
OPM: God Thor

[Mature Content Present] In the body of Thor's, from Record of Ragnarok. How will he survive in a world full of monsters and heroes? OPM is not an easy world to start at, but since he came here through unseen events, let's see his journey. Follow Thor, (he forgot his real name) and his hammer as they crush monsters to their deaths.

VILLIAN_MAKER · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

CHAPTER - 8 { A God's Rage }

I gripped Mjolnir's handle tightly and stared at the ground about 50 meters far from me. From there I could sense a monster's presence.


The land shook violently as the soil on that spot burst out and revealed a huge shadow on me.

10 meters tall, bigger in size than a fully adult blue whale and covered in thick scales.

Ant Queen!


It released a high pitched growl, and all the ants in the area raised their antennas. Then they slowly marched towards me.

"This one should be a threat level- Dragon."

I muttered quietly.

All the people near this area had evacuated and most of the heroes also left to save their lives.

The ants didn't spread but were coming in my direction. The ant queen has shown herself.

"Isn't this fantastic? Bring your children here, let them group together."

Once every ant was here, I would annihilate them in a single smash.


The ant queen stormed her way to me and tried to bite me with her sharp mandibles. I stepped back and pushed her away with my right foot.

At the same time, the ants neared and jumped at me. Once again I swung my hammer and smashed them to death.

While fighting, I noticed some ants were different compared to others.

Like that one which used chemicals that were strong enough to melt even iron. And that one which was a sucide bomber.

My brand new clothes were in a mess. Green fluids glued on them. I won't be able to wear them again.


I slammed Mjolnir on the ground and pushed the ants away with a land wave. I had adapted to fighting.

New experience was welcomed.


Ant queen dashed forward and bashed her head on me.

"Just hurry and call your children!"

I was starting to get angry. The ants couldn't even scratch me but were too annoying and irritated me.

Some jumped and exploded, and all their insides would splash on me. I felt dirty and nasty.

"Each of those ants are equivalent to threat level- Tiger. And that ant queen should be no less than a Demon."

Busho held his palms together before his mouth. His face wasn't very bright. On the screen the fight was being played.

Thor was continuously killing the giant ants while trying to get a hold of the ant queen.

"But, sir Thor seems to be able to handle them."

One of the staff spoke in a low voice. Busho nodded his head, not objecting or disagreeing with him.

"You are right. But look at how much he has already destroyed. And he doesn't even look as if he is giving his best."

"Still, we can't expect clean work from him since there are too many monsters."

Jinzuren walked inside the control room and shared his thoughts.

Behind him, a very tall, bulky, and muscular man followed. His skin had a dark complexion and gave off a lustrous shine. He was bald, and he had full lips, dark eyes, and thick eyebrows. His only attire was a black speedo.

"Woh! This is so cool!"

Darkshine was astonished by the high end technology in the room. Jinzuren stepped behind Busho and told him.

"The one we talked about."

"Ah. Good that you are here. We actually might need your help now."

Busho quickly disclosed the details to Darkshine and requested that he hurried to provide aid to Thor.

"Worry not! Darkshine shall immediately go and help my fellow S rank in killing those ant monsters! See this!"

He tightened his muscles and posed. The room went quiet. Darkshine coughed and excused himself.

* * *

"Ahhh! Damn ants!"

I gritted my teeth and slammed Mjolnir on an approaching ant. Next the ant exploded into pieces of goo and shell.


The ant queen struck her legs on the ground and expressed her grief at the death of her children.

Yet she was cautious and stopped getting close to me. I was enraged by it but didn't kill her.

I needed to wait for her to call all of her children up on the land and gather around me so I could finish them off in a single smash.

Still… Still…


I couldn't control myself from roaring again and again in fury.

These ants were very clever. Noticing that I wasn't chasing, they attacked and retreated.

The ant queen didn't even need to command her children. She also used that method a few moments before.

'Yes… Let rage fill you… Embrace the strength!'

If the ants weren't enough, this hammer kept talking in my mind.

"Shut up!"

A burst of energy erupted from my body and scattered out. The ants backed away from me and created distance.

Lightning poured out of my hands and my eyes started glowing in red light.

Strength… Power…


My legs pushed the ground and my figure sprinted forward leaving an after image. I swung Mjolnir that released lightning explosions.


Hundreds of giant ants died instantly. Then I teleported to the next spot with a lot of ants and crushed them.

This repeated for a few times until the ant queen couldn't see her children die anymore.

She signaled all her children to attack me. Her sharp legs with claws pierced through the air and headed for my head.

This was it. The moment I waited for.


Before the pointed claw could reach me, I stomped the ground and leaped up in the air.

Then with lightning circulating inside me, I aimed Mjolnir right at the center of the ant army where the ant queen stood and showed her mandibles to me.

"Be gone."

My body was like an arrow shot from the sky as I went supersonic and crashed down on the ants.


Just before Mjolnir touched the ground, the heat already turned the ants to ashes. The ant queen however stepped aside and avoided getting squashed.

Her tough exoskeleton absorbed the heat and helped her to survive against it.

But after it was an explosion that she could never live through.


City W shook, like a meteor crashed at it. People in the shelter thought that it was a high magnitude earthquake at first.

Darkshine was not far from the location of the ant army so he saw it, a small sun on land.

Next, his ear heard the explosion with his body feeling the disastrous wind and sound waves. He closed his eyes to avoid the bright light.


All the buildings and structures near the explosion collapsed. This time the radius was no less than two kilometers.

Darkshine sensed the ground moving and cracking because he was barefoot. He became tense.


He ran towards the direction of the ant army. A few seconds later, he found no ants visible in the path.

No, he found nothing. Not even buildings or ground.

Instead, he reached the end of the path and looked down at the crater hundreds of meters long.


There at the center of the crater, he saw a tall man with long red hair standing. Beside him was a gigantic hammer.

His clothes were burned and only his pants remained. Darkshine gulped and slowly came down.

"Are you alright?"

He asked in concern. Thor raised his head and turned to look at Darkshine. His eyes were no longer glowing in red light and his rage had lowered.

"I am fine. The monsters are dealt with."

Thor said in a calm voice. He grabbed his hammer and his figure vanished from the spot.

"What! Where did he go? Did he teleport?"

Darkshine held his chin and pondered seriously. What a day.


The former chapters have been edited to correct the ranks and classes of heroes. Some paragraph comments might have been deleted in the process. I humbly apologize.

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