
opm Fubuki x reader

This is a one punch man fanfic I do not own any of the characters. y/n means your name and yes this does have a little bit of manga spoilers. also don't mind the grammer mistakes here and there I go back and fix them over time. relationships Fubuki x reader Saitama x Tatsumaki this book contains God's, creators, vampires, werewolves and reincarnation. also if you want to see pictures I have put In this book go on wattpad and look this book up

Fubuki03 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 43 unseen

Time skip morning

Fubuki; I open my eyes and get up out of bed. I go to the bathroom and look into the mirror I don't see myself. "Y/n"

Y/n; I wake up hearing my name being called. "yes baby"

Fubuki; "my reflection is gone"

Y/n; I get out of bed "what do you mean your reflection is gon-" I look into the mirror I don't see my reflection or hers. "What the"

Fubuki; "Wait you can't see yours either"

Y/n; "nope"

Fubuki; "its like we're invisible"

Y/n; "yeah"

Fubuki; "you want to go downstairs and see if Lily and Genos can see us"

Y/n; "of course I do."

Fubuki; I grab his hand we go downstairs.

Lily; "are you sure you don't want to go home?"

Genos; "im sure babe"

Lily; I blush a deep red. I lean in and kiss him.

Fubuki; "goodmorning"

Lily; I instantly get off him I look for them I don't see them. "Am I hearing things or did I just hear Fubuki say goodmorning."

Genos; "I heard it too"

Y/n; "BOO" both of them jump I laugh.

Fubuki; I chuckle

Lily; I get scared "where are they"

Genos; "I don't know" I turn my heat sensors on. I jump "what the hell"

Lily; "what is it"

Genos; "I see two figures standing at the end of the couch."

Lily; I stand up "tell me if I'm touching them"

Genos; "no stay back" I grab her hand and pull her back "I don't want you getting to close to them"

Lily; "okay"

Genos; I stand up and walk up to them I reach my hand out it passes right through it.

Fubuki; "you know it's Fubuki and y/n  right"

Genos; my eyes widen "how are you both invisible?"

Y/n; "we don't know we woke up like this"

Genos; "can you pick stuff up?"

Y/n; I lay my hand on his shoulder "if I can touch you yeah"

Genos; I could feel his hand "can you pass through walls?"

Fubuki; "let me try" I walk up to a wall I stick my hand out my hand passes through it I then walk through it and walk back. "Yep we can walk through walls"

Genos; "what are you both gonna do now"

FubukiB "I don't know"

Y/n; "oh I know we both can go scare people"

Fubuki; "Wait really?"

Y/n; "yes really"

Genos; "well you both have fun now"

Y/n; "we will"

Time skip

Fubuki; "you ready babe"

Y/n; "you know it"

Fubuki; "let's go"

They both walk through the wall and into the living room.

Fubuki; I telepathically talk to him saying "let's move stuff around"

Y/n; I telepathy tell her "yeah let's do it" I walk over to the TV she's watching and hit the power button turning it off.

Tatsumaki; "you stupid piece of shit" I turn the TV back on with my powers.

Fubuki; I pick one of the picture frames up off the wall and drop it.

Tatsumaki; I turn my head "ugh im already tired can I just get a fucking break." I lift the picture frame up and hang it back on the wall with my powers.

Y/n; I walk over to the coffee table and flip it right infront of her.

Tatsumaki; I jump up and back away from the table "what the fuck"

Y/n; I couldn't hold it in I burst out laughing.


Fubuki; I start laughing

Tatsumaki; I use my psychic power to freeze everything. I then see my psychic aura around two figures. "Who are you and what do you want?"

Fubuki; I look over at y/n I nod.

Y/n; I use my melting psychic power  on my body and hers to free us. I look at my hands and they're glowing yellow.

Tatsumaki; I then remember who could do that "y/n?"

Y/n; "yeah it's me"


Fubuki; "Yeah we are and it worked"

Tatsumaki; I start flying "YOU BOTH WILL PAY" I send knives from the kitchen at them.

Y/n; the knives hit her and they melt instantly. "Let's go baby"

Fubuki; "Yeah let's go"

Tatsumaki; I use all my psychic power on both of them to stop them.

Y/n; I feel her trying to stop us I use more of my power I grab Fubuki's arm and dash away.

Tatsumaki; I fly after them I fly outside I don't see them. "IM GONNA KILL YOU SIS EVEN IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO."

Y/n; I barely hear her. I then go light speed we get home.

Fubuki; "well I guess she will try to find a way to kill me."

Y/n; "she won't kill you not if have anything to say about it."

Fubuki; "I'm glad we got back together"

Y/n; "I'm glad too" I lean in and kiss her.

