
opm Fubuki x reader

This is a one punch man fanfic I do not own any of the characters. y/n means your name and yes this does have a little bit of manga spoilers. also don't mind the grammer mistakes here and there I go back and fix them over time. relationships Fubuki x reader Saitama x Tatsumaki this book contains God's, creators, vampires, werewolves and reincarnation. also if you want to see pictures I have put In this book go on wattpad and look this book up

Fubuki03 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 54 2nd chance

Day 193

Y/n; I open my eyes ready to look at her I remember she's gone I start to cry.

In heaven

Fubuki; I feel him getting emotional "God7 please send my back"

God7; "I can't do that I'm sorry"

Fubuki; "please y/n needs me"

God7; "I can't send you back unless you prove to me you're strong enough to be a match for me"

Fubuki; "okay fine" I go into my angel protector mode "ANGEL PIERCING FIST" my fist travels through his chest

God7; my eyes widen "what the"

Fubuki; "what you surprised"

God7; "well yeah your pretty strong but not strong enough" I summon my axe I swing it fixing to hit her

Fubuki; I catch the blade with my bare hand "you got to do better then that." I pull my fist out of his chest

God7; I slowly start healing "GOD SPEED PUNCH"

Fubuki; "ANGEL MELTING PUNCH" it travels through his chest

God7; "gahhh" I fall to the ground

Fubuki; I walk over to him I rare my fist back fixing to hit him

God7; "STOP!"

Fubuki; I stop just inches away from his face.

God7; "I'll send you back jeez"

Fubuki; "you're sending me back?"

God7; "Yeah"

Fubuki; "already I thought you wanted a fight?"

God7; "I did and I got it"

Fubuki; "did I do good?"

God7; "you did great your even stronger then me"

Fubuki; "I am?"

God7; "Yeah you beat the crap out of me"

Fubuki; "here let me heal you" I lay my hand on his shoulder I heal him.

God7; "thanks now I'll send you back" I snap my finger she gets sent back into her body.

Fubuki; I sit up and bang my head "dang it I forgot I was in here" I try to teleport but it didn't work I try to force the casket open but couldn't. "Think Fubuki think" I then remember I can talk to him telepathically I use it "y/n come and get me out of this coffin"

Y/n; I heard her talk to me I jump up off the couch

Tatsumaki; "where are you going?"

Y/n; "I'm going to get my girlfriend"

Tatsumaki; "you're crazy she's dead"

Y/n; "I don't care what you say I'm going"

Tatsumaki; I start crying "hes lost it"

Lily; I stand up and hug her "its gonna be okay I'm here"

Y/n; I dash off at the speed of light I get to her gravE "FUBUKI"

Fubuki; I faintly hear him call my name "Y/N!"

Y/n; I barely could hear her "IM GONNA FIND A WAY TO GET YOU OUT" I start looking around I see a shovel I grab it and start digging

Short time skip half the dirt is gone

Fubuki; I start struggling to breathe "IM RUNNING OUT OF AIR"

Y/n; "just hang in there a little longer"

Fubuki; "hurry please"

(Fubuki has to breathe oxygen now)

Y/n; "I'm trying" I keep digging "I'm almost there"

Fubuki; I start gasping for air

Y/n; I shoved the shovel down again it hits the casket I start scooping all the dirt out.

Fubuki; I breathe out

Y/n throws the shovel out the way he opens the casket.

Y/n; "FUBUKI" I wrap my arms around her body and jump us out of the hole I lay her on the ground I feel for a pulse I don't feel one I start doing chest compressions. "Come on come on"

Fubuki starts breathing again

Fubuki; I cough

Y/n; "it's okay I got you"

Fubuki; I sit up and face him I wrap my arms around him "thank you for saving me"

Y/n; "your welcome baby" I hug her back "I missed your beautiful green eyes"

Fubuki; "oh yeah well I missed your smile"

Y/n; I smile "if im being honest I missed everything about you"

Fubuki; "I feel the same way about you"

Y/n; "I'm happy I get to hold you again"

Fubuki; "I am too"


Y/n; "when I was fixing to leave to go get you. Your sister said I was crazy because you were dead"

Fubuki; "you want to go show her im not?" I stand up

Y/n; "yeah" I stand up with her

Fubuki; "then what are we waiting for let's go"

Y/n; "okay" I wrap my arm around her waist and dash to the house at light speed I stop infront of it "can you still go inside me?"

Fubuki; "Yeah why"

Y/n; "I want you to surprise them"

Fubuki; "okay" I go inside him

Y/n; I walk inside

Tatsumaki; "see I told you she was dead"

Y/n; I whisper "come out"

Fubuki; I come out of him "surprise"

Tatsumaki faints

Lily; I catch her "how are you alive?"

Fubuki; "I got a second chance by god"

Y/n; "see I wasn't crazy"

Lily; "I always knew you weren't"

Y/n; "atleast you didn't"

Mountain ape; I run up and hug her "you don't know how happy I am to see you"

Fubuki; "okay okay that's enough hugging"

Lily; I gently lay Tatsumaki on the couch I run up to Fubuki and hug her.

Eyelashes; I run up and hug her.

Y/n; "hey leave some room for me" I walk infront of her and hug her.

