
OPM: God Thor

[Mature Content Present] In the body of Thor's, from Record of Ragnarok. How will he survive in a world full of monsters and heroes? OPM is not an easy world to start at, but since he came here through unseen events, let's see his journey. Follow Thor, (he forgot his real name) and his hammer as they crush monsters to their deaths.

VILLIAN_MAKER · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

CHAPTER - 5 { Hero Name }

Zii! Zii!

Lightning surrounded me and Mjolnir. My long red hair looked as if floating because of the electrical charges.

"Dodge this."

I bent myself backwards and gripped the handle with both hands. My eyes were calm and composed.

I really wanted to try this move since I found myself in Thor's body. Just didn't get any opportunity to do so.

"So our last moves, I guess!"

In the heated atmosphere, Blast shouted and grinned widely. He compressed the collected energy into a tiny ball of energy between his palms.

I paid no attention to that, instead I focused on my own body. To be able to twist and turn at such angles, Thor must be an acrobat.

With so many muscles in his body, it was crazy. I could only praise him for this.

The final moments came, both sides were ready to launch.

* * *

Inside the tent, the staff members were tense. Each one holding a solemn expression on their faces.

"He is strong."

One commented. The others had no way to refuse those words. Just getting hit by that gigantic hammer would be enough to destroy a mountain.

"So, S-Class is it?"

"From what I can see, he should be around the same level as Terrible Tornado."

"But his destructive powers are more than her's. Look at how serious Blast is. I have never seen him like that."

A debate developed between them. The leading members, Agoni, Busho, Jinzuren, Sekingar, Sitch and McCoy all had different views.

"How about we wait for them to finish?"

Busho suggested. Everyone nodded and went quiet, watching the screens that displayed the face off against Blast and Thor.

* * *

Blast took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes, his entire focus switched to two things. One was on Thor, and the other on the energy ball.

Even a slight mistake could be grave. And this time he might be able to teleport quickly.

'This one last, should be enough to estimate his strength and rank in the hero list.'

Zii! Zii!

Lightning danced around Thor's body and his hammer. Each stick of lightning could fry a person to their death.

And there were hundreds around him.

It was like a stalemate, Thor was not attacking and Blast could counter. Both waiting in silence.

But they knew that the time was nearing by each passing second.

And then-


Blast pressed his hands on the energy ball and thrusted it forward. A beam of energy shot out from the energy ball, locked in the direction of Thor.

On the other side, Thor stomped the ground with his feet and pulled his body upwards.

As if a snake, his body moved with curves and propelled Mjolnir.


All it took was not even a second for Thor to get in position, and throw the hammer in a straight line.

Zii! Zii!

From Mjolnir, a burst of lightning popped out and burned the path below. The flat top of the hammer and the energy beam closed distance, and met.


Everything turned black and white. Only the outlines of the world were visible.

The dark cloudy sky had cleared. Orange and yellow light illuminated the lands.

"I lost."

Blast said with a genuine smile. His eyes high, staring at the hammer above his head that could crush him anytime.

"You didn't go all out. I know."

I held Mjolnir and responded to Blast. It was the truth. If he wanted, Blast could have sent me to space or another dimension.

A test was a test. No one was really serious, except me. I had to be, as I never fought with supernatural powers.

"Did I pass the test?"

I asked while putting Mjolnir down. Blast was stunned, he then shook his head and laughed loudly.

"Why would you not? Hah hah hah! Come, let's see the committee members."

He waved his hand and two portals opened up, engulfing him and me.

The portals brought us inside the tent where everyone was full of excitement. I could tell that they had lots of questions for me.

"Sir Thor, was that your full strength?"


I replied. Jinzuren adjusted his glasses and took notes. Agoni stepped in the front and congratulated me.

"Sir Thor, we can say just by looking that you belong to the very top. Your strength exceeds our imagination."

If before they had good attitudes towards me, now they were literally rubbing butter on me and trying to lick.

"There's not much to debate now. Sir Thor, you are now officially the S-Class Rank 4 hero of our Hero Association."

"How many S-Class are there?"

I wanted to know more about this world and what was happening. Starting with the Hero Association.

"There are a total of 8 S-Class heroes in the Hero Association including you, Sir Thor."

Busho answered. I nodded and didn't ask any further questions. Blast had some other important matter to deal with so he teleported me back to my room and disappeared.

He might not appear again until the Monster Association arc.

* * *

I watched television for a few hours. The film industry had a lot to offer but I just skimmed through the movies and series.

My main focus was on the news channels and the short history of the first appearance of monsters in this world.

While I was at it, I visited the official Hero Association website and scrolled down to the hero list.

S-Class Rank 1- Blast

S-Class Rank 2- Terrible Tornado

S-Class Rank 3- Silver Fang

S-Class Rank 4- God Thor

S-Class Rank 5- Atomic Samurai


They updated the S-Class hero list. My hero name- 'God Thor'.

Waah! So cool!

The comment section was active and people were discussing about me there. I leaned back on the sofa and read the comments.

[A new S-Class hero!]

[Wow! He looks so handsome and hot]

[How did he get so high in the rank? Weren't new heroes supposed to start at the bottom of their rank?]

[The comment below is gay.]

[His chest looks so fine! I want them against my face!]

[He must be super strong to be ranked 4th in the S-Class. Which city is he staying in?]

I was satisfied with the comments other than those rainbow flags. I exited the website and switched the television off.

"I should sleep."

I placed the remote on the table and got up from the sofa. The spacious room was divided into a few sections.

Two bedrooms, two washrooms, a wide living room and the kitchen. Kitchen was not needed due to the room service delivering food whenever I was hungry.

As for the bedroom. I actually haven't slept or rest since I came to this world. I felt no tiredness.

"I am like mitochondria, a powerhouse that continuously generates energy."

I laid on the fluffy bed and shut my eye lids, hoping that I could sleep. But well, I couldn't.

So I invested this time in running my brain, which was no less than a supercomputer. What was the information I had about my situation?

After two years, the main events would take place. Saitama was in the process of completing his 'hard' training.

"Did he go bald by now?"

I crossed my arms over my chest and pondered about the future and my next plans.

I should maintain a god-like image. Not only would it help me in the long run, in the short period no one would ask me questions about my past.

My personality was also somewhat loner kind. Though I wasn't antisocial and could interact with people.

Everything helps.

I can write one chapter within two hours, but my lazy ass just doesn't want to.

VILLIAN_MAKERcreators' thoughts