
opm Fubuki x reader

This is a one punch man fanfic I do not own any of the characters. y/n means your name and yes this does have a little bit of manga spoilers. also don't mind the grammer mistakes here and there I go back and fix them over time. relationships Fubuki x reader Saitama x Tatsumaki this book contains God's, creators, vampires, werewolves and reincarnation. also if you want to see pictures I have put In this book go on wattpad and look this book up

Fubuki03 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 66 vampires and werewolves

Saitama; "SNAP OUT OF IT!"

Back in y/n's mind

Fubuki; "I can't believe my sister still wants to have power over me"

Y/n; "I can't either"

Fubuki; "after all I've done for her and she still wants to control my life"

Saitama; "wake up y/n"

Y/n; I turn my head and look at him "what did you say?"

Saitama; "snap out of it come on."

Y/n; "what do you mean?"

Fubuki; "y/n"

Y/n; I turn my head to look at her "yes baby?"

Fubuki; "I need to tell you that you went inside your head after I died"

Y/n; "no no no this can't be happening"

Fubuki; "I'm sorry I wish it didn't either"

Y/n; "wait how are you in my head?"

Fubuki; "because my brain is still linked with yours"

Fubuki's body start disappearing

Fubuki; "my mind is fixing to be brain dead you don't have much time."

Y/n; I get out my head I see Saitama infront of me. I push him out the way and run over to her. I start healing her "come on come on" I increase my healing.

Fubuki; I weakly open my eyes.

Y/n; I see her eyes open I stop healing and hug her "I thought I was to late to save you.

Fubuki; "well you weren't"

Saitama; I walk over "I'm glad your back"

Fubuki; "me too"

Tatsumaki; I open my eyes and sit up. "Admit im better then you."

Fubuki; I look at her "no"

Tatsumaki; "YOU LITTLE SHIT" I get up and send them back away from her. "ILL SHOW YOU WHOS BETTER" I lift her up off the ground with my powers.

Y/n; I clench both fists "LET HER GO YOU SELFISH BRAT!"

Tatsumaki; my eye twitched I lift him up with my powers and start twisting him. "TAKE THAT BACK!"


Tatsumaki; "ILL MAKE YOU SCARED OF ME!" I start crushing him.

Fubuki; I try to get up and stop her but I fall back to the ground. <Dammit  im to weak>

Saitama; "baby stop you don't have to do this"

Tatsumaki; "YES I DO!" I crush him even more.

Y/n; I start feeling pain I use everything I got to move but to my surprise she's stronger.



Fubuki; "all me and y/n have ever done is be nice to you and we get treated this way in return"



Fubuki; I look at him teary eyed


Y/n; "who's gonna stop me?"

Tatsumaki; "ME" I use all my powers on him crushing him.

Blood comes out his mouth eyes and nose he then disappears.

Y/n; I teleport to Fubuki I pick her up.

Tatsumaki; "YOU THINK YOUR SMART" I yank her away from him

Y/n; I step forward fixing to grab her again.


Fubuki; tears roll down my face.

Saitama; "GODDAMMIT TATSUMAKI STOP" I step forward

Tatsumaki; I send him flying through the wall.

Y/n; I teleport again and grab her. I then teleport with her before she even knew what happened.

They teleport to a different dimension but they didn't know they teleported to dragon ball z

Fubuki; I burst out crying into his shoulder.

Y/n; I pat her on the back "there there its okay she no longer can hurt you"

Fubuki; "I can't do this anymore I give up."

Y/n; "don't say that"

Fubuki; "I'm tired of being hated im tired of being hurt im tired of everything. I mean nothing in my life is ever good enough for anyone im just a disappointment."

Y/n; my eye twitches I grab her waist and push her back a little "FUBUKI STOP SAYING ALL OF THAT NONE OF ITS TRUE!"

Fubuki; "Yes it is"

Y/n; "look at me"

Fubuki; I look up at him.

Y/n; "everything you do is good enough you always try to make things right"

Fubuki; "I don't even make you happy anymore"

Y/n; "that's not true you make me happy all the time"

Fubuki; "admit it y/n all I have ever done is make your life miserable"

Y/n; I lean in and kiss her making her stop. "You don't make my life miserable you have actually made my life better without you I would be no where in life. So please stop all this nonsense.