Fubuki; "so what now"

Genos; I see them "they're back"

Lily; "how did it go"

Fubuki; I turn and look at them "it worked but she used her powers on us y/n had to free us he used his melting psychic powers and it made us glow yellow and she realized it was us and yeah. She wants me dead now."

Genos; "is there anything I can do to help?"

Y/n; "yeah there is actually can you keep an eye out for her."

Genos; "of course I can"

Fubuki; "thanks"

Both y/n and Fubuki become visible but they are both naked.

Lily; my eyes widen.

Genos; I quickly put my hands over lily's eyes.

Fubuki; "Why are you covering her eyes?"

Genos; "you both are naked that's why"

Y/n; I look down my clothes are gone I quickly get infront of Fubuki with my back facing them. "We're naked"

Fubuki; I look down and see I have no clothes on and he doesn't either I blush.

Y/n; I quickly wrap my arms around her and dash up the stairs and into our room I close the door.

Fubuki; he let's go of me I run over and get on the bed I bury my face in the pillow.

Y/n; I walk over and sit beside her.

Fubuki; I scream in the pillow.

Y/n; I roll her over to where she's facing me I get on top of her "I know how you feel and it's okay to feel this way."

Fubuki; "It isnt okay they seen me naked" tears start flowing down my face.

Y/n; I wipe her tears away I lean in and kiss her. "They both seen me naked too."

Fubuki; "I hate my body"

Y/n; I slap her across the face "take that back"

Fubuki; "what if they think my body is ugly."

Y/n; "Fubuki they probably didn't even look at you"

Fubuki; "what makes you think that"

Y/n; "I don't know maybe they looked at me"

Fubuki; I sigh I wrap my arms around him and pull him down ontop of me.

Y/n; I feel her breast against my chest my dick starts getting bigger.

Fubuki; I feel his dick grow my face heats up "are you getting horny just because I'm holding you?"

Y/n; "y-yeah"

Fubuki; "if you want we can do it again"

Y/n; "no but I would like to do something else tho"

Fubuki; "what would you like to do then?"

Y/n; "this" I move down her body I pop her nipple into my mouth and start caressing her nipple with my tongue.

Fubuki; I grab the pillow and moan into it.

Y/n; I play with her other nipple.

Fubuki; I moan even louder

Both their body's start glowing all of a sudden they both fuse

Yubuki; "oh my god we can fuse again" we separate.

Y/n; I am now laying beside her "I can't believe we both can fuse again."

Fubuki; "I can't either"

Y/n; "let's go show them" I get up and walk to the door.

Fubuki; "y/n"

Y/n; I turn around and look at her "yes baby"

Fubuki; "did you forget to put on some clothes"

Y/n; I look down my face heats up "yeah I did" I grab my clothes and put them on.

Fubuki; I get up out of bed I put my clothes on. "Okay let's go" he opens the door for me and I walk our the room and down the stairs.

Y/n; I follow her we get downstairs and walk into the living room.

Lily; "so what do you want to watch on TV"

Genos; "I don't know anything you want to watch I'll watch with you."

Fubuki; "hey"

Lily and Genos both look at her.

Fubuki; "me and y/n would like to show you both something."

Lily/Genos; "okay"

Y/n; I hold my hand out to her she takes my hand and we fuse.

Yubuki; "we can fuse now"

Lily; I stand up "oh my God"

Genos; "does this mean you both are gaining your powers back?"

Yubuki; "I guess so"

Lily; "well I'm really happy for you"

Yubuki; "hold on let me try something else" I turn myself invisible

Lily; my eyes widen "holy shit that's cool"

Yubuki; I walk up to her and poke her on her nose.

Lily; "hey don't do that" I blush.

Yubuki; I make myself visible I look down to make sure I still had clothes on which I still do we then separate.

Fubuki; "that's all we came in here to show you both" me and y/n turn around and start walking back up the stairs.

Genos; "would you both like to watch TV with us?"

They both turn around

Fubuki; "I thought you would never ask yes I would love too."

Y/n; "same" we both walk over and sit down on the other side of the couch.

Lily; I sit back down and put a movie on.

Meanwhile somewhere else.

Saitama; I hear knocking at my door I get up and open the door I see her. "What do you want"

Tatsumaki; "can you help me with killing y/n and Fubuki?"

Saitama; "can't you handle them on your own"

Tatsumaki; "I tried and their to strong"

Saitama; "okay I'll help"

Tatsumaki; "they're at the headquarters"

Saitama; "okay then let's go"

Tatsumaki; "can you carry me there?"

