

Highschool DxD one of the most popular anime in my childhood days back on Earth, This Anime is about a highschool boy. Who survives in his dangerous daily life by loving a boobs with his cheat sacred gear that can doubles the power of a person every 10 seconds.

[New Quest: Survive 1 month time in Kuoh Town

Host this world is full of supernatural monster lurking everywhere. Host do not waste your time advice from Op system

Duration Time: 1 Month

Completion Reward: Begginer Box, 1 unknown Ticket

Failure Penalty: Death]

'survive in 1 month in kuoh town..? damn! my plan is to leave kuoh town, after exchanging some money and go to another city to train then comeback after becoming stronger..' Shen Tian frowns his brows 'giving a quest like this.. does that mean something will happen in this 1 month..?'

"young master?"

Violet is staring at him again from the other side of the sit, She really look like a doll with her neverchanging expression as if everything is alright.

Shen Tian for a moment forgetten his worries "Nothing Violet"

Slumping to his sit Shen Tian felt his body relax and the tension he felt earlier disappeared. 'lets open begginer box for now open it for me Op system'

[Begginer Box Open:

1. Random Identity Card: ×1

2. Japanese Language Mastery Skill book

3.100,000 yen ]

'Op system this Random Identity Card...'

[Op system: Host doesn't have an identity when you where summoned to this world, it means Host is like an outsider in a group because you didn't have a record in this world in other words your an unknown. If Host used the Random Identity Card you will really become a residence of this world.]

'i see ok use it'


[Host Identity in Highschool DxD world:

Name: Shen Tian

Occupation: Janitor in Kuoh Highschool

property: None

History summary: Abandoned by his Unkown family in orphanage, He found a job and he is living happily with a girl named Violet. ]


'Op system... this is a joke right?' Shen Tian massaged his eyes a bit.

[Op system: Host Op system never joke, Host luck is just superb]

"who are you kidding!?" Shen Tian suddenly sat up straight and clench his hand into fist. 'damn it my plan is staying away from the main characters.. if i become a janitor in Kuoh Academy there's a higher chance that i will meet them, well i can just skip the janitor work and find a new one'

When Shen Tian was thinking about quitting his janitor work a game interference appears as if mocking him.

[New Quest: Become the head of the Janitors.

Host is being picky with his job, Its good to be cautious but not so much that you don't let yourself live, advice from op system.

Duration time: 1 month

Completition reward: Unknown Ticket 3×, Begginer Box

Failure Penalty: Host Identity will become Janitor in every world he go. ]

"ah my life ended..." Shen Tian whispers while slumping on his sit like a melting jelly.

"young master why are you sitting like that?" Violet expression didn't change much but a curious glints came from her eyes.

"its more comfortable this way Violet"

'Op system learn the Japanese Language Mastery Skill' He yawned closing his eyes

[Host: Language comprehension increased]


-2 hours later-

(Train Station Announcement: Passengers-sama where about to arrive in Kuoh town plss be ready)

'I fell sleep...' Shen Tian eyes open rubbing his forhead, he sat up straight and streching his neck. 'Violet...?'

Violet is slumped on the passenger sit sleeping, she copied how Shen Tian sat a while ago, She really looked cute with her messy hair and rosy cheeks.

"hey violet wake up.."

The Train starts to slow down before stopping.

(Train Station Announcement: Passengers-sama we have arrive in Kuoh Town. Pls be careful when leaving thea train)

The passengers stands up from their sits and leaving grouo by group some of them glanced at the sleeping Violet, she's still not awake.

'this girl must be really tired.., after were summoned here she have been taking care of me in 1 month time. op system said that im unconcious when he summoned me here'

All the passengers already left their the only one's left there

"hays i have no choice hah.." Shen Tian goes to Violet side intending to carry her to the hotel near here.


Violet felt someone touched her body, so she reacts using her experience in the military, she pinned the culprit on the passenger sit with his arm behind his back.

"violet its me Shen Tian!" Shen Tian felt his luck is really bad this day and he felt Violet have a strong grib her metalic arm really hurt even thought its covered by gloves.

"young master..." Violet releases him from , She bow her head "sorry young master"

"its ok lets go for now before the door close hehe" Shen Tian smiles akwardly. 'its good thing that the other people already left'

"Hai" Violet stares at Shen Tian again with her expressionless face as if nothing happened.


"young master really im trained to eat a minimum amount of food"

"i already heard that but thats a not a good reason for me, you will become malnourish. your eating with me"

Shen Tian goes inside a Ramen shop Violet follows after him.

"welcome customer!!" A middle aged man greats them from the kitchen.

"2 Shoyu Ramen pls"

"2 Shoyu Ramen coming right up!!"

Shen Tian sits at the on of the wooden stool, Violet copied his action by sitting besides him. The middle aged man puts the two bowl of shoyu ramen to their long table.

Shen Tian claspe his hands together "itadakimasu

"itadakimasu" Violet follows suit copying him.


They came out from the ramen shop. Violet couldn't eat all the ramen so Shen Tian ate some of it as well. Its Violet first time eating a ramen.

The sky is already darkening and the light on the street poles starts turining on one bye one.

"ah that was delicious.."Shen Tian relaxes his body gazing at the night sky.

"Violet its already night time we need to find a hotel"


Shen Tian is walking with Violet on the bustling street but he felt her is tugging his cloth.

"what is it Violet?" Shen Tian couldn't help but stop.

Violet stares at him innocently but she is pointing at something behind him.

"this little girl have been following us since we left the ramen shop..."

"eh?" Shen Tian turn his head and see a expressionless little girl with a long black hair, she is wearing a gothic dress that made her little stomach and breast being expose but her chest is covered by black bandage's that is shaped into (X).

'little girl in gothic dress...

black bandage's...

cute expressionless face...'

The first thing came to Shen Tian mind when he see this girl is "Game Over"



Kid_Speechcreators' thoughts