
opm Fubuki x reader

This is a one punch man fanfic I do not own any of the characters. y/n means your name and yes this does have a little bit of manga spoilers. also don't mind the grammer mistakes here and there I go back and fix them over time. relationships Fubuki x reader Saitama x Tatsumaki this book contains God's, creators, vampires, werewolves and reincarnation. also if you want to see pictures I have put In this book go on wattpad and look this book up

Fubuki03 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 63 time travel

Y/n gets sent back in time before the zombie apocalypse

Y/n; I wake and see I'm in Fubuki's room again. I look at her "F-Fubuki?"

Fubuki; I open my eyes "yes babe?"

Y/n; "where did you get your ring?"

Fubuki; "I got it from you don't you remember?"

Y/n; "yeah I do and I got to tell you something but promise me you won't think I'm crazy."

Fubuki; I sit up "I promise"

Y/n; "I'm from the future"

Fubuki; "are you serious?"

Y/n; "yes"

Fubuki; "oh my god"

All of a sudden y/n get a new power where he can show others his memories

Y/n; I grab her hand I somehow show her my memories

Fubuki; I see all of his memories "oh my god you are"

Y/n; "yeah and today is when the zombie apocalypse starts"

Everyone gets sent into a different one punch man

Fubuki; I look around and didn't see him I remember where to go I run out into the hall and run into the other room shutting the door I open the window and step out.

Y/n; I jump in the air and run up the ladder I pull it up and run up the stairs.

Fubuki; I get to the roof and don't see him

Y/n; I get to the roof and see her I start running to her

Fubuki; I run to him and we hug "we're early"

Y/n; "that's a good thing"

Fubuki; I tighten my arms around him and fly to the headquarters "hopefully we get there in time to save Mizuki"

Y/n; "I think we will" I look back and see zombies get on the roof "fly as fast as you can we're not that far ahead"

Fubuki; "okay"

Time skip

Fubuki; we get up the stairs he grabs the axe

Lily; I run to the bathroom scared

Fubuki; I stop all the zombies with my powers

Y/n; I run to the door and open it. I see Mizuki fixing to get bit I run up and slam the axe in his head. I quickly pull her away "let's get outta here"

The three of them run out the bathroom

Fubuki; I use more of my psychic power and snap their necks.

Y/n; we all go up to the top floor

Zombieman; I shoot the zombies I see shadows I point my gun.

Y/n; "don't shoot"

Zombieman; "I almost shot you both"

Y/n; "yeah I anyway we have to go"

Zombieman; "where are yall going?"

Fubuki; "to my sisters"

Zombieman; "I'm sorry I got to stay here to protect this city"

Y/n; I look at Fubuki she nods her head she starts talking again I walk around him

Fubuki; "come on we need you"

Zombieman; "I'm sorry but no"

Y/n; I hit him in the back of the head he falls to the ground knocked out "let's hurry we don't have much time before"

A big zombie crashes through the ceiling

Fubuki; I lift everyone up I break the window and fly us all out of there.

Time skip

Y/n; I run up and open the door we run upstairs and into the spare room

Fubuki; I lay him on the bed "make sure he stays here"

Lily; "we will"

Mizuki; "where are you going?"

Fubuki; "I'm going to find my sister"

Mizuki; "you can't go alone"

Y/n; "she isn't alone I'm going with her"

Mizuki; "oh never mind then"

They both walk out the room

Y/n; "you know what's gonna happen to me right"

Fubuki; "thats not gonna happen"

Y/n; "it's not?"

Fubuki; "no this time I'm gonna protect you"

Y/n; "thank you" I walk in her room and open the bathroom door

Tatsumaki; I shoot my gun I then realize it was y/n

Fubuki; It hits him before I could even react. He starts to fall I catch him "Y/N!"

Y/n; "use your powers to heal me"

Tatsumaki; I stand up "I'm so sorry"

Fubuki; "its fine I just need to heal him"

Tatsumaki; <she isn't mad?>

Fubuki; I lay him down I put both hands on his chest I use all my psychic power to heal him.

Y/n; "thanks"

Fubuki; "y-your welcome"

Y/n; "shit I forgot" I sit up and catch her

Fubuki; "its okay"

Y/n; "when you get rested we need to go to Saitama's"

Fubuki; "okay"

Tatsumaki; "let's get you to the spare room."

They both pick her up and carry her to the spare room and lay her on the bed beside Zombieman.

Fubuki; "Thank you also don't forget to get the machete"

Y/n; "I wont"

Tatsumaki; "wait how did you know I had a machete?"