Fubuki; I pull him forward into a hug "its just that I'm hurt"

Y/n; "I know and I'm gonna be right here with you through this"

Fubuki; I smile a little "T-Thank you"

Goku; I clap my hands "what happened?"

They both freeze when they heard his voice.

Y/n; "G-Goku?"

Goku; "yep"

Fubuki; I pull away from y/n embarrassed "how much did you hear?"

Goku; "I heard all of it"

Fubuki; I look away from him sad.

Y/n; I look at her "do you want me to tell him?"

Fubuki; "if you w-want to you c-can" tears start rolling down my face again.

Y/n; I wrap both my arms around her waist to calm her down "Tatsumaki got jealous of Fubuki looking cute and  Tatsumaki got pissed and hurt her."

Goku; "oh my god are you okay?"

Y/n; "yeah and I had to bring her back to life because she had killed Fubuki"

Goku; my mouth falls open

Fubuki; I burst out crying.

Y/n; I tighten my arms around her waist "Shhhhhh its okay calm down I got you."

Fubuki; "thanks" I blush and smile

Goku; "Fubuki I'm glad you have someone who loves you forwho you are."

Fubuki; I look up at him "I'm glad too"

Y/n; I smile "well she is mine after all"  I kiss her neck.

Fubuki; my face heats up even more.

Goku; "yeah I see that"

Y/n; I stop holding her "can we both live in your house?"

Goku; "yeah sure I got a spare room for you.

All of a sudden a lightning bolt shoots down hitting y/n

Fubuki; "oh my god"

Y/n; I feel my body start to change.

Y/n then turns into a werewolf

Goku; "what the"

Y/n; I look at him and growl.

Fubuki; "b-babe?"

Y/n; I turn and growl at her.

Fubuki; I step back from him.

Y/n walks towards her growling even more.

Fubuki; "y/n stop"

Goku; "I'll stop him" I jump forward

Fubuki; "DONT HIT HIM!"

Goku; I stop just a foot away from him.

Y/n gets closer to her

Fubuki; "y/n it's me Fubuki"

Y/n gets closer he swings his arm at her.

Fubuki; I dodge and get behind him. I wrap my arms around him "y/n I know your in there."

Y/n starts being aware of what's happening.

Y/n; I look at my arms and see black fur my nails are long and sharp. I feel someone hugging me.

Fubuki; I let go of him and he turns around.

Y/n; all of a sudden I tried to hit her with my claws

Fubuki; I step back making the attack miss "y/n I know your in there you got to fight it resist your urge."

Y/n; I shake my hand I try to reach for her but I quickly yank my hand back.

Fubuki; "come on y/n you can do it"

Y/n fights for more control over his body.

Fubuki; I see him drop to his knees I start to walk over to him.

Y/n; I grow "s-stay back"

Fubuki; I stop walking

Y/n; "I d-dont want to hurt you"

Fubuki; "I know but you have to fight your urge"

Y/n; "I c-can't"

Fubuki; "Yes you can I believe in you can got this"

Y/n; I start trying even harder

Y/n then gains full control over his body.

Y/n; "oh my god I did it" I stand up

Fubuki; I walk over and hug him "I knew you could do it"

Y/n; I smile "thank you"

He transforms back to his original form.

Fubuki; "your welcome babe"

Y/n; "I don't know what I would do without you"

Vegeta; I walk outside and see them again I jump forward "BIG BANG ATTACK"

He's trys to hit Fubuki then y/n turns back to a werewolf and gets infront of her the attack hits him into Fubuki.

Fubuki; I caught him in my arms


Y/n; I close my eyes and go back to my normal form.

Fubuki; I turn him around to check and see if he's hurt. I then see his chest is red. "Are you okay?"

Y/n; I lean in and kiss her on the lips "that should answer your questio-"

Fubuki; I cut him off with a kiss "yeah I guess it does"

Goku; "Vegeta why did you do that?"

Vegeta; "because I wanted to get her back for looking down on me"

Goku; "don't do that again you could of seriously hurt her"

Vegeta; "fine I won't"

Goku; "good"

Y/n; "I can't believe im a werewolf"

Fubuki; "I know I can't believe it either"

All of a sudden Fubuki gets hit by a lightning bolt she turns into a vampire

Y/n; "F-Fubuki?"

