
opm Fubuki x reader

This is a one punch man fanfic I do not own any of the characters. y/n means your name and yes this does have a little bit of manga spoilers. also don't mind the grammer mistakes here and there I go back and fix them over time. relationships Fubuki x reader Saitama x Tatsumaki this book contains God's, creators, vampires, werewolves and reincarnation. also if you want to see pictures I have put In this book go on wattpad and look this book up

Fubuki03 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 40 3rd reincarnation

Fubuki; I keep crying my heart starts hurting.

Tatsumaki; "Saitama can you go check on them"

Saitama; "are you gonna be okay"

Tatsumaki; "yes"

Saitama; "okay" I dash off at speed of light I arrive my mouth drops open.

Fubuki; I see Saitama I keep crying.

Saitama; "oh my god" I look at blast I see he has a knife stuck in his head I look at y/n laying in her lap with a big hole in his chest. "How did this happen"

Fubuki; "Blast was trying to kill me and y/n saved me he sacrificed his life to save m-me"

Saitama; tears form in my eyes "atleast he died knowing you are safe"

Fubuki; "yeah"

Saitama; "let's go back to the headquarters before any of the S-class get here."

Fubuki; "okay" I pick y/n's body up off my lap I stand up and pick him up "you're gonna have to carry Blast's body we can't leave it."

Saitama; "Yeah you're right." I walk over and pick Blast body up "I think we should hurry"

Fubuki; I sigh

Saitama; "do you mind if I wrap my arm around you."

Fubuki; "I don't care" he wraps his arm around my waist he takes off.

Saitama; we arrive at the front of the headquarters I let go of her. I walk inside carrying Blast I walk into the kitchen.

Tatsumaki; my eyes widen "oh my God"

Fubuki; I walk in behind him.

Tatsumaki; I froze when I see my sister carrying y/n.

Fubuki; I walk past Saitama and lay y/n on the table.

Tatsumaki; I try to get up.

Lily; I put my hand on her chest "Don't move you'll hurt yourself."

Tatsumaki; "I don't care" I force myself up. "Is he dea-" I couldn't finish my sentence.

Fubuki; I start crying "Y-Yeah"

Saitama; I lay Blast on the floor I start to cry.

Lily; my mouth drops open.

Tatsumaki; I burst out crying "it's my fault it's my fault he's dead." I feel my heart start hurting.

Fubuki; I look at y/n's face I see his eyes are still open I bring my hand up and close them.

Lily; I walk over and wrap my arms around Fubuki "its gonna be okay mom" I start crying.

Meanwhile in a different universe

Y/n; I wake up and I'm in a cell. I sit up and look around I notice this place looks familiar I realize im in the same cell as before.

Cop; I walk her to his cell "you have 3 minutes. "

Fubuki; "okay thank you" he leaves "hey how you holding up"

Y/n; I look at her "im holding up just fine what are you doing here"

Fubuki; "I'm here to get you out of here"

Y/n; "you're here to free me why"

Fubuki; "because it wasn't your fault that mountain ape got hit by your car"

Y/n; "it wasn't?"

Fubuki; "no he walked out in the road cause he was pissed he didn't look both ways."

Y/n; I sigh "don't free me"

Fubuki; "Why"

Y/n; "because I don't want you getting in trouble."

Fubuki; "listen y/n you have done me huge favors and helped me and my group this is the least I can do to repay you"

Y/n; "no don't repay me I don't want you too." I look down at the floor sad.

Fubuki; I use my psychic powers to break the lock I open the cell door.



Y/n; I stand up and walk to her "you know I'm stronger then you"

Fubuki; "I know" I wrap my arms around him "please just let me do this I want you be around me again." tears start forming I pull my head back to look into his eyes.

Y/n; "okay I'll come with you" I wrap my arms around her.

Fubuki; "T-Thank you"

Cop; I walk back to the cell I see the cell open I pull my gun out "FREEZE"

Fubuki; we let go of each other I turn around with my hands up.

Y/n; I hold my hands up.

Cop; I put my hand on my radio to call it in.

Fubuki; I flick my finger his neck snaps killing him instantly. I grab y/n's hand I run out to the lobby.

4 cops see them they all pull their guns out and shoot.

Fubuki; I stop the bullets and send them flying back killing all of them.

Chief; I hear gunshots I immediately look at the cameras I see them I radio to the association "WE HAVE A ESCAPIE"

Sitch; "okay I'll send some heros"

Fubuki; I walk into the chiefs office I see him talking on the radio I freeze him "Call it off"

Chief; "to late the heros are coming"

Fubuki; I flick my finger shaping his neck.

Y/n; "shit we gotta go" I wrap my arms around her waist I dash off away from here I arrive at the headquarters.

Fubuki; "thanks"

Y/n; "what now"

Fubuki; "I'm gonna fly you up to my balcony." I fly us up to my balcony.

Y/n; "are you hiding me"

Fubuki; "Yes I am and stay here for a minute."