Saitama; "sure" I wrap my arm around her and bolt off at the speed of light we get there in just a few seconds I let go of her.

Tatsumaki; I walk up to the door and open it we both walk inside.

Saitama; I walk to the living room I see them.

Fubuki; I look to my left I see Saitama and Tatsumaki I put my hand on y/n.

Y/n; I look to my left to look at her I then see Saitama and Tatsumaki standing in the doorway. I instantly fuse with her.

Yubuki; I jump up

Tatsumaki; "kill em"

Saitama; "with pleasure" I jump forward "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS PUNCH."

Yubuki; I turn invisible and his fist passes through me.

Genos; I grab Lily and dash out the back door.

Yubuki; "SERIOUS PUNCH" It sends him flying through the building.

Tatsumaki; I use my psychic powers and freeze them.

Yubuki; "MELTING FORM" I get free but I'm not invisible anymore I hold my hand up. "MELTING PSYCHIC BLAST"

Tatsumaki; I try to dodge but it's coming to fast.

Saitama; I get behind her in an instant and wrap my arms around her and dash outside. "Stay here its to dangerous for you"

Tatsumaki; "I can handle myself"

Yubuki; I turn invisible again I get infront of her instantly "SERIOUS PSYCHIC BENDING BLOW" I hit her it sends her flying.

Saitama; my eyes widen

Yubuki; my invisibility shorts out. "SERIOUS PSYCHIC BENDING DEATH BLOW"

Saitama; "SERIOUS PUNCH" we hit fists it creates a big explosion.

Yubuki; "SERIOUS MELTING PSYCHIC PUNCH" I hit him with my other arm it sends him flying.

Saitama; I land on the ground. I jump back "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS DEATH PUNCH"



Yubuki; I fall to the ground and puke up blood.

Saitama; "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS DEATH PUNCH" I hit her it almost knocks her out.

Yubuki; I fall to the ground breathing heavily I lift my hand to heal myself.

Saitama; "oh no you dont" I grab her hand "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS DEATH PUNCH"

Blast comes out of no where "GRAVITY KNUCKLE" it sends him back a few feet.

Saitama; "get out the way Blast"

Blast; "no"

Saitama; I sigh "suit yourself" I jump forward at light speed "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS PUNCH"

Blast; I summon a portal to make his attack not hit me. "DIMENSION CANON"

Saitama; I dodge and get behind him in an instant "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS PUNCH" It hits him he falls to the ground. I hit him again and again.

Yubuki; "S-Stop"


Yubuki; I close my eyes.

Genos; I dash over and hit him away. "STAY AWAY FROM THEM!"

Saitama; "you on their side now"

Genos; "yeah so what"

Saitama; "well I guess your gonna die too" I jump forward at light I hit him his core falls out. I turn back around "now it's time for you to die" I rare my fist back "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS PUNCH"

Yubuki; we separate.

Y/n; I instantly get ontop of her his fist comes through my chest blood comes out my mouth I weakly smile at Fubuki.

Saitama; I pull my arm out of him he falls over to the ground.

Fubuki; I bring my hand up and heal myself. I quickly lay my hand on y/n.

Saitama; "Oh no you dont" I try to punch her.

Fubuki; I blast him back with my psychic powers. I start healing y/n

Tatsumaki; I weakly fly over and freeze her. "You anit getting away that easy" I lift her up

Y/n; I felt the hole in my chest get smaller I knew I was fixing to die. I use all my strength to roll over and grab her leg. I use the rest of my energy to transfer some of my melting psychic power and then let go of her.

Fubuki; "MELTING FORM" I land on the ground I hold my hands up "MELTING PSYCHIC BLAST" it hits her before she had time to react.

Tatsumaki; I get blasted away my skins burning I hit the ground everything goes dark.

Fubuki; I rush over to y/n I lay my hand on him I start healing him again

Y/n; the hole in my chest and back disappear. "You're almost done"

Saitama; I run up and hit her away.

Y/n; I manage to get up on my feet I run up to him "SERIOUS

SERIES SERIOUS DEATH PUNCH" it sends him flying to the moon.

(Oh I forgot to mention Garou hasn't got his strongest mode yet and he will get a little stronger then he does in the manga.)

Fubuki; I stand up I fly over to him I lay my hand on his shoulder and heal him completely.

Y/n; I fuse with her again.

Saitama; I land on the ground right infront of her I jump forward. "KILLER MOVE SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS PUNCH"

Yubuki; I go into my melting form his attack hits me I get sent flying.

Saitama; I feel my hand burning I look at my right hand I see it melt right off my eyes widen.

Yubuki; I heal myself again.

