
OPM: God Thor

[Mature Content Present] In the body of Thor's, from Record of Ragnarok. How will he survive in a world full of monsters and heroes? OPM is not an easy world to start at, but since he came here through unseen events, let's see his journey. Follow Thor, (he forgot his real name) and his hammer as they crush monsters to their deaths.

VILLIAN_MAKER · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

CHAPTER - 4 { Thor vs Blast }

I stood before the punching machine, and had a weird expression. Many staff surrounded the test area, all watching with glittering eyes.

Busho held a tablet, and was prepared to record the results directly in the form of data and deliver it to other committee members.


A staff, showed the punching machine to me and asked me to proceed to punch with everything.

I mean I could literally destroy the entire building with a single punch. But since it would leave a scary impact on the little people, I paused.

I don't want all the people inside the Hero Association Headquarters to die under the collapsed building.


I raised my left hand and pulled it back while clenching my fingers into a tight fist. Then with a puff, I punched forward.


By the time everyone heard the loud explosion, and got their ears ringing, I finished my punch.

They all clearly saw the white cloud forming around my arms, as my punch blinked and traveled at supersonic speed.

The punching machine was in perfect condition, but the impact measure and the bag vaporized into nothing.


The entire test area was silent. I could even hear the crazy heartbeats of everyone present here.

"Will this work?"

I genuinely asked in concern. Did I go overboard and cause them to have terror? Will I be locked and imprisoned forever?

The thought of that made me want to laugh. Could they? I don't think so.

"Certainly! More than enough!"

Busho nodded quickly and responded. He typed whatever he had to in his tablet.

* * *

Everything went smoothly and Thor got a perfect score in the physical test. Though he broke the measuring machines one after another.

He was after all a god.

Thankfully the unawaited written test didn't happen or else he would have definitely failed.

In the afternoon, Blast took Thor to a plain land. There, tents were built and many staff members were waiting.

It seems that the real test was going to take place here. There were military vehicles and helicopters as well.

"I am very glad that there are strong heroes like you! My name is Agoni."

He was an older looking man with a wide nose, large mustache, bushy eyebrows, and his enormous cleft chin that made Thor uncomfortable inside.

"Thor, he is the one who made the Hero Association."

Blast said in a low voice to Thor from behind his back.

Agoni, a multi-millionaire and the founder of the Hero Association. He came up with the idea when his grandson was saved from a mysterious being (monster) by a 'passerby' one year ago.

Thor knew about the whole incident. The passerby was none other than Saitama himself.

"Blast, we are all ready!"

Busho and a few other staff members notified them. The equipments were placed and the screens lit up.

"We will be watching from here."


Blast showed a knowing smile and gestured to Thor to exit the tent and both headed towards a far location away from these people.

I clenched Mjolnir in my right hand tightly. My mind was filled with loud voices.

'Fight… Fight to death… Kill him!'

Will this hammer shut up for some time? I couldn't concentrate properly.

I wonder how the real Thor was able to maintain a clear mind when he was not fighting. He should have gone psycho.

'Life… is boring… Fight to death!'

Damn. I was stunned by how much this hammer could utter such nonsense. The real Thor was indeed a bloodthirsty battle maniac but the now him, I, was not.

And I had no plans for the future either. Battle maniacs died in battles, which was very common knowledge.

"Thor! Best of luck!"

I heard Blast shout towards me from a distance. He then condensed the energy around him into a small ball.

"Dodge this!"

Blast shot the energy ball. Under the orange and yellow sky, a beam of light burst in my direction.

At first my mind wanted to dodge or avoid the beam but the next second my body seemed to react.

I could easily block it. This was the sentence that pushed my body to act on its own. I brought Mjolnir in front of me.


As the beam of energy and Mjolnir made contact, a loud explosion erupted before my eyes.

Not a scratch on this hammer.

"Looks like I can play at all. Ha ha."

Blast did a bitter laugh before collecting a huge amount of energy from his body and conjuring a force field around him as he levitated.

It was a clear indication that I was suppose to attack now.

"Puff… It's gonna hurt."

I muttered with an inaudible voice. I leaned backwards, while extending my arms.

As I formed an angle with my body, I jolted and roared with an exploding strength. My feet plunged the ground and left behind cracks like spider webs.


In less than a second I had already zoomed near the force field around Blast.

'Strike!... Destroy him!'

The voices never stopped but I was getting used to it and could basically ignore them.


Gripping the handle tightly, I slammed Mjolnir on the surface of the force field as hard as I could.

Blast went into alerts when he noticed the blue electric sparks flying out from me. He summoned another layer over the force field to reduce the impact.


Mjolnir struck down and destroyed the force field. Blast pushed his palms and instantly teleported to a different spot away from the hammer's path.

Since I used all my strength, I couldn't immediately stop Mjolnir mid air. With its weight, it took me down with it to the ground.

Once again, it crushed the ground into large pieces of land. The entire plain lands shook as if it was an earthquake.

"Hah! Hah! I might have died!"

Blast breathed in relief after seeing what happened to his past spot. He reacted quickly and saved his fortunate life.

I lifted the hammer and looked up at the sky, filled with black clouds.

"I am no less than a catastrophe."

I shifted my eyes back to Blast and shook my neck slightly to loosen up. Then, I leaped forward reaching in front of him.


Blast was shocked, he crossed his arms and teleported again. Just when his figure squeezed into a ball and disappeared, a hammer hit the ground he was at.



I sighed. It was impossible to make Blast not teleport himself if he sensed danger. I had to be faster.

'Just a little more! Show me your full power, then this can be over. It's getting dangerous.'

Blast thought. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with a stiff smile.

With how much he had seen of Thor's strength, he was absolutely deserving of a top A rank hero.

But it should not be his best yet.

"Dodge this."

From a distance, I said. Blast tightened his brows at my words and gathered energy from the surrounding.

I merely watched that with a look. Then, I lifted Mjolnir and pointed it towards the cloudy sky.


I could feel the current running through my body as it circulated till my hands and poured out.

Zii! Zii!

This was it!

The ultimate move I was waiting for. An instant kill technique.

"Thor's Hammer!"