Y/n; "okay I will"

Fubuki; I slide open my door and slide it shut I walk out my room and walk downstairs "Lily you home"

Lily; "yeah" I walk out the kitchen

Fubuki; I walk up to her "is anyone else here?"

Lily; "no they all got called to go to the association"

Fubuki; "okay I need you to promise me you won't tell anyone what im fixing to tell you."

Lily; "I promise"

Fubuki; "I have y/n upstairs"

Lily; my eyes widen "you broke him out of prison?"

Fubuki; "Yes I own it to him he has helped us alot I had to repay him somehow."

Lily; "can I see him"

Fubuki; "Yeah just follow me" I lead her up the stairs and enter my room. I close and lock the door behind us. I motion him to come inside.

Y/n; I slide the door open I walk in and slide it shut.

Fubuki; "no one's home everyone had to go to the association for a meeting."

Y/n; "they are most likely having a meeting about me escaping."

Fubuki; "if they all find out I helped you escape they will come for me shit I should have listened to you."

Y/n; I walk up to her and I brought my hands up to her face "it's gonna be okay even if they find out and come after you I'll protect you."

Fubuki; tears form in my eyes I bring my hands up and lay my hands ontop of his "I'll protect you too"

Meanwhile back in the other dimension

Fubuki; I walk out the house I fly straight up I keep flying I soon reach space I breathe all the air out I start choking.

Tatsumaki; "where did she go"

Lily; "I don't know she just walked out"

Tatsumaki; "SHE WHAT?"

Lily; "she left"


Saitama; "yes mam" I dash out the house I jump to space I see her

(Fubuki dies)

Saitama; I fly up and grab her I land on the moon and jump back to earth. I land infront of the headquarters and run inside. I run in the kitchen and lay her on the floor I start doing chest compressions.

Tatsumaki; I cover my mouth I start to cry.

Saitama; "come on" she won't come back to life.

Back in the other dimension

Y/n; I turn the bedroom TV on I see me and Fubuki have been listed as wanted.

TV reporter; "this just in we have surveillance footage of them arriving at the blizzard headquarters"

Y/n; "oh my God there coming"

Fubuki; I get a massive migraine all of a sudden I then hold my head.

Y/n; I look back at her I see she's holding her head "hey you okay what's wrong"

Fubuki; "m-my head"

Y/n; "is it making your head hurt"

Fubuki; "I don't know ahh"

(Fubuki reincarnated her)

Fubuki; "babe"

Y/n; my eyes widen "what did you just say"

Fubuki; I stop holding my head "oh my god I'm here with you I made it"

Y/n; "wait you killed yourself?"

Fubuki; "Yeah I flew into outer space killing myself"

Y/n; "you are stupid"

Fubuki; "well I can't go on without you"

Y/n; I sigh "you want to know what's going on"

Fubuki; "Yes I do"

Y/n; "well you had broke me put of prison and killed all the cops now the association is coming for us"

Fubuki; "well I guess I like you in other dimensions"

Y/n; "yeah I guess so"

Fubuki; I walk up to him I lean in and kiss him on the lips.

Y/n; I throw my arms around her neck to deepin the kiss "thank you I needed that"

Fubuki; "well I needed it to"

Lily; "I'll go down stairs and wait on them I'll distract them as much as I can"

Fubuki; "okay and thank you Lily"

Back in the other dimension

Lily; I quickly grab a knife and slit my throat.

Tatsumaki; I heard a body hit the ground behind me. I turn around my eyes widen I slap my hand over my mouth. "L-Lily n-no"

Saitama; I look up from Fubuki I stop doing chest compressions. I crawl over to Tatsumaki I wrap my arms around her. "It's okay you still have me"

Tatsumaki; "everyone is killing themselves just so they can cross over to the next dimension."

Saitama; "I know and if you want to cross over we can when your ready"

Tatsumaki; "I don't want to not yet anyway"

Saitama; "okay then we wont"

Back in the 3rd dimension

Lily; before I walked out the room my head starts hurting I hold my head "ughh my head"

Y/n; me and her let go of each other "well I guess that makes three of us"

(Lily gets reincarnated into the 3rd dimension Lily)

Lily; I turn around I see them both "mom? dad?"

Y/n; I blush at her calling me dad I decide to accept her calling me dad. "yes daughter"

Fubuki; I turn my head and look at y/n surprised.

Lily; "I'm glad I'm here with you both I couldn't go on without you both"

Fubuki; "how did you kill yourself"

Lily; "I grabbed a knife when they weren't looking I slit my throat killing me."

Y/n; "okay that'd enough talking Lily go downstairs and wait for the other heros they are coming to arrest both of us just try to convince them we left"

Lily; "okay I will" I leave shutting the door I run downstairs.

(This is who shows up at the headquarters

Tornado of terror

Silver Fang


Superalloy Darkshine

Flashy Flash


Metal Bat)

Lily; I see them walk in "may I help you guys"

Bang; "where are they"

Lily; I sigh "they left after they seen that they were wanted on the news"

Tatsumaki; "Dammit I told them not to do that but noo they did it anyway."