Fubuki; my cheeks start feeling warm "awe you guys"

The rest of the blizzard group walks up and forms a circle hugging her.

Fubuki; I blush a deep red and smile

Y/n; "we all love you"

Fubuki; "I'm glad I have you all as a team"

Blizzard bunch; "we're glad to have you"

Y/n; "and I'm really glad to have a beautiful girlfriend like you"

Fubuki; "awe"

Y/n; "okay everyone that's enough hugging" everyone stops hugging her. Some of them walk over and sit down on the long couch half of them go upstairs into their rooms.

Fubuki; I wrap my arms around y/n "sometimes I think your to good for me"

Y/n; I turn my head and look at her "well I feel the same way about you"

Fubuki; "let's go sit down"

Y/n; "okay" I grab her hand and pull her over to the couch I sit down.

Fubuki; I was fixing to sit down beside him when he pulls me on top of him making me sit in his lap. "You can't stop touching me can you?"

Y/n; "not with a body like yours how could I not"

Fubuki; my face heats up  "I uh"

Lily; I start smiling

Y/n; "I love your body" I run both my hands down her sides down to her hips "I love the way your body curves"

Fubuki; I blush even more I cover my face with my hands.

Lily; "I really love seeing you both make each other happy"

Y/n; I turn my head and look at her "thanks that means alot anyway back to what I was doing" my hands travel to infront of her "I love your thighs they're nice and soft"

Fubuki; I blush even more

Y/n; I run my hands up her stomach "your body is so soft"

Fubuki; I couldn't take it anymore I get up off him I turn around and sit on his crotch I lean in and kiss him my tongue enters his mouth I explore his mouth.

Y/n; I caress her tongue with mine we then pull apart and look into each other's eyes.

Lily; my face starts getting warm I look away from them <why am I starting to like him is it because hes hot?>

Fubuki; "you need to stop making me crave your touch"

Y/n; "I can't help it"

Fubuki; "Yes you can everytime you talk about my body it makes me want you inside me"

Tatsumaki; I open my eyes and sit up "sis?"

Fuqbuki; I turn and look at her "oh good your awake" I get off him and walk over to her.

Lily; I take this time to my advantage I quickly slide over to him and get in his lap.

Y/n; "what are you doin-" I get cut off with a kiss I push her to the floor "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN"

Fubuki; I turn around and see her on the floor "what happed?"

Y/n; "she kissed me"

Fubuki; I look at her "Are you serious"

Lily; "I'm sorry I got an urge"

Fubuki; I clench my fists getting mad.

Lily; "I'm sorry"

Y/n; I see her fixing to jump forward I jump off the couch and hug her "its okay calm down it's alright"

Fubuki; I start to cry

Y/n; "please don't cry you're gonna make me cry"

Fubuki; I look into his eyes "I c-cant help it"

Y/n; I pat her on the back "you're perfect for me. I'll never leave you for someone else besides It wouldn't be the same. I really do need you in my life."

Fubuki; I wrap my arms around him and pull him to me "T-Thank you"

Y/n; "your welcome baby"

Tatsumaki; I smile "wow you both have gotten closer"

Y/n; "yeah we have"

Fubuki; "I can get closer if you want me to"

Y/n; I look back at her I see the lust in her eyes. "We will be back shorty okay"

Tatsumaki; "okay" They both get up and go upstairs I hear the door shut. "How many more times are they gonna have sex?"

Lily; "I don't know and I don't wanna know"

Tatsumaki; I sit up "you know I did the same exact thing you did."

Lily; "I know"

Tatsumaki; "you do?"

Lily; "yeah I remember calling Fubuki on my phone to tell her you and y/n kissed"

Tatsumaki; "that's how she found out"

Lily; "please don't be mad at me"

Tatsumaki; "I'm not mad I don't blame you for telling her"

Lily; "well I'm glad you aren't"

Meanwhile upstairs

Fubuki; "to be honest I just wanna lay in bed with you naked"

Y/n; "that's fine with me as long as your happy I'm happy"

Fubuki; "thanks" I get undressed and climb in bed. "You coming?"

Y/n; "yeah" I take my clothes off and get in bedwith her "how close do you want me to be?"

Fubuki; "I want you so close to where your chest touches mine"

Y/n; "okay" I scoot closer to where our chests touch each other. "I love you"

Fubuki; "I love you too"

Y/n; "I can't stop thinking about you"

Fubuki; "I can't stop thinking about you either"

Y/n; "I'm glad you came back I don't know what I would have done without you"

Fubuki; "I'm glad too"

Y/n; "you have made me into a better person"

Fubuki; "you did the same thing for me"

Time skip 9 pm

Y/n; "I can't believe we both laid in here 4 hours"

Fubuki; "does it matter if we did?"

Y/n; "no I was just saying"

Fubuki; "oh well sorry I got smart with you"

Y/n; "don't apologize it's okay"

Fubuki; "you want to go to sleep now?"

Y/n; "yeah I would like that" I pull the cover back and get under it.

Fubuki; I get under the cover with him. I flick the light out with my psychic power.

Y/n; "love you"

Fubuki; "love you too"

Y/n; "goodnight"

Fubuki; "goodnight" we both hold each other close and close our eyes.

End of chapter 54