Y/n; "uhh"

Fubuki; "you can show her I don't mind"

Y/n; I walk up to her

Tatsumaki; "wait what are you fixing to do?"

Y/n; "this" I put my hand on her shoulder I send her my memories

Tatsumaki; my mouth falls open "oh my god your from the future"

Lily; I look at her puzzled

Mizuki; "wait what do you mean he's from the future"

Fubuki; "he's from the future he traveled back in time before all this ever happened"

Both of their mouths fall open

Lily; "whats gonna happen in the future?"

Y/n; "I can't tell you"

Lily; "why can't you?"

Y/n; "because if I keep telling people it will interfere with what happens in the future"

Mizuki; "that's a good thing"

Fubuki; "no its not if he tells you both it will change the outcome of the battle"

Mizuki; "what battle?"

Y/n; "don't worry about it"

Timeskip to when they start to leave

The Bigzombie grabs Fubuki and bites her neck she falls to the ground

Y/n; I run up and slam my axe into its head it kills it "baby"

Fubuki; "yeah"

Y/n; "after you turn I'm gonna need you to bite me"

Fubuki; "I will don't worry"

A herd of zombies come inside


Lily; "what no"


The 4 of them run out the door and don't look back.

(Zombieman got shown the future so he decided to stay with them)

Y/n; I turn around and see the zombies come closer I knew I wasn't gonna be able to hold them off. I swing the axe it kills one I kill 3 or 4 then I get bitten.

Y/n gets overwhelmed and gets forced to the ground alot of zombies start biting him.

Fubuki; my body's muscles gets bigger I jump up to my feet I start snapping their necks one by one until everyone of them are dead. I lift the zombies body off him. I gently slide my arms under y/n and lift him up "I hope I can s-save you" I bite his neck.

Y/n was about to turn into a normal zombie until she bit him.

Y/n; I feel my muscles get bigger I look into her eyes "thank you"

Fubuki; "well I guess this means we're  ahead now"

Y/n; "yeah"

Fubuki; "you ready to go find them?"

Y/n; "yeah I am but you know we can't find them"

Fubuki; "Yeah but we do know where they are"

Y/n; "yeah we do"

Fubuki; "well go to Saitama's"

Y/n; "okay"


Y/n; I knock on the door but no answer I kick the door down.

Fubuki; "looks like no one's home"

Genos; I walk up to the apartment I see the door open I run inside and see them "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING HERE?"

Y/n; "I used to live here"


Y/n; "no"

Genos; I jump forward fixing to punch him.

Zombiey/n; I catch his fist "wrong choice" I hit him to the wall

Genos; I jump off the wall

ZombieFubuki; I jump in the air and hit him to the ground "we don't want to cause trouble"

Genos; I get back up on my feet "PIERCING LIGHTNING CANNON" it hits him

Zombiey/n; I feel my body burning "Gahh!"

ZombieFubuki; I run up and hit him to the wall

Zombiey/n; I look at my arms and hands I see 3rd degree burns.

Genos; I jump off the wall "MACHINE GUN BLOWS"

ZombieFubuki; I bring both arm up blocking his attack.

Genos; I kick her in the stomach

ZombieFubuki; I get sent a few feet back

Genos; "JET DRIVE ARROW!" I hit her through the wall.

Zombiey/n; I was fixing to jump forward when I see her come back through the hole.

ZombieFubuki; "that was a nice attack  but it's not enough to hurt me"

Genos; my eyes twitches "ROCKET PUNCH" it hits her through the wall but this time she flys through multiple walls I retract my arm back.

ZombieFubuki; I spit blood out my mouth I run back "you did good"

Genos; I get even madder I jump forward "HIGH VOLTAGE FIST!" It shocks her but it has almost zero effect I then hit her outside I run after  her. I then jump in the air "ROCKET STOMP" I stomp her into the ground it destroys the surroundings.

ZombieFubuki; I weakly lift the rumble off me I get back on my feet.

Genos; I dash forward again "DUAL BLADE RUSH" I stab her repeatedly I then try to slice her head off

Zombiey/n; I hit him away before he could even finish his attack.

ZombieFubuki; I fall to the ground I see my wounds slowly healing.

Zombiey/n; "I've had enough of this" I jump in the air "ZOMBIE CAVING SMASH"

Genos; I get out the way before he could hit me I get behind him in an instant "DUAL BLADE RUSH" I stab him repeatedly.

Zombiey/n; I spin around

Genos; I slash his arms open

Zombiey/n; I grab both his arms and yank him forward and knee him in his jaw.