Saitama; "I guess I'm forced to use my last attack on them." I rum back to them in an instant. "PLANET DESTROYER PUNCH"

Yubuki; my eyes widen

Blast; I create a portal to keep it from hitting her and it works.

Yubuki; I use my psychic powers to shove him inside the portal Blast then closes it we then separate.

Fubuki; I fly over to Blast I lay my hand on his shoulder and heal him.

Tatsumaki; I wake up and get up I then fly back to them.

Blast; "thank you"

Fubuki; "no problem" I help him up.

Tatsumaki; I get to where they are I then see him "B-Blast?"

Blast; "Tatsumaki?"

Fubuki; "this isn't the one you remember."

Blast; "oh okay"

Tatsumaki; I use my psychic power to breakup a beak and launch it at y/n's head.

Y/n; "does this mean you won't attack anymor-" everything goes dark.

Y/n's head explodes when the beam hit him.

Fubuki; I turn to look at him to see why he stopped talking I instantly froze.

Lily; I run out the headquarters I instantly froze in my tracks.

Blast; I look over I see y/n on the ground dead. I turn and look at Tatsumaki "what the fuck" I hold my hands out "DIMENSION CANON"

Tatsumaki; I create a powerful psychic barrier around me. It hits the barrier and shatters the attack hits me.

The attack breaks her ribs and almost kills her.

Fubuki; "YOU ANIT DIEING ON ME" I run over to him I start healing him. But his head doesn't come back "Y/N COME BACK PLEASE"

Meanwhile in the 2nd dimension

Tatsumaki; "okay I'm ready kill me"

Saitama; "okay" I rare my fist back "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS PUNCH" she explodes I jump through the roof and fly up and into outer space I let all my air out.

Saitama gasps for air for 10 seconds then dies.

Back in the 3rd dimension

Tatsumaki; I open my eyes I feel a ton of pain I look down I see that all my ribs are broken and it's hard to breathe.

Blast; "its time to end you" I rare my fist back.

Tatsumaki; I barely managed to say "w-wait"

Blast; I hit her full force killing her.

Saitama; "what the where am I"

Boros2; "I heard about you"

Saitama; "Boros?"

Boros2; "I'm not the boros you defeated but I am his stronger twin."

Saitama; I feel pain in my right forearm I look down I see I have no hand "AHHH WHAT THE HELL WHERES MY HAND?"

Boros2; "I don't know you arrived here like that"

Saitama; my vision gets blurry I then pass out.

Boros2; I run up to him I start shaking him "hey stay with me" I feel for a pulse I feel one then it stops. "Goddammit"

Meanwhile in the 4th dimension

(When I say 4th dimension it means the 4th recarnation of y/n.)

Y/n; I open my eyes I sit up I see Saitama at the end of the couch "how long have I been asleep?"

Saitama; "like 2 or 3 hours" my head starts hurting

Saitama's past life memories come back.

Saitama; "y/n?"

Y/n; "yes"

Saitama; "this is my 3rd time being reincarnated."

Y/n; "I'm glad you're back"

Saitama; "if you don't mind me asking what happened in my past life?"

Y/n; "it's a long story"

Meanwhile somewhere else

Tatsumaki; I fly out the house and head to Saitama's.

Back at Saitama's apartment

Y/n; "okay I'm gonna tell you this me and Fubuki we we're wanted I was in jail for something I don't remember what. She come in to talk to me and she broke me out and we killed all the cops and the chief had called the association telling them I had escaped and yeah me and Fubuki went to her headquarters."

Saitama; "wow that explains alot"

Y/n; I sigh "Tatsumaki killed me"

Saitama; "so does this mean my baby isn't in this world?"

Y/n; "unless she gets killed"

Saitama; "so what now"

Genos; my past life memories come back I walk out my room. "are you both the original ones?"

Y/n; "yeah"

Genos; I then remember Lily "oh my god Lily where is she?"

Y/n; "shes still in the other dimension"

Genos; "wait does this mean that I got reincarnated?"

Y/n; "yes it does"

Back in the 3rd dimension

Fubuki; I stand up fixing to go after her.

Blast; I teleport back "where are you going?"

Fubuki; "I'm gonna go kill her"

Blast; "I already did"

Fubuki; "good"

Blast; "What do we do now"

Fubuki; "I don't know anymore"

Lily; I run over and look at my destroyed boyfriend I fall to my knees crying.

Fubuki; I turn my head and look at her. I see she's crying so I walk over to her. "He sacrificed himself to save me and y/n"

Lily; I look up at her "that's why I'm upset"

Fubuki; "I know how you feel my boyfriend is dead too." I start crying. I then use my psychic powers on both of up I break both our necks.

End of chapter 43