Bang; "well call us if they show back up"

Lily; "I will" they all leave except two

Genos; after everyone left "I sense you're lieing"

Lily; "I'm not lieing"

Metal Bat; "I can tell you're hiding something"

Lily; I start sweating "I'm not trust me"

Metal Bat; "if you're not lieing show us her room"

Lily; "okay I'll show you her room just follow me" I walk up the stairs I decide to walk to the end of the hallway to trick them I open my room "here it is"

Genos; "there you are lieing again"

Metal Bat; "how do you know if she is"

Genos; "because I've seen her room it even has a balcony"

Metal Bat; "you better stop lieing or you'll be going with them"

Lily; "okay fine" I walk past them "here's her room"

Genos; "okay get ready" I open the door I run in with my weapons drawn.

Fubuki; I hold my hands up in the air

Y/n; "Dammit" I raise my hands up in the air.

Genos; "you both will come with use back to the association headquarters"

Fubuki; "PSYCHIC BINDING" it freezes both of them.

Genos; I use all my strength the try and move but it's no use.

Metal Bat; I try my hardest to move but couldn't.

Fubuki; "now what should I do with you two"

Y/n; "keep them like that until they promise to not come after us anymore"

Fubuki; I unfreeze their heads.

Genos; "how the hell have you become so strong"

Fubuki; "dont worry about it"


Y/n; "Good luck trying to get free she can hold you like that forever"

Genos; I start feeling weird.

(Genos gets his past lives memory)

Genos; "y/n? Fubuki?"

Y/n; "yes Genos"

Genos; "why am I frozen"

Y/n; I instantly realize his memory came back "Fubuki release him"

Fubuki; "Why he's gonna try and hurt us"

Y/n; "no he won't trust me"

Fubuki; "you know I have a hard time trusting you since what happened"

Y/n; I get infront of her and look into her beautiful eyes. "I know but please trust me with this"

Fubuki; "okay I trust you" I let Genos go.

Genos; "thank you so why was I frozen again"

Fubuki; "because you were gonna take us to the association"

Genos; "why would I take you 2 to the association?"

Fubuki; "because I broke y/n free from prison"

Y/n; "because in this life I killed Mountain Ape"

Genos; "oh my god"

Fubuki; "Yeah Mountain Ape got mad and walked out in the street without looking and y/n didn't have time to stop and yeah"

Genos; "I'm sorry for your loss Fubuki"

Fubuki; "its okay it doesn't bother me he was a mean guy anyway"

Y/n; "we don't know what to do with him" I point at him

Genos; I turn around and look at him "oh shit"

Fubuki; "I don't want to kill him"

Genos; "we won't have to free him"

Fubuki; "are you sure"

Genos; "yes"

Fubuki; I let him go.


Y/n; I dash infront of Genos at light speed and take the blows he unleashed. I then caught his bat and crushed it where I had caught it.

Metal Bat; "What the"

Y/n; I let go of his bat my eyes start glowing I start floating revealing my true form "IF YOU TRY AND REPORT ANY OF THIS TO THE ASSOCIATION ILL KILL YOU MY FUCKING SELF UNDERSTAND?"

Metal Bat; "y-yes"

Y/n; "good" I stop being mad and I stopped floating. "Now scram"

Metal Bat; I turn around and run out the house never looking back.

Fubuki; "y/n I didn't know you could fly"

Y/n; "I could have done it in my past life but I always wanted to keep it a secret until now"

Fubuki; "what else are you hiding from me HUH!?"

Y/n; I turn around Genos steps out of our way "why don't I just show you" I offer her my hand.

Fubuki; I take his hand he pulls me to him and he dashes to outside the headquarters he let's go of me.

Y/n; I start using my esper powers and lift up a car that was parked out front. I gently put it back down.

Fubuki; "YOUR AN ESPER?"

Y/n; "yes"

Fubuki; "H-How w-when?"

Y/n; "I gained this power in my past life"

Fubuki; "and you're just now telling me why?"

Y/n; "because I didn't want you to be freaked out I didn't think you were ready and besides that we were fighting"

Fubuki; I walk up to him and hug him "next time just tell me okay"

Y/n; "Next time I will I promise"

Fubuki; "Thank you"

Y/n; "anything for you my queen"

Fubuki; I smile and blush at his words "can we be together again"

Y/n; "yeah we can" I hug her back


Fubuki; I instantly held my hand out to restrain her I realize im not as strong as I thought.

Y/n; I hold my hand out and help my girlfriend restrain her.

Tatsumaki; I couldn't move I use all my power and break free.

Fubuki; my eyes widen.

Y/n; I stand infront of Fubuki.

Tatsumaki; "you both are going to jail even if I have to force you both."

Y/n; "I would love to see you try"

Tatsumaki; I use my psychic powers it freezes them.

Fubuki; I casted a psychic bubble around use to keep her abilities away.

To be continued

End of chapter 40