Genos; I stumble back

ZombieFubuki; I look up and see y/n badly injured like me and he's still giving it everything he has. I force my self to stand

Zombiey/n; "ZOMBIE CAVING PUNCH!" It knock his core out I then fall to the ground.

ZombieFubuki; "Y/N!" I run over to him as fast as I could.

They both go back to their normal forms

Fubuki; I roll him over blood then pours out of his mouth "hey stay with me"

Y/n; I weakly grab her hand my body starts feeling weird "It was nice seeing you again but my time here has run out."

Fubuki; I start to cry "p-please don't leave me"

Y/n; "goodbye my love"

Fubuki; "IF YOUR GOING IM GOING WITH YOU" I fuse with him

Yubuki fades away

Back in the future

Fubuki; "I c-cant believe he's gone"

Lily; "I know it's sad that he's gone"

All of a sudden a bright flash of light blinds them both for a split second.

They both separate

(When they traveled through time they lost their zombie side and got bath their original powers)

Y/n; I puke up more blood

OldFubuki; "your gonna be okay babe"

(OldFubuki is the past Fubuki the one y/n realy loves)

Fubuki; my eyes widen in shock.

Y/n; "I don't think I will"

Fubuki; I snap out of it and run over I put my hand on his chest. I use my psychic powers and heal him.

Y/n; I open my eyes and see two of them "oh my god"

OldFubuki; "calm down its okay"

Y/n; "no its not theirs 2 of you"

OldFubuki; "just breathe calm down"

Y/n; I calm down I then stand up "who did I have sex with?"

OldFubuki; "me"

Y/n; I take my hat off and put it on her head. "now I'll know who's who."

OldFubuki; I grab his hands and pull him to me. I lean in and kiss him he falls into it.

Fubuki; I walk up and pull them apart  "STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN"


Lily; I just stare at them in shock

Fubuki; I slap her across the face.

OldFubuki; I slap her even harder

Fubuki; I push her to the ground I get ontop of her I start hitting her.

Y/n; I walk over and pull her off "stop fighting"

OldFubuki; I get up on my feet

Fubuki; "your mine not hers"

OldFubuki; "shut up"

Y/n; I get tired of them I throw her to the ground "STOP IT BOTH OF YOU THIS ISN'T RIGHT"

Fubuki; "you belong to me"

OldFubuki; "no he belongs to me"

Y/n; I hit the ground with my fist it creates a shockwave it blows everyone back. "IM FUCKING SICK OF YOU TWO"

Fubuki; "b-but"


OldFubuki; I walk back

Fubuki; "you're mine tho"


OldFubuki; I freeze in place my chest starts hurting.

Fubuki; "you don't mean that do you?"

Y/n; "YES I MEAN IT!!"

OldFubuki; tears start rolling down my cheeks I turn and and start to fly away.

Y/n; I turn my head and see her start flying away I quickly run up and grab her foot "don't go"

OldFubuki; "w-why should I not?"

Y/n; "because I belong to you I didn't mean what I said"

OldFubuki; "don't lie"

Y/n; "I'm not lieing I belong to you and you know that"

OldFubuki; I land back on the ground and hug him "thank you"

Fubuki; "YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" I start floating "HELLSTORM"

It sends them flying and it hurts OldFubuki

Y/n; I hit the ground first "are you okay?"

OldFubuki; I look at my torn clothing and see blood "n-no"

Y/n; "let's get out of here then"

They go back into the past to where the master arrives at the bunker.

Saitama; I run up and hit the big zombie but it had no effect

(They both regained their zombie forms)

ZombieFubuki; I run up behind him and hold him "DO IT!!!!"

Zombiey/n; I run at him before the big zombies could react and hit him. Then my fist travels through his chest I grab his heart and crush it.

All the zombies die

Tatsumaki; I see blood start pouring out her nose "SIS!!"

Fubuki falls to the floor

Blood pours out y/n's nose but he uses all his strength to stay up.

Y/n; I get on the ground and crawl to her. I lay my hand on her chest. "MELTING PSYCHIC HEALING!!!!"

When he does that it sends a powerful shockwave out sending

everyone and everything to the wall.

Fubuki; I weakly open my eyes I see  blood coming from his nose really bad "y/n?"

Y/n; "it's o-okay I g-got you" I keep on healing her.

Fubuki; I grab his arm "stop your hurting yourself"

Y/n; "I g-got to heal you" I start feeling light headed.

Fubuki; I lift his hand off me he then calasped ontop of me. "Y/N!!" I roll him off me I put both hands on his chest and start healing him.

Y/n; I open my eyes and see her healing me.