Fubuki then lunged at him attempting to bite his neck.

Y/n; I go into my werewolf form

(Oh I forgot to show what you look like)

Y/n; I quickly dodge "you got to fight your urge"

Fubuki; I spin around "YOUR GOING TO DIE!" I jump forward

Goku; I see Vegetas mouth falls open I turn around and see she's now a vampire. "That's not good"

Y/n; I dodge and get behind her "Don't make me fight you"

Fubuki; I spin around and cut into his chest with my claws.

Y/n loses control over his body his werewolf side takes back control.

Y/n; I slash my claws across her chest.

Fubuki; I jump back "ILL FUCKING KILL YOU"

Y/n; "NOT IF I KILL YOU FIRST" I jump forward fixing to hit her.

Fubuki; I get ready to block it.

Goku; I jump forward and catch both their attacks "STOP IT THE BOTH OF YOU"

Fubuki snaps out of it

Fubuki; I look down and see my chest is bleeding "what happened to me?"

Y/n; I gain back control "I slashed you"

Fubuki; I look up at him and see huge claw marks on his chest. "Did I do that to you?"

Y/n; "yeah also im sorry for hurting you."

Fubuki; "I'm sorry too"

Goku; I let them both go.

Fubuki; I run up and hug y/n "I'll try not to hurt you again."

Y/n; "same goes to you" I hug her back.

Goku; "I'm glad you both snapped out of it"

Fubuki; "yeah im glad too" I then see Goku's blood in his neck beating.

Y/n; I look at her and see her staring at his neck.

Fubuki; I jump forward fixing to bite his neck

Y/n; I jump forward and yank her off him before she could bite him. I throw her to the ground and get ontop of her holding her down. "Snap out of it Fubuki"

Fubuki; I look at him "why are you on top of me?"

Y/n; "you tried to bite Goku's neck"

Fubuki; "oh my god I'm so sorry"

Goku; "you both are no longer  welcome in my home until you both get yourselves under control.

Y/n; I get off her "come on bro just for a few days"

Goku; "I'm sorry but no"

Fubuki; I get up off the ground "babe  let's go we are no longer welcome here"

Y/n; "okay" I turn around and look at the ground.

They both teleport back to one punch man.

Tatsumaki; I bite Saitama's neck

Saitama; I throw her off me "what the hells gotten into you"

Tatsumaki; "LET ME DRINK YOU ALREADY!" I fly forward fixing to bite him again.

Fubuki; I jump forward and shove her out the way "you got to resist your urge sis"

Tatsumaki; "I CAN'T I NEED BLOOD"

Fubuki; "I did it so you can too"

Tatsumaki; I try to fight it but it over powers me "I c-cant hold it"

Y/n; I walk over "yes you can"

Tatsumaki; I dash forward and bite her neck I instantly get off her and puke the blood up "what the why does it taste so bad?"

Fubuki; "I don't know"

Y/n; "oh I know if you bite another vampire it will taste bad"

Tatsumaki; my eyes widen "y-your a vampire?"

Fubuki; "yeah"

Tatsumaki; "I thought you were bluffing"

Fubuki; "well I wasn't"

Tatsumaki; I turn to look at y/n and jump forward fixing to bite his neck.

Fubuki; I turn back into my vampire form and jump forward. I grab her leg before she could bite him "trying to go for my man now? Well aren't you something" I throw her to the wall and get infront of her in an instant I pick her up by her neck. "Don't ever try to go for my man again you got that?"

Tatsumaki; "ok ok I won't"

Fubuki; "you better not" I let go of her neck.

Y/n; "thanks for protecting me fiancée"

Fubuki; I blush at him calling me that. "Your w-welcome"

Y/n; "whats wrong?"

Fubuki; "Nothing"

Y/n; "then why are you blushing"

Fubuki; "because"

Y/n; "because why?"

Fubuki; "because you called me your fiancée"

Y/n; "is there something wrong with me calling you that?"

Fubuki; "what? no no no there's nothing wrong with you calling me that. It's just that I never heard that come from you and it caught me off guard."

Y/n; "oh okay"

Tatsumaki; I sigh

Fubuki; "so what now?"

Y/n; "I don't know"

End of chapter 66 sorry I've been writing slow