be able to meet and discuss what I wanted with him. Having arrived at the passage way that will lead to the room, I settled down in a far end of the corner, waiting until I could run into him. After a few minutes, I noticed that the servants have started crowding the corridors, I silently monitored there movements from the far end of the corridor. Hardly any seconds later I noticed that one of the servants was heading into the direction of the passage, where I was standing. I started panicking a bit, because the servant is not someone I recognized and cultivators without the consent and permission is not suppose to be in this side of the hall. I tried my best to somehow fade into the wall to hide my presence, which only resulted in me having myself plastered against the wall.


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