Tatsumaki; "holy shit"

Sam; "I can't believe their healing is that powerful"

Dr.Kuseno; "I guess you can say their love for one another is that strong"

Sam; "yeah"

Y/n; I feel my body completely heal I put my hand on hee chest and finish healing her.

Fubuki; after I feel my body heal I get off him "that took alot out of me"

Y/n; "oh yeah well it took more outta me when I had to bring you back from the dead"

Fubuki; "I died?"

Y/n; "yeah"

Tatsumaki; I walk over to them "thanks for saving us"

Y/n; "you're welcome"

All of a sudden everyone gets transferred back to the normal one punch man.

Fubuki; I open my eyes and see I'm back in my room.

Y/n; I sit up "we did it"

Fubuki; "yeah we did"

Y/n; I wrap my arms around her.

Fubuki; "I'm glad we're back"

Fubuki; "I am too"

They both get out of bed

Fubuki; "I'm going down stairs" I open the door.

Y/n; "wait on me"

Fubuki; "well hurry up then"

Y/n; I walk over to her we both walk down the stairs.

Lily; "its good to see you again y/n"

Y/n; "it's good to see you too"

All of a sudden Fubuki disappears

Y/n; I see her vanish right infront of my eyes "Fubuki?"

Fubuki got sent to the future

Fubuki; I wake up and I'm inside my bed I look to my right and see him laying beside me but he has a beard.

Y/n; I open my eyes and see her I jump out of bed "no no no this can't be real you disappeared"

Fubuki; "I'm back tho"

Y/n; "where did you go?"

Fubuki; "I don't know I disappeared for a minute and returned and now your older"

Y/n; I then remember time travel "oh my god"

Fubuki; "what is it?"

Y/n; "you teleported 5 years into the future"

Fubuki; "oh my god how did I do that?"

Y/n; "I don't know"

Fubuki; "how do I get back?"

Y/n; "I wish I knew"

Fubuki; I get up off the bed and walk over to him "what happened while I was gone?"

Y/n; I sigh "you don't wanna know"

Fubuki; "Yes I do tell me"

Y/n; "creator 3 showed up and killed almost everyone me and Tatsumaki barely managed to restrain him in a parallel universe"

Fubuki; "oh my god when did he show up?"

Y/n; "he showed up last year"

Fubuki; "how did you both manage to send him away?"

Y/n; "me and your sister went back to dragon ball and Zeno gave us really strong powers we also trained aswell"

Fubuki; "where is my sister now?"

Y/n; I look away from her "after we both sent him away she left and never came back. I called her repeatedly for a month she then answered and told me to stop calling her. So I dont know where she is anymore."

Fubuki; "is my group here?"

Y/n; "sadly no they all died"

Fubuki; "oh my god" I start to cry

Y/n; I walk up and hug her "there there its okay"

Fubuki; "n-no it's not everyone I cared about is gone"

Y/n; "you still have me tho"

Fubuki; "yeah but your older"

Tatsumaki; I unlock the headquarters door and go inside. I fly up the steps and open the door "baby I'm hom-" I see my sister.

Fubuki; I turn around and look at her "what did you just call him?"

Y/n; I look at the ground

Fubuki; "what did you say?"

Tatsumaki; "I didn't say anything"

Fubuki; I walk up to her "what did you say tell me right now"

Tatsumaki; "I s-said I'm h-home baby"

Fubuki; I grab her by the neck and lift  her up. "HOW DARE YOU CALL HIM THAT"

Tatsumaki; "he's my boyfriend"

Fubuki; my eyes widen "wait what?" I drop her. I turn around and look at him.

Y/n; I start to cry "I'm sorry"

Fubuki; I walk over to him and slap him across the face "I can't believe after I left you get with her"

Y/n; "no no no its not like that at all I just wanted someone that looked like you"

Tatsumaki; my eyes widen

Fubuki; "did you touch her or have sex with her?"

Y/n; I look up and into her eyes "no I didn't"

Fubuki; I turn and look at my sister "did he?"

Tatsumaki; "no"

Fubuki; I look back at him

Y/n; "I would dare try to touch another woman even if you were gone for 10 years I still wouldn't touch her"

Fubuki; I lean in and kiss him "thanks for being loyal to me"


Y/n; I lean to the side to look at her "not anymore I'm not"

Tatsumaki; "w-what?"

Y/n; "I belong to her I always have I just wanted to be with you because you reminded me of her."

Fubuki; I smile

Tatsumaki; my heart breaks I turn around and fly away.

Fubuki; I wrap my arms around him "thank you"

Y/n; I wrap my arms around her "your welcome baby"

End of chapter 63 I took a 2 day break that's why it took my longer to write anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter.