
Chapter 17


Rimuru POV:

Right now we have about 12 days until the Cultivation Trials will begin, between these 12 days I will have to devote myself to increasing my cultivation, firstly to accumulate some type of respect so that the rest of this members in this faction will see me in a different light, give my father and comrades some face, increase my strength so that i can protect those around me that I care about. I am hopeful that if i practice the Imperial Divine Arts technique during these days I will be able to ascend in cultivation. Due to the time span, a big change may not happen but with my wishful thinking, i will strive ti at least raise myself to Mage Stage Three Star Level, with this current level I can assure myself that i will enter the next round for the Trials.

If I could win it would mean a great deal to me, but with my current strength that would be as if I receive a free pass to ascend to the Higher realm with being at the Celestial Stage. The idea of entering the next rounds alone got me pumped and vitalized.A few more minutes passed before I was directed get some sleep so that I could meet my father or more likely possibly meet. Being the Grand Master of a Faction comes with a lot of responsible and it is even more tantalizing because is Tian Chess is among one of the biggest Faction in the South Province. He may be present tomorrow but that doesn't mean that i will have the ability to see him. I saw Samu La and Ruco to the door before heading into my sleeping quarters.

I limply got read for bed, before diving off in the comfort of the futton (bed) on my sleeping platform. Before falling into an endless abyss, I went over the happening of my new life. I was reincarnated after suffering a terrible life of betrayal, failure,hate and loneliness. I now have the opportunity to live a different life, I can become stronger in this current life to protect the people I love. With the knowledge of the person how colluded to end my last life now in the open, I am aware of how to seek guidance and how to plot against.


Just like that the night fell away and a new day began. I rose from my sleep early, having gotten used to staying alert in the last days of my previous life. I sorted my thoughts and the plans that we have set for today and what our ultimate goal is. Samu La and Ruco will try everything in there ability to get me close to the Grand Master so that i can see him, it's a bit hard not only because of his position and the amount of responsibility he has but because of the Grand Mistress of this Faction Weii Lu. She is the mother to my brother and sister. Until my dearest siblings they are able to receive the best of everything that this Faction has to offer even if they are not in need of it. Since the day that Weii Lu appeared i have been viewed as some sort of threat that could cause a damage in her plans and schemes. If she had not been mentioned and appeared at moments of torture and death, I could not have known that she was included in trying to eradicate my existence.

In my previous life I thought very good of her, even after receiving the cold shoulder, I would do anything that she required obediently. In my head at that time, I was striving to please her so that I could be accepted, but to this day I have waited alone on that notion. The fact the my brother and sister have same blooded running through as them, you would think that there could be a break in the treatment from the Grand Mistress, but I couldn't be more wrong. As they would say the apple doesn't fall from the tree, I get the same treatment from them like I would get from their mother. The only person I would get familial love from is my father and the father of my Mother. Sadly I wasn't able to have a meeting with him in my last life, I wish to change that in this